
506 lines
17 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import traceback
import six
import web
from nailgun.api.v1.handlers.base import BaseHandler
from nailgun.api.v1.handlers.base import handle_errors
from nailgun.api.v1.handlers.base import serialize
from nailgun.api.v1.handlers.base import validate
from nailgun.api.v1.validators.cluster import ProvisionSelectedNodesValidator
from nailgun.api.v1.validators.node import DeploySelectedNodesValidator
from nailgun.api.v1.validators.node import NodeDeploymentValidator
from nailgun.api.v1.validators.node import NodesFilterValidator
from nailgun.api.v1.validators.orchestrator_graph import \
from nailgun.logger import logger
from nailgun import consts
from nailgun import errors
from nailgun import objects
from nailgun import utils
from nailgun.orchestrator import deployment_serializers
from nailgun.orchestrator import graph_visualization
from nailgun.orchestrator import orchestrator_graph
from nailgun.orchestrator import provisioning_serializers
from nailgun.orchestrator.stages import post_deployment_serialize
from nailgun.orchestrator.stages import pre_deployment_serialize
from nailgun.orchestrator import task_based_deployment
from nailgun.task.helpers import TaskHelper
from nailgun.task import manager
from nailgun.task import task
class NodesFilterMixin(object):
validator = NodesFilterValidator
def get_default_nodes(self, cluster):
"""Method should be overriden and return list of nodes"""
raise NotImplementedError('Please Implement this method')
def get_nodes(self, cluster):
"""If nodes selected in filter then return them
else return default nodes
nodes = self.get_param_as_set('nodes', default=[])
if not nodes:
return self.get_default_nodes(cluster) or []
node_ids = self.checked_data(data=nodes)
nodes_obj = self.get_objects_list_or_404(
data=nodes_obj, cluster=cluster)
return nodes_obj
class DefaultOrchestratorInfo(NodesFilterMixin, BaseHandler):
"""Base class for default orchestrator data
Need to redefine serializer variable
def GET(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: JSONized default data which will be passed to orchestrator
:http: * 200 (OK)
* 400 (some nodes belong to different cluster or not assigned)
* 404 (cluster not found in db)
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
nodes = self.get_nodes(cluster)
return self._serialize(cluster, nodes)
def _serialize(self, cluster, nodes):
raise NotImplementedError('Override the method')
def get_default_nodes(self, cluster):
return objects.Cluster.get_nodes_not_for_deletion(cluster)
class OrchestratorInfo(BaseHandler):
"""Base class for replaced data."""
def get_orchestrator_info(self, cluster):
"""Method should return data which will be passed to orchestrator"""
raise NotImplementedError('Please Implement this method')
def update_orchestrator_info(self, cluster, data):
"""Method should override data which will be passed to orchestrator"""
raise NotImplementedError('Please Implement this method')
def GET(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: JSONized data which will be passed to orchestrator
:http: * 200 (OK)
* 404 (cluster not found in db)
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
return self.get_orchestrator_info(cluster)
def PUT(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: JSONized data which will be passed to orchestrator
:http: * 200 (OK)
* 400 (wrong data specified)
* 404 (cluster not found in db)
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
data = self.checked_data()
self.update_orchestrator_info(cluster, data)
' facts for cluster_id {0} were uploaded'
return data
def DELETE(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: {}
:http: * 202 (orchestrator data deletion process launched)
* 400 (failed to execute orchestrator data deletion process)
* 404 (cluster not found in db)
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
self.update_orchestrator_info(cluster, {})
raise self.http(202, '{}')
class DefaultProvisioningInfo(DefaultOrchestratorInfo):
def _serialize(self, cluster, nodes):
return provisioning_serializers.serialize(
cluster, nodes, ignore_customized=True)
class DefaultDeploymentInfo(DefaultOrchestratorInfo):
def _serialize(self, cluster, nodes):
if objects.Release.is_lcm_supported(cluster.release):
serialized = deployment_serializers.serialize_for_lcm(
cluster, nodes, ignore_customized=True
graph = orchestrator_graph.AstuteGraph(cluster)
serialized = deployment_serializers.serialize(
graph, cluster, nodes, ignore_customized=True)
return _deployment_info_in_compatible_format(serialized)
class DefaultPrePluginsHooksInfo(DefaultOrchestratorInfo):
def _serialize(self, cluster, nodes):
if objects.Release.is_lcm_supported(cluster.release):
raise self.http(
405, msg="The plugin hooks are not supported anymore."
