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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Deployment serializers for orchestrator"""
from netaddr import IPNetwork
from sqlalchemy import and_
from nailgun.api.models import NetworkGroup
from nailgun.api.models import Node
from nailgun.db import db
from nailgun.errors import errors
from nailgun.logger import logger
from nailgun.network.manager import NetworkManager
from nailgun.network.neutron import NeutronManager
from nailgun.settings import settings
from nailgun.task.helpers import TaskHelper
from nailgun.volumes import manager as VolumeManager
class Priority(object):
"""Node with priority 0 will be deployed first.
We have step equal 100 because we want to allow
user redefine deployment order and he can use free space
between prioriries.
def __init__(self):
self.step = 100
self.priority = 0
def next(self):
self.priority += self.step
return self.priority
def current(self):
return self.priority
class DeploymentMultiSerializer(object):
def serialize(cls, cluster, nodes):
"""Method generates facts which
through an orchestrator passes to puppet
nodes = cls.serialize_nodes(nodes)
common_attrs = cls.get_common_attrs(cluster)
[cls.deep_merge(node, common_attrs) for node in nodes]
return nodes
def deep_merge(custom, common):
for key, value in common.iteritems():
if key in custom and isinstance(custom[key], dict):
elif key not in custom:
custom[key] = value
def get_all_nodes(cluster):
"""All clusters nodes except nodes for deletion."""
return db().query(Node).filter(
and_(Node.cluster == cluster,
False == Node.pending_deletion)).order_by(Node.id)
def get_common_attrs(cls, cluster):
"""Cluster attributes."""
attrs = cluster.attributes.merged_attrs_values()
attrs['deployment_mode'] = cluster.mode
attrs['deployment_id'] = cluster.id
attrs['nodes'] = cls.node_list(cls.get_all_nodes(cluster))
for node in attrs['nodes']:
if node['role'] in 'cinder':
attrs['use_cinder'] = True
NetworkDeploymentSerializer.update_common_attrs(cluster, attrs)
return attrs
def node_list(cls, nodes):
"""Generate nodes list. Represents
as "nodes" parameter in facts.
node_list = []
for node in nodes:
for role in node.all_roles:
'uid': node.uid,
'fqdn': node.fqdn,
'name': TaskHelper.make_slave_name(node.id),
'role': role})
return node_list
def by_role(cls, nodes, role):
return filter(lambda node: node['role'] == role, nodes)
def not_roles(cls, nodes, roles):
return filter(lambda node: node['role'] not in roles, nodes)
def set_deployment_priorities(cls, nodes):
"""Set priorities of deployment."""
prior = Priority()
for n in cls.by_role(nodes, 'controller'):
n['priority'] = prior.next
other_nodes_prior = prior.next
for n in cls.not_roles(nodes, 'controller'):
n['priority'] = other_nodes_prior
def serialize_nodes(cls, nodes):
"""Serialize node for each role.
For example if node has two roles then
in orchestrator will be passed two serialized
serialized_nodes = []
for node in nodes:
for role in node.all_roles:
serialized_nodes.append(cls.serialize_node(node, role))
return serialized_nodes
def serialize_node(cls, node, role):
"""Serialize node, then it will be
merged with common attributes
node_attrs = {
# Yes, uid is really should be a string
'uid': node.uid,
'fqdn': node.fqdn,
'status': node.status,
'role': role,
'glance': {
'image_cache_max_size': VolumeManager.calc_glance_cache_size(
# TODO (eli): need to remove, requried
# for fucking fake thread only
'online': node.online
return node_attrs
class DeploymentHASerializer(DeploymentMultiSerializer):
"""Serializer for ha mode."""
