#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2011 OpenStack, LLC # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ This is the administration program for Glance. It is simply a command-line interface for adding, modifying, and retrieving information about the images stored in one or more Glance nodes. """ import functools import gettext import optparse import os import re import sys import time # If ../glance/__init__.py exists, add ../ to Python search path, so that # it will override what happens to be installed in /usr/(local/)lib/python... possible_topdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir, os.pardir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(possible_topdir, 'glance', '__init__.py')): sys.path.insert(0, possible_topdir) gettext.install('glance', unicode=1) from glance import client as glance_client from glance import version from glance.common import exception from glance.common import utils as common_utils from glance import utils SUCCESS = 0 FAILURE = 1 #TODO(sirp): make more of the actions use this decorator def catch_error(action): """Decorator to provide sensible default error handling for actions.""" def wrap(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) return SUCCESS if ret is None else ret except Exception, e: print "Failed to %s. Got error:" % action pieces = unicode(e).split('\n') for piece in pieces: print piece return FAILURE return wrapper return wrap def get_percent_done(image): try: pct_done = image['size'] * 100 / int(image['expected_size']) except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError): # NOTE(sirp): Ignore if expected_size isn't a number, or if it's 0 pct_done = "UNKNOWN" return pct_done def get_image_fields_from_args(args): """ Validate the set of arguments passed as field name/value pairs and return them as a mapping. """ fields = {} for arg in args: pieces = arg.strip(',').split('=') if len(pieces) != 2: msg = ("Arguments should be in the form of field=value. " "You specified %s." % arg) raise RuntimeError(msg) fields[pieces[0]] = pieces[1] fields = dict([(k.lower().replace('-', '_'), v) for k, v in fields.items()]) return fields def get_image_filters_from_args(args): """Build a dictionary of query filters based on the supplied args.""" try: fields = get_image_fields_from_args(args) except RuntimeError, e: print e return FAILURE SUPPORTED_FILTERS = ['name', 'disk_format', 'container_format', 'status', 'size_min', 'size_max'] filters = {} for (key, value) in fields.items(): if key not in SUPPORTED_FILTERS: key = 'property-%s' % (key,) filters[key] = value return filters def print_image_formatted(client, image): """ Formatted print of image metadata. :param client: The Glance client object :param image: The image metadata """ print "URI: %s://%s/images/%s" % (client.use_ssl and "https" or "http", client.host, image['id']) print "Id: %s" % image['id'] print "Public: " + (image['is_public'] and "Yes" or "No") print "Name: %s" % image['name'] print "Status: %s" % image['status'] print "Size: %d" % int(image['size']) print "Location: %s" % image['location'] print "Disk format: %s" % image['disk_format'] print "Container format: %s" % image['container_format'] if len(image['properties']) > 0: for k, v in image['properties'].items(): print "Property '%s': %s" % (k, v) def image_add(options, args): """ %(prog)s add [options] [ < /path/to/image ] Adds a new image to Glance. Specify metadata fields as arguments. SPECIFYING IMAGE METADATA =============================================================================== All field/value pairs are converted into a mapping that is passed to Glance that represents the metadata for an image. Field names of note: id Optional. If not specified, an image identifier will be automatically assigned. name Required. A name for the image. size Optional. Should be size in bytes of the image if specified. is_public Optional. If specified, interpreted as a boolean value and sets or unsets the image's availability to the public. The default value is False. disk_format Optional. Possible values are 'vhd','vmdk','raw', 'qcow2', and 'ami'. Default value is 'raw'. container_format Optional. Possible values are 'ovf' and 'ami'. Default value is 'ovf'. location Optional. When specified, should be a readable location in the form of a URI: $STORE://LOCATION. For example, if the image data is stored in a file on the local