graph = orchestrator_graph.AstuteGraph(cluster)
return pre_deployment_serialize(graph, cluster, nodes)
class DefaultPostPluginsHooksInfo(DefaultOrchestratorInfo):
def _serialize(self, cluster, nodes):
if objects.Release.is_lcm_supported(cluster.release):
raise self.http(
405, msg="The plugin hooks are not supported anymore."
graph = orchestrator_graph.AstuteGraph(cluster)
return post_deployment_serialize(graph, cluster, nodes)
class ProvisioningInfo(OrchestratorInfo):
def get_orchestrator_info(self, cluster):
return objects.Cluster.get_provisioning_info(cluster)
def update_orchestrator_info(self, cluster, data):
return objects.Cluster.replace_provisioning_info(cluster, data)
class DeploymentInfo(OrchestratorInfo):
def get_orchestrator_info(self, cluster):
return _deployment_info_in_compatible_format(
def update_orchestrator_info(self, cluster, data):
if isinstance(data, list):
# FIXME(bgaifullin) need to update fuelclient
# use uid common to determine cluster attributes
nodes = {n['uid']: n for n in data if 'uid' in n}
custom_info = {
'common': nodes.pop('common', {}),
'nodes': nodes
custom_info = data
return _deployment_info_in_compatible_format(
objects.Cluster.replace_deployment_info(cluster, custom_info)
class RunMixin(object):
"""Provides dry_run or noop_run parameters."""
def get_dry_run(self):
return utils.parse_bool(web.input(dry_run='0').dry_run)
def get_noop_run(self):
return utils.parse_bool(web.input(noop_run='0').noop_run)
class SelectedNodesBase(NodesFilterMixin, BaseHandler):
"""Base class for running task manager on selected nodes."""
def handle_task(self, cluster, **kwargs):
nodes = self.get_nodes(cluster)
task_manager = self.task_manager(
task = task_manager.execute(nodes, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
u'Cannot execute %s task nodes: %s',
task_manager.__class__.__name__, traceback.format_exc())
raise self.http(400, msg=six.text_type(exc))
def PUT(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: JSONized Task object.
:http: * 200 (task successfully executed)
* 202 (task scheduled for execution)
* 400 (data validation failed)
* 404 (cluster or nodes not found in db)
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
return self.handle_task(cluster)
class ProvisionSelectedNodes(SelectedNodesBase):
"""Handler for provisioning selected nodes."""
validator = ProvisionSelectedNodesValidator
task_manager = manager.ProvisioningTaskManager
def get_default_nodes(self, cluster):
return TaskHelper.nodes_to_provision(cluster)
def PUT(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: JSONized Task object.
:http: * 200 (task successfully executed)
* 202 (task scheduled for execution)
* 400 (data validation failed)
* 404 (cluster or nodes not found in db)
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
# actually, there is no data in http body. the only reason why
# we use it here is to follow dry rule and do not convert exceptions
# into http status codes again.
self.checked_data(self.validator.validate_provision, cluster=cluster)
return self.handle_task(cluster)
class BaseDeploySelectedNodes(SelectedNodesBase):
validator = DeploySelectedNodesValidator
task_manager = manager.DeploymentTaskManager
def get_default_nodes(self, cluster):
return TaskHelper.nodes_to_deploy(cluster)
def get_graph_type(self):
return web.input(graph_type=None).graph_type or None
def get_nodes(self, cluster):
nodes_to_deploy = super(
BaseDeploySelectedNodes, self).get_nodes(cluster)
self.validate(cluster, nodes_to_deploy, self.get_graph_type())
return nodes_to_deploy
def validate(self, cluster, nodes_to_deploy, graph_type=None):
nodes=nodes_to_deploy, cluster_id=cluster.id)
self.checked_data(self.validator.validate_release, cluster=cluster,
class DeploySelectedNodes(BaseDeploySelectedNodes, RunMixin):
"""Handler for deployment selected nodes."""
def PUT(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: JSONized Task object.