def serialize(cls, cluster, nodes):
serialized_nodes = super(
).serialize(cluster, nodes)
return serialized_nodes
def set_primary_controller(cls, nodes):
"""Set primary controller for the first controller
node if it not set yet
sorted_nodes = sorted(
nodes, key=lambda node: int(node['uid']))
primary_controller = cls.filter_by_roles(
sorted_nodes, ['primary-controller'])
if not primary_controller:
controllers = cls.filter_by_roles(
sorted_nodes, ['controller'])
if controllers:
controllers[0]['role'] = 'primary-controller'
def get_last_controller(cls, nodes):
sorted_nodes = sorted(
nodes, key=lambda node: int(node['uid']))
controller_nodes = cls.filter_by_roles(
sorted_nodes, ['controller', 'primary-controller'])
return {'last_controller': controller_nodes[-1]['name']}
def node_list(cls, nodes):
"""Node list
node_list = super(
for node in node_list:
node['swift_zone'] = node['uid']
return node_list
def get_common_attrs(cls, cluster):
"""Common attributes for all facts
common_attrs = super(
netmanager = cluster.network_manager()
nw_metadata = cluster.release.networks_metadata[cluster.net_provider]
for ng in nw_metadata["networks"]:
if ng.get("assign_vip"):
common_attrs[ng['name'] + '_vip'] = netmanager.assign_vip(
cluster.id, ng['name'])
common_attrs['mp'] = [
{'point': '1', 'weight': '1'},
{'point': '2', 'weight': '2'}]
sorted_nodes = sorted(
common_attrs['nodes'], key=lambda node: int(node['uid']))
controller_nodes = cls.filter_by_roles(
sorted_nodes, ['controller', 'primary-controller'])
common_attrs['last_controller'] = controller_nodes[-1]['name']
# Assign primary controller in nodes list
return common_attrs
def filter_by_roles(cls, nodes, roles):
return filter(
lambda node: node['role'] in roles, nodes)
def set_deployment_priorities(cls, nodes):
"""Set priorities of deployment for HA mode."""
prior = Priority()
primary_swift_proxy_piror = prior.next
for n in cls.by_role(nodes, 'primary-swift-proxy'):
n['priority'] = primary_swift_proxy_piror
swift_proxy_prior = prior.next
for n in cls.by_role(nodes, 'swift-proxy'):
n['priority'] = swift_proxy_prior
storage_prior = prior.next
for n in cls.by_role(nodes, 'storage'):
n['priority'] = storage_prior
# Deploy primary-controller
for n in cls.by_role(nodes, 'primary-controller'):
n['priority'] = prior.next
# Then deploy other controllers one by one
for n in cls.by_role(nodes, 'controller'):
n['priority'] = prior.next
other_nodes_prior = prior.next
for n in cls.not_roles(nodes, ['primary-swift-proxy',
n['priority'] = other_nodes_prior
class NetworkDeploymentSerializer(object):
def update_common_attrs(cls, cluster, attrs):
"""Cluster network attributes."""
attrs.update({'master_ip': settings.MASTER_IP})
# Addresses
for node in DeploymentMultiSerializer.get_all_nodes(cluster):
netw_data = node.network_data
addresses = {
'internal_address': cls.get_addr(netw_data,
'internal_netmask': cls.get_addr(netw_data,
'storage_address': cls.get_addr(netw_data,
'storage_netmask': cls.get_addr(netw_data,
'public_address': cls.get_addr(netw_data,
'public_netmask': cls.get_addr(netw_data,
[n.update(addresses) for n in attrs['nodes']
if n['uid'] == node.uid]
def node_attrs(cls, node):
"""Node network attributes."""
cluster = node.cluster
return cls.get_net_provider_serializer(cluster).\
network_node_attrs(cluster, node)
def get_net_provider_serializer(cls, cluster):
if cluster.net_provider == 'nova_network':
return NovaNetworkDeploymentSerializer
return NeutronNetworkDeploymentSerializer
def network_ranges(cls, cluster):
"""Returns ranges for network groups
except range for public network
ng_db = db().query(NetworkGroup).filter_by(cluster_id=cluster.id).all()
attrs = {}
for net in ng_db:
net_name = net.name + '_network_range'
if net.name == 'floating':
attrs[net_name] = cls.get_ip_ranges_first_last(net)
# We shouldn't pass public_network_range attribute
elif net.name != 'public' and net.cidr:
attrs[net_name] = net.cidr
return attrs
def get_ip_ranges_first_last(cls, network_group):
"""Get all ip ranges in "" format
return [
"{0}-{1}".format(ip_range.first, ip_range.last)
for ip_range in network_group.ip_ranges
def get_addr(cls, network_data, name):
"""Get addr for network by name
nets = filter(
lambda net: net['name'] == name,
if not nets or 'ip' not in nets[0]:
raise errors.CanNotFindNetworkForNode(
'Cannot find network with name: %s' % name)
net = nets[0]['ip']
return {
'ip': str(IPNetwork(net).ip),
'netmask': str(IPNetwork(net).netmask)
def get_admin_ip(node):
"""Getting admin ip and assign prefix from admin network."""