filesystem at /usr/share/images/some.image.tar.gz you would specify: location=file:///usr/share/images/some.image.tar.gz Any other field names are considered to be custom properties so be careful to spell field names correctly. :) STREAMING IMAGE DATA =============================================================================== If the location field is not specified, you can stream an image file on the command line using standard redirection. For example: %(prog)s add name="Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 5GB" < /tmp/images/myimage.tar.gz EXAMPLES =============================================================================== %(prog)s add name="My Image" disk_format=raw container_format=ovf \\ location=http://images.ubuntu.org/images/lucid-10.04-i686.iso \\ distro="Ubuntu 10.04 LTS" %(prog)s add name="My Image" distro="Ubuntu 10.04 LTS" < /tmp/myimage.iso""" c = get_client(options) try: fields = get_image_fields_from_args(args) except RuntimeError, e: print e return FAILURE if 'name' not in fields.keys(): print "Please specify a name for the image using name=VALUE" return FAILURE image_meta = {'name': fields.pop('name'), 'is_public': common_utils.bool_from_string( fields.pop('is_public', False)), 'disk_format': fields.pop('disk_format', 'raw'), 'container_format': fields.pop('container_format', 'ovf')} # Strip any args that are not supported unsupported_fields = ['status'] for field in unsupported_fields: if field in fields.keys(): print 'Found non-settable field %s. Removing.' % field fields.pop(field) if 'location' in fields.keys(): image_meta['location'] = fields.pop('location') # We need either a location or image data/stream to add... image_location = image_meta.get('location') image_data = None if not image_location: # Grab the image data stream from stdin or redirect, # otherwise error out image_data = sys.stdin else: # Ensure no image data has been given if not sys.stdin.isatty(): print "Either supply a location=LOCATION argument or supply image " print "data via a redirect. You have supplied BOTH image data " print "AND a location." return FAILURE # Add custom attributes, which are all the arguments remaining image_meta['properties'] = fields if not options.dry_run: try: image_meta = c.add_image(image_meta, image_data) image_id = image_meta['id'] print "Added new image with ID: %s" % image_id if options.verbose: print "Returned the following metadata for the new image:" for k, v in sorted(image_meta.items()): print " %(k)30s => %(v)s" % locals() except exception.ClientConnectionError, e: host = options.host port = options.port print ("Failed to connect to the Glance API server " "%(host)s:%(port)d. Is the server running?" % locals()) if options.verbose: pieces = unicode(e).split('\n') for piece in pieces: print piece return FAILURE except Exception, e: print "Failed to add image. Got error:" pieces = unicode(e).split('\n') for piece in pieces: print piece print ("Note: Your image metadata may still be in the registry, " "but the image's status will likely be 'killed'.") return FAILURE else: print "Dry run. We would have done the following:" print "Add new image with metadata:" for k, v in sorted(image_meta.items()): print " %(k)30s => %(v)s" % locals() return SUCCESS def image_update(options, args): """ %(prog)s update [options] Updates an image's metadata in Glance. Specify metadata fields as arguments. Metadata fields that are not specified in the update command will be deleted. All field/value pairs are converted into a mapping that is passed to Glance that represents the metadata for an image. Field names that can be specified: name A name for the image. location The location of the image. is_public If specified, interpreted as a boolean value and sets or unsets the image's availability to the public. disk_format Format of the disk image container_format Format of the container All other field names are considered to be custom properties so be careful to spell field names correctly. :)""" c = get_client(options) try: image_id = args.pop(0) except IndexError: print "Please specify the ID of the image you wish to update " print "as the first argument" return FAILURE try: fields = get_image_fields_from_args(args) except RuntimeError, e: print e return FAILURE image_meta = {} # Strip any args that are not supported nonmodifiable_fields = ['created_on', 'deleted_on', 'deleted', 'updated_on', 'size', 