# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ This migration handles migrating encrypted image location values from the unquoted form to the quoted form. If 'metadata_encryption_key' is specified in the config then this migration performs the following steps for every entry in the images table: 1. Decrypt the location value with the metadata_encryption_key 2. Changes the value to its quoted form 3. Encrypts the new value with the metadata_encryption_key 4. Inserts the new value back into the row Fixes bug #1081043 """ import types # noqa import urllib import urlparse from oslo.config import cfg import sqlalchemy from glance.common import crypt from glance.common import exception import glance.openstack.common.log as logging import glance.store.swift # noqa LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.import_opt('metadata_encryption_key', 'glance.common.config') def upgrade(migrate_engine): migrate_location_credentials(migrate_engine, to_quoted=True) def downgrade(migrate_engine): migrate_location_credentials(migrate_engine, to_quoted=False) def migrate_location_credentials(migrate_engine, to_quoted): """ Migrate location credentials for encrypted swift uri's between the quoted and unquoted forms. :param migrate_engine: The configured db engine :param to_quoted: If True, migrate location credentials from unquoted to quoted form. If False, do the reverse. """ if not CONF.metadata_encryption_key: msg = _("'metadata_encryption_key' was not specified in the config" " file or a config file was not specified. This means that" " this migration is a NOOP.") LOG.info(msg) return meta = sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData() meta.bind = migrate_engine images_table = sqlalchemy.Table('images', meta, autoload=True) images = list(images_table.select().execute()) for image in images: try: fixed_uri = fix_uri_credentials(image['location'], to_quoted, image['id']) images_table.update()\ .where(images_table.c.id == image['id'])\ .values(location=fixed_uri).execute() except exception.Invalid: msg = _("Failed to decrypt location value for image %s") LOG.warn(msg % image['id']) def decrypt_location(uri): return crypt.urlsafe_decrypt(CONF.metadata_encryption_key, uri) def encrypt_location(uri): return crypt.urlsafe_encrypt(CONF.metadata_encryption_key, uri, 64) def fix_uri_credentials(uri, to_quoted, image_id): """ Fix the given uri's embedded credentials by round-tripping with StoreLocation. If to_quoted is True, the uri is assumed to have credentials that have not been quoted, and the resulting uri will contain quoted credentials. If to_quoted is False, the uri is assumed to have credentials that have been quoted, and the resulting uri will contain credentials that have not been quoted. """ if not uri: return try: decrypted_uri = decrypt_location(uri) #NOTE (ameade): If a uri is not encrypted or incorrectly encoded then we # we raise an exception. except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise exception.Invalid(str(e)) return legacy_parse_uri(decrypted_uri, to_quoted, image_id) def legacy_parse_uri(uri, to_quote, image_id): """ Parse URLs. This method fixes an issue where credentials specified in the URL are interpreted differently in Python 2.6.1+ than prior versions of Python. It also deals with the peculiarity that new-style Swift URIs have where a username can contain a ':', like so: swift://account:user:pass@authurl.com/container/obj If to_quoted is True, the uri is assumed to have credentials that have not been quoted, and the resulting uri will contain quoted credentials. If to_quoted is False, the uri is assumed to have credentials that have been quoted, and the resulting uri will contain credentials that have not been quoted. """ # Make sure that URIs that contain multiple schemes, such as: # swift://user:pass@http://authurl.com/v1/container/obj # are immediately rejected. if uri.count('://') != 1: reason = _("URI cannot contain more than one occurrence of a scheme." "If you have specified a URI like " "swift://user:pass@http://authurl.com/v1/container/obj" ", you need to change it to use the swift+http:// scheme, " "like so: " "swift+http://user:pass@authurl.com/v1/container/obj") LOG.error(_("Invalid store uri for image %s: %s") % (image_id, reason)) raise exception.BadStoreUri(message=reason) pieces = urlparse.urlparse(uri) assert pieces.scheme in ('swift', 'swift+http', 'swift+https') scheme = pieces.scheme netloc = pieces.netloc path = pieces.path.lstrip('/') if netloc != '': # > Python 2.6.1 if '@' in netloc: creds, netloc = netloc.split('@') else: creds = None else: # Python 2.6.1 compat # see lp659445 and Python issue7904 if '@' in path: creds, path = path.split('@') else: creds = None netloc = path[0:path.find('/')].strip('/') path = path[path.find('/'):].strip('/') if creds: cred_parts = creds.split(':') # User can be account:user, in which case cred_parts[0:2] will be # the account and user. Combine them into a single username of # account:user if to_quote: if len(cred_parts) == 1: reason = (_("Badly formed credentials '%(creds)s' in Swift " "URI") % locals()) LOG.error(reason) raise exception.BadStoreUri() elif len(cred_parts) == 3: user = ':'.join(cred_parts[0:2]) else: user = cred_parts[0] key = cred_parts[-1] user = user key = key else: if len(cred_parts) != 2: reason = (_("Badly formed credentials in Swift URI.")) LOG.debug(reason) raise exception.BadStoreUri() user, key = cred_parts user = urllib.unquote(user) key = urllib.unquote(key) else: user = None key = None path_parts = path.split('/') try: obj = path_parts.pop() container = path_parts.pop() if not netloc.startswith('http'): # push hostname back into the remaining to build full authurl path_parts.insert(0, netloc) auth_or_store_url = '/'.join(path_parts) except IndexError: reason = _("Badly formed S3 URI: %s") % uri LOG.error(message=reason) raise exception.BadStoreUri() if auth_or_store_url.startswith('http://'): auth_or_store_url = auth_or_store_url[len('http://'):] elif auth_or_store_url.startswith('https://'): auth_or_store_url = auth_or_store_url[len('https://'):] credstring = '' if user and key: if to_quote: quote_user = urllib.quote(user) quote_key = urllib.quote(key) else: quote_user = user quote_key = key credstring = '%s:%s@' % (quote_user, quote_key) auth_or_store_url = auth_or_store_url.strip('/') container = container.strip('/') obj = obj.strip('/') uri = '%s://%s%s/%s/%s' % (scheme, credstring, auth_or_store_url, container, obj) return encrypt_location(uri)