network_manager = NetworkManager()
admin_ip = network_manager.get_admin_ips_for_interfaces(
admin_ip = IPNetwork(admin_ip)
# Assign prefix from admin network
admin_net = IPNetwork(network_manager.get_admin_network().cidr)
admin_ip.prefixlen = admin_net.prefixlen
return str(admin_ip)
class NovaNetworkDeploymentSerializer(object):
def network_cluster_attrs(cls, cluster):
return {'novanetwork_parameters': cls.novanetwork_attrs(cluster),
'dns_nameservers': cluster.dns_nameservers}
def network_node_attrs(cls, cluster, node):
network_data = node.network_data
interfaces = cls.configure_interfaces(node)
cls.__add_hw_interfaces(interfaces, node.meta['interfaces'])
# Interfaces assingment
attrs = {'network_data': interfaces}
if cluster.net_manager == 'VlanManager':
return attrs
def novanetwork_attrs(cls, cluster):
"""Network configuration
attrs = {'network_manager': cluster.net_manager}
fixed_net = db().query(NetworkGroup).filter_by(
# network_size is required for all managers, otherwise
# puppet will use default (255)
attrs['network_size'] = fixed_net.network_size
if attrs['network_manager'] == 'VlanManager':
attrs['num_networks'] = fixed_net.amount
attrs['vlan_start'] = fixed_net.vlan_start
return attrs
def add_vlan_interfaces(cls, node):
"""Assign fixed_interfaces and vlan_interface.
They should be equal.
fixed_interface = NetworkManager()._get_interface_by_network_name(
node.id, 'fixed')
attrs = {'fixed_interface': fixed_interface.name,
'vlan_interface': fixed_interface.name}
return attrs
def configure_interfaces(cls, node):
"""Configure interfaces
network_data = node.network_data
interfaces = {}
for network in network_data:
network_name = network['name']
# floating and public are on the same interface
# so, just skip floating
if network_name == 'floating':
name = cls.__make_interface_name(network.get('dev'),
interfaces.setdefault(name, {'interface': name, 'ipaddr': []})
interface = interfaces[name]
if network.get('ip'):
# Add gateway for public
if network_name == 'admin':
admin_ip_addr = NetworkDeploymentSerializer.get_admin_ip(node)
elif network_name == 'public' and network.get('gateway'):
interface['gateway'] = network['gateway']
if len(interface['ipaddr']) == 0:
interface['ipaddr'] = 'none'
interfaces['lo'] = {'interface': 'lo', 'ipaddr': ['']}
return interfaces
def __make_interface_name(cls, name, vlan):
"""Make interface name
if name and vlan:
return '.'.join([name, str(vlan)])
return name
def __add_hw_interfaces(cls, interfaces, hw_interfaces):
"""Add interfaces which not represents in
interfaces list but they are represented on node
for hw_interface in hw_interfaces:
if hw_interface['name'] not in interfaces:
interfaces[hw_interface['name']] = {
'interface': hw_interface['name'],
'ipaddr': "none"
def interfaces_list(cls, network_data):
"""Generate list of interfaces
interfaces = {}
for network in network_data:
interfaces['%s_interface' % network['name']] = \
return interfaces
class NeutronNetworkDeploymentSerializer(object):
def network_cluster_attrs(cls, cluster):
"""Cluster attributes."""
attrs = {'quantum': True,
'quantum_settings': cls.neutron_attrs(cluster)}
if cluster.mode == 'multinode':
nm = NeutronManager()
for node in cluster.nodes:
if cls._node_has_role_by_name(node, 'controller'):
mgmt_cidr = nm.get_node_network_by_netname(
attrs['management_vip'] = mgmt_cidr.split('/')[0]
return attrs
def network_node_attrs(cls, cluster, node):
"""Serialize node, then it will be
merged with common attributes
node_attrs = {'network_scheme': cls.generate_network_scheme(node)}
return node_attrs
def _node_has_role_by_name(cls, node, rolename):
if rolename in node.pending_roles or rolename in node.roles:
return True
return False
def neutron_attrs(cls, cluster):
"""Network configuration for Neutron
attrs = {}
neutron_config = cluster.neutron_config
attrs['L3'] = neutron_config.L3 or {
'use_namespaces': True
attrs['L2'] = neutron_config.L2
attrs['L2']['segmentation_type'] = neutron_config.segmentation_type
join_range = lambda r: (":".join(map(str, r)) if r else None)
for net, net_conf in attrs['L2']['phys_nets'].iteritems():
net_conf['vlan_range'] = join_range(
attrs['L2']['phys_nets'][net] = net_conf
if attrs['L2'].get('tunnel_id_ranges'):
attrs['L2']['tunnel_id_ranges'] = join_range(
attrs['predefined_networks'] = neutron_config.predefined_networks
nets_l2_configs = {
"net04_ext": {
"network_type": "flat",
"segment_id": None,
"router_ext": True,
"physnet": "physnet1"
"net04": {
"network_type": cluster.net_segment_type,
"segment_id": None,
"router_ext": False,
"physnet": "physnet2"
pub = filter(lambda ng: ng.name == 'public', cluster.network_groups)[0]
for net, net_conf in attrs['predefined_networks'].iteritems():
cidr = net_conf["L3"].pop("cidr")
net_conf["L3"]["subnet"] = pub.cidr if net == "net04_ext" else cidr
net_conf["L3"]["gateway"] = str(
net_conf["L3"]["floating"] = join_range(
enable_dhcp = False if net == "net04_ext" else True
net_conf['L3']['enable_dhcp'] = enable_dhcp
net_conf["L2"] = nets_l2_configs[net]
net_conf['tenant'] = 'admin'
net_conf["shared"] = False
attrs['predefined_networks'][net] = net_conf
if cluster.release.operating_system == 'RHEL':
if 'amqp' not in attrs:
attrs['amqp'] = {}
elif not isinstance(attrs.get('amqp'), dict):