'status'] for field in nonmodifiable_fields: if field in fields.keys(): print 'Found non-modifiable field %s. Removing.' % field fields.pop(field) base_image_fields = ['disk_format', 'container_format', 'name', 'location'] for field in base_image_fields: fvalue = fields.pop(field, None) if fvalue: image_meta[field] = fvalue # Have to handle "boolean" values specially... if 'is_public' in fields: image_meta['is_public'] = common_utils.bool_from_string( fields.pop('is_public')) # Add custom attributes, which are all the arguments remaining image_meta['properties'] = fields if not options.dry_run: try: image_meta = c.update_image(image_id, image_meta=image_meta) print "Updated image %s" % image_id if options.verbose: print "Updated image metadata for image %s:" % image_id print_image_formatted(c, image_meta) except exception.NotFound: print "No image with ID %s was found" % image_id return FAILURE except Exception, e: print "Failed to update image. Got error:" pieces = unicode(e).split('\n') for piece in pieces: print piece return FAILURE else: print "Dry run. We would have done the following:" print "Update existing image with metadata:" for k, v in sorted(image_meta.items()): print " %(k)30s => %(v)s" % locals() return SUCCESS def image_delete(options, args): """ %(prog)s delete [options] Deletes an image from Glance""" try: image_id = args.pop() except IndexError: print "Please specify the ID of the image you wish to delete " print "as the first argument" return FAILURE if not options.force and \ not user_confirm("Delete image %s?" % (image_id,), default=False): print 'Not deleting image %s' % (image_id,) return FAILURE c = get_client(options) try: c.delete_image(image_id) print "Deleted image %s" % image_id return SUCCESS except exception.NotFound: print "No image with ID %s was found" % image_id return FAILURE def image_show(options, args): """ %(prog)s show [options] Shows image metadata for an image in Glance""" c = get_client(options) try: if len(args) > 0: image_id = args[0] else: print "Please specify the image identifier as the " print "first argument. Example: " print "$> glance-admin show 12345" return FAILURE image = c.get_image_meta(image_id) print_image_formatted(c, image) return SUCCESS except exception.NotFound: print "No image with ID %s was found" % image_id return FAILURE except Exception, e: print "Failed to show image. Got error:" pieces = unicode(e).split('\n') for piece in pieces: print piece return FAILURE def _images_index(client, filters, limit, print_header=False, **kwargs): """Driver function for images_index""" parameters = { "filters": filters, "limit": limit, } optional_kwargs = ['marker', 'sort_key', 'sort_dir'] for kwarg in optional_kwargs: if kwarg in kwargs: parameters[kwarg] = kwargs[kwarg] images = client.get_images(**parameters) if not images: return SUCCESS pretty_table = utils.PrettyTable() pretty_table.add_column(16, label="ID") pretty_table.add_column(30, label="Name") pretty_table.add_column(20, label="Disk Format") pretty_table.add_column(20, label="Container Format") pretty_table.add_column(14, label="Size", just="r") if print_header: print pretty_table.make_header() for image in images: print pretty_table.make_row(image['id'], image['name'], image['disk_format'], image['container_format'], image['size']) if not options.force and len(images) == limit and \ not user_confirm("Fetch next page?", True): return SUCCESS parameters['marker'] = images[-1]['id'] return _images_index(client, **parameters) @catch_error('show index') def images_index(options, args): """ %(prog)s index [options] Returns basic information for all public images a Glance server knows about. Provided fields are handled as query filters. Supported filters include 'name', 'disk_format', 'container_format', 'status', 'size_min', and 'size_max.' Any extra fields are treated as image metadata properties""" client = get_client(options) filters = get_image_filters_from_args(args) limit = options.limit marker = options.marker sort_key = options.sort_key sort_dir = options.sort_dir return _images_index(client, filters, limit, marker=marker, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir, print_header=True) def _images_details(client, filters, limit, print_header=False, **kwargs): """Driver function for images_details""" parameters = { "filters": filters, "limit": limit, } optional_kwargs = ['marker', 'sort_key', 