:http: * 200 (task successfully executed)
* 202 (task scheduled for execution)
* 400 (data validation failed)
* 404 (cluster or nodes not found in db)
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
force = utils.parse_bool(web.input(force='0').force)
return self.handle_task(
class DeploySelectedNodesWithTasks(BaseDeploySelectedNodes, RunMixin):
validator = NodeDeploymentValidator
def PUT(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: JSONized Task object.
:http: * 200 (task successfully executed)
* 202 (task scheduled for execution)
* 400 (data validation failed)
* 404 (cluster or nodes not found in db)
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
force = utils.parse_bool(web.input(force='0').force)
data = self.checked_data(
return self.handle_task(
class TaskDeployGraph(BaseHandler):
validator = GraphSolverVisualizationValidator
def GET(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: DOT representation of deployment graph.
:http: * 200 (graph returned)
* 404 (cluster not found in db)
* 400 (failed to get graph)
web.header('Content-Type', 'text/vnd.graphviz', unique=True)
graph_type = web.input(graph_type=None).graph_type or None
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
tasks = objects.Cluster.get_deployment_tasks(cluster, graph_type)
graph = orchestrator_graph.GraphSolver(tasks)
tasks = self.get_param_as_set('tasks', default=[])
parents_for = web.input(parents_for=None).parents_for
remove = self.get_param_as_set('remove')
if tasks:
tasks = self.checked_data(
logger.debug('Tasks used in dot graph %s', tasks)
if parents_for:
parents_for = self.checked_data(
logger.debug('Graph with predecessors for %s', parents_for)
if remove:
remove = list(remove)
remove = self.checked_data(
logger.debug('Types to remove %s', remove)
visualization = graph_visualization.GraphVisualization(graph)
dotgraph = visualization.get_dotgraph(tasks=tasks,
return dotgraph.to_string()
class SerializedTasksHandler(NodesFilterMixin, BaseHandler):
def get_default_nodes(self, cluster):
if objects.Release.is_lcm_supported(cluster.release):
return objects.Cluster.get_nodes_not_for_deletion(cluster).all()
return TaskHelper.nodes_to_deploy(cluster)
def GET(self, cluster_id):
""":returns: serialized tasks in json format
:http: * 200 (serialized tasks returned)
* 400 (task based deployment is not allowed for cluster)
* 400 (some nodes belong to different cluster or not assigned)
* 404 (cluster is not found)
* 404 (nodes are not found)
cluster = self.get_object_or_404(objects.Cluster, cluster_id)
nodes = self.get_nodes(cluster)
graph_type = web.input(graph_type=None).graph_type or None
task_ids = self.get_param_as_set('tasks')
if objects.Release.is_lcm_supported(cluster.release):
# in order to do not repeat quite complex logic, we create
# a temporary task (transaction) instance and pass it to
# task_deploy serializer.
transaction = objects.Transaction.model(
name=consts.TASK_NAMES.deployment, cluster=cluster)
rv = task.ClusterTransaction.task_deploy(
objects.Cluster.get_deployment_tasks(cluster, graph_type),
return rv
# for old clusters we have to fallback to old serializers
serialized_tasks = task_based_deployment.TasksSerializer.serialize(
objects.Cluster.get_deployment_tasks(cluster, graph_type),
return {'tasks_directory': serialized_tasks[0],
'tasks_graph': serialized_tasks[1]}
except errors.TaskBaseDeploymentNotAllowed as exc:
raise self.http(400, msg=six.text_type(exc))
def _deployment_info_in_compatible_format(depoyment_info):
# FIXME(bgaifullin) need to update fuelclient
# uid 'common' because fuelclient expects list of dicts, where
# each dict contains field 'uid', which will be used as name of file
data = depoyment_info.get('nodes', [])
common = depoyment_info.get('common')
if common:
data.append(dict(common, uid='common'))
return data