# FIXME Raise some meaningful exception.
attrs['amqp']['provider'] = 'qpid-rh'
return attrs
def generate_network_scheme(cls, node):
# Create a data structure and fill it with static values.
attrs = {
'version': '1.0',
'provider': 'ovs',
'interfaces': {}, # It's a list of physical interfaces.
'endpoints': {
'br-storage': {},
'br-ex': {},
'br-mgmt': {},
# There should be an endpoint for a fw-admin network.
'roles': {
'ex': 'br-ex',
'management': 'br-mgmt',
'storage': 'br-storage',
'fw-admin': ''
'transformations': []
# Add bridges for networks.
for brname in ('br-ex', 'br-mgmt', 'br-storage', 'br-prv'):
'action': 'add-br',
'name': brname
# Add a dynamic data to a structure.
# Fill up interfaces and add bridges for them.
for iface in node.interfaces:
attrs['interfaces'][iface.name] = {}
if iface.name == node.admin_interface.name:
# A physical interface for the FuelWeb admin network should
# not be used through bridge. Directly only.
'action': 'add-br',
'name': 'br-%s' % iface.name
'action': 'add-port',
'bridge': 'br-%s' % iface.name,
'name': iface.name
nm = NetworkManager()
# Populate IP address information to endpoints.
netgroup_mapping = [
('storage', 'br-storage'),
('public', 'br-ex'),
('management', 'br-mgmt')
netgroups = {}
for ngname, brname in netgroup_mapping:
# Here we get a dict with network description for this particular
# node with its assigned IPs and device names for each network.
netgroup = nm.get_node_network_by_netname(node.id, ngname)
attrs['endpoints'][brname]['IP'] = [netgroup['ip']]
netgroups[ngname] = netgroup
attrs['endpoints']['br-ex']['gateway'] = netgroups['public']['gateway']
# Connect interface bridges to network bridges.
for ngname, brname in netgroup_mapping:
netgroup = nm.get_node_network_by_netname(node.id, ngname)
if not netgroup['vlan']:
# Untagged network.
'action': 'add-patch',
'bridges': ['br-%s' % netgroup['dev'], brname],
'trunks': [0]
elif netgroup['vlan'] > 1:
# Tagged network.
'action': 'add-patch',
'bridges': ['br-%s' % netgroup['dev'], brname],
'tags': [netgroup['vlan'], 0]
# FIXME! Should raise some exception I think.
logger.error('Invalid vlan for network: %s' % str(netgroup))
# Dance around Neutron segmentation type.
if node.cluster.net_segment_type == 'vlan':
attrs['endpoints']['br-prv'] = {'IP': 'none'}
attrs['roles']['private'] = 'br-prv'
'action': 'add-patch',
'bridges': [
'br-%s' % nm.get_node_interface_by_netname(
elif node.cluster.net_segment_type == 'gre':
attrs['roles']['mesh'] = 'br-mgmt'
# FIXME! Should raise some exception I think.
'Invalid Neutron segmentation type: %s' %
# Fill up all about fuelweb-admin network.
attrs['endpoints'][node.admin_interface.name] = {
"IP": [NetworkDeploymentSerializer.get_admin_ip(node)]
attrs['roles']['fw-admin'] = node.admin_interface.name
return attrs
def serialize(cluster, nodes):
"""Serialization depends on deployment mode
if cluster.mode == 'multinode':
serializer = DeploymentMultiSerializer
elif cluster.is_ha_mode:
serializer = DeploymentHASerializer
return serializer.serialize(cluster, nodes)