'sort_dir'] for kwarg in optional_kwargs: if kwarg in kwargs: parameters[kwarg] = kwargs[kwarg] images = client.get_images_detailed(**parameters) if len(images) == 0: return SUCCESS if print_header: print "=" * 80 for image in images: print_image_formatted(client, image) print "=" * 80 if not options.force and len(images) == limit and \ not user_confirm("Fetch next page?", True): return SUCCESS parameters["marker"] = images[-1]['id'] return _images_details(client, **parameters) @catch_error('show details') def images_details(options, args): """ %(prog)s details [options] Returns detailed information for all public images a Glance server knows about. Provided fields are handled as query filters. Supported filters include 'name', 'disk_format', 'container_format', 'status', 'size_min', and 'size_max.' Any extra fields are treated as image metadata properties""" client = get_client(options) filters = get_image_filters_from_args(args) limit = options.limit marker = options.marker sort_key = options.sort_key sort_dir = options.sort_dir return _images_details(client, filters, limit, marker=marker, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir, print_header=True) def images_clear(options, args): """ %(prog)s clear [options] Deletes all images from a Glance server""" if not options.force and \ not user_confirm("Delete all images?", default=False): print 'Not deleting any images' return FAILURE c = get_client(options) images = c.get_images() for image in images: if options.verbose: print 'Deleting image %s "%s" ...' % (image['id'], image['name']), try: c.delete_image(image['id']) if options.verbose: print 'done' except Exception, e: print 'Failed to delete image %s' % image['id'] print e return FAILURE return SUCCESS @catch_error('show cached images') def cache_index(options, args): """ %(prog)s cache-index [options] List all images currently cached""" client = get_client(options) images = client.get_cached_images() if not images: print "No cached images." return SUCCESS print "Found %d cached images..." % len(images) pretty_table = utils.PrettyTable() pretty_table.add_column(16, label="ID") pretty_table.add_column(30, label="Name") pretty_table.add_column(19, label="Last Accessed (UTC)") # 1 TB takes 13 characters to display: len(str(2**40)) == 13 pretty_table.add_column(14, label="Size", just="r") pretty_table.add_column(10, label="Hits", just="r") print pretty_table.make_header() for image in images: print pretty_table.make_row( image['id'], image['name'], image['last_accessed'], image['size'], image['hits']) @catch_error('show invalid cache images') def cache_invalid(options, args): """ %(prog)s cache-invalid [options] List current invalid cache images""" client = get_client(options) images = client.get_invalid_cached_images() if not images: print "No invalid cached images." return SUCCESS print "Found %d invalid cached images..." % len(images) pretty_table = utils.PrettyTable() pretty_table.add_column(16, label="ID") pretty_table.add_column(30, label="Name") pretty_table.add_column(30, label="Error") pretty_table.add_column(19, label="Last Modified (UTC)") # 1 TB takes 13 characters to display: len(str(2**40)) == 13 pretty_table.add_column(14, label="Size", just="r") pretty_table.add_column(14, label="Expected Size", just="r") pretty_table.add_column(7, label="% Done", just="r") print pretty_table.make_header() for image in images: print pretty_table.make_row( image['id'], image['name'], image['error'], image['last_accessed'], image['size'], image['expected_size'], get_percent_done(image)) @catch_error('show incomplete cache images') def cache_incomplete(options, args): """ %(prog)s cache-incomplete [options] List images currently being fetched""" client = get_client(options) images = client.get_incomplete_cached_images() if not images: print "No incomplete cached images." return SUCCESS print "Found %d incomplete cached images..." % len(images) pretty_table = utils.PrettyTable() pretty_table.add_column(16, label="ID") pretty_table.add_column(30, label="Name") pretty_table.add_column(19, label="Last Modified (UTC)") # 1 TB takes 13 characters to display: len(str(2**40)) == 13 pretty_table.add_column(14, label="Size", just="r") pretty_table.add_column(14, label="Expected Size", just="r") pretty_table.add_column(7, label="% Done", just="r") print pretty_table.make_header() for image in images: print pretty_table.make_row( image['id'], image['name'], image['last_modified'], image['size'], image['expected_size'], get_percent_done(image)) @catch_error('purge the specified cached image') def cache_purge(options, args): """ %(prog)s cache-purge [options] Purges an image from the cache""" try: image_id = args.pop() except IndexError: print "Please specify the ID of the image you wish to purge " print "from the cache as the first argument" return FAILURE if not options.force and \ not user_confirm("Purge cached image %s?" % (image_id,), default=False): print 'Not purging cached image %s' % (image_id,) return FAILURE client = get_client(options) client.purge_cached_image(image_id) if options.verbose: print "done" @catch_error('clear all cached images') def cache_clear(options, args): """ %(prog)s cache-clear [options] Removes all images from the cache""" if not options.force and \ not user_confirm("Clear all cached images?", default=False): print 'Not purging any cached images.' return FAILURE client = get_client(options) num_purged = client.clear_cached_images() if options.verbose: print "Purged %(num_purged)s cached images" % locals() @catch_error('reap invalid images') def cache_reap_invalid(options, args): """ %(prog)s cache-reap-invalid [options] Reaps any invalid images that were left for debugging purposes""" if not options.force and \ not user_confirm("Reap all invalid cached images?", default=False): print 'Not reaping any invalid cached images.' return FAILURE client = get_client(options) num_reaped = client.reap_invalid_cached_images() if options.verbose: print "Reaped %(num_reaped)s invalid cached images" % locals() @catch_error('reap stalled images') def cache_reap_stalled(options, args): """ %(prog)s cache-reap-stalled [options] Reaps any stalled incomplete images""" if not options.force and \ not user_confirm("Reap all stalled cached images?", default=False): print 'Not reaping any stalled cached images.' return FAILURE client = get_client(options) num_reaped = client.reap_stalled_cached_images() if options.verbose: print "Reaped %(num_reaped)s stalled cached images" % locals() @catch_error('prefetch the specified cached image') def cache_prefetch(options, args): """ %(prog)s cache-prefetch [options] Pre-fetch an image or list of images into the cache""" image_ids = args if not image_ids: print "Please specify the ID or a list of image IDs of the images "\ "you wish to " print "prefetch from the cache as the first argument" return FAILURE client = get_client(options) for image_id in image_ids: if options.verbose: print "Prefetching image '%s'" % image_id try: client.prefetch_cache_image(image_id) except exception.NotFound: print "No image with ID %s was found" % image_id continue if options.verbose: print "done" @catch_error('show prefetching images') def cache_prefetching(options, args): """ %(prog)s cache-prefetching [options] List images that are being prefetched""" client = get_client(options) images = client.get_prefetching_cache_images() if not images: print "No images being prefetched." return SUCCESS print "Found %d images being prefetched..." % len(images) pretty_table = utils.PrettyTable() pretty_table.add_column(16, label="ID") pretty_table.add_column(30, label="Name") pretty_table.add_column(19, label="Last Accessed (UTC)") pretty_table.add_column(10, label="Status", just="r") print pretty_table.make_header() for image in images: print pretty_table.make_row( image['id'], image['name'], image['last_accessed'], image['status']) def get_client(options): """ Returns a new client object to a Glance server specified by the --host and --port options supplied to the CLI """ return glance_client.Client(host=options.host, port=options.port) def create_options(parser): """ Sets up the CLI and config-file options that may be parsed and program commands. :param parser: The option parser """ parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action="store_true", help="Print more verbose output") parser.add_option('-H', '--host', metavar="ADDRESS", default="", help="Address of Glance API host. " "Default: %default") parser.add_option('-p', '--port', dest="port", metavar="PORT", type=int, default=9292, help="Port the Glance API host listens on. " "Default: %default") parser.add_option('--limit', dest="limit", metavar="LIMIT", default=10, type="int", help="Page size to use while " "requesting image metadata") parser.add_option('--marker', dest="marker", metavar="MARKER", default=None, help="Image index after which to " "begin pagination") parser.add_option('--sort_key', dest="sort_key", metavar="KEY", help="Sort results by this image attribute.") parser.add_option('--sort_dir', dest="sort_dir", metavar="[desc|asc]", help="Sort results in this direction.") parser.add_option('-f', '--force', dest="force", metavar="FORCE", default=False, action="store_true", help="Prevent select actions from requesting " "user confirmation") parser.add_option('--dry-run', default=False, action="store_true", help="Don't actually execute the command, just print " "output showing what WOULD happen.") def parse_options(parser, cli_args): """ Returns the parsed CLI options, command to run and its arguments, merged with any same-named options found in a configuration file :param parser: The option parser """ if not cli_args: cli_args.append('-h') # Show options in usage output... (options, args) = parser.parse_args(cli_args) # HACK(sirp): Make the parser available to the print_help method # print_help is a command, so it only accepts (options, args); we could # one-off have it take (parser, options, args), however, for now, I think # this little hack will suffice options.__parser = parser if not args: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(0) command_name = args.pop(0) command = lookup_command(parser, command_name) return (options, command, args) def print_help(options, args): """ Print help specific to a command """ if len(args) != 1: sys.exit("Please specify a command") parser = options.__parser command_name = args.pop() command = lookup_command(parser, command_name) print command.__doc__ % {'prog': os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])} def lookup_command(parser, command_name): BASE_COMMANDS = {'help': print_help} IMAGE_COMMANDS = { 'add': image_add, 'update': image_update, 'delete': image_delete, 'index': images_index, 'details': images_details, 'show': image_show, 'clear': images_clear} CACHE_COMMANDS = { 'cache-index': cache_index, 'cache-invalid': cache_invalid, 'cache-incomplete': cache_incomplete, 'cache-prefetching': cache_prefetching, 'cache-prefetch': cache_prefetch, 'cache-purge': cache_purge, 'cache-clear': cache_clear, 'cache-reap-invalid': cache_reap_invalid, 'cache-reap-stalled': cache_reap_stalled} commands = {} for command_set in (BASE_COMMANDS, IMAGE_COMMANDS, CACHE_COMMANDS): commands.update(command_set) try: command = commands[command_name] except KeyError: parser.print_usage() sys.exit("Unknown command: %s" % command_name) return command def user_confirm(prompt, default=False): """ Yes/No question dialog with user. :param prompt: question/statement to present to user (string) :param default: boolean value to return if empty string is received as response to prompt """ if default: prompt_default = "[Y/n]" else: prompt_default = "[y/N]" answer = raw_input("%s %s " % (prompt, prompt_default)) if answer == "": return default else: return answer.lower() in ("yes", "y") if __name__ == '__main__': usage = """ %prog [options] [args] Commands: help Output help for one of the commands below add Adds a new image to Glance update Updates an image's metadata in Glance delete Deletes an image from Glance index Return brief information about images in Glance details Return detailed information about images in Glance show Show detailed information about an image in Glance clear Removes all images and metadata from Glance Cache Commands: cache-index List all images currently cached cache-invalid List current invalid cache images cache-incomplete List images currently being fetched cache-prefetching List images that are being prefetched cache-prefetch Pre-fetch an image or list of images into the cache cache-purge Purges an image from the cache cache-clear Removes all images from the cache cache-reap-invalid Reaps any invalid images that were left for debugging purposes cache-reap-stalled Reaps any stalled incomplete images """ oparser = optparse.OptionParser(version='%%prog %s' % version.version_string(), usage=usage.strip()) create_options(oparser) (options, command, args) = parse_options(oparser, sys.argv[1:]) try: start_time = time.time() result = command(options, args) end_time = time.time() if options.verbose: print "Completed in %-0.4f sec." % (end_time - start_time) sys.exit(result) except (RuntimeError, NotImplementedError), e: print "ERROR: ", e