Brian Rosmaita 33e6b01642 Migrate legacy jobs to project repository
Brings the legacy functional test jobs into the project repository,
rewritten for zuul3.  The base functional test class has been refactored
to use clouds.yaml, and the functional-swift test has been refactored
to use keystoneauth1.  The devstack hooks have been removed as they
are not necessary with zuul3.

Needed-By: I2a5ff2ee29e2fb8a730406f9f0e6a450b96c85b8
Needed-By: I96600383c072e6d2926f5ff5b6a51057e53d35fd
Change-Id: Iecea4375d1c4832b020b542ca4188b02444325ca
2018-02-19 17:08:54 +00:00
filesystem Split functional tests apart 2016-07-01 16:54:48 +00:00
swift Migrate legacy jobs to project repository 2018-02-19 17:08:54 +00:00
README.rst Migrate legacy jobs to project repository 2018-02-19 17:08:54 +00:00 Add base for functional tests 2016-02-18 17:02:14 +00:00 Migrate legacy jobs to project repository 2018-02-19 17:08:54 +00:00


glance_store functional testing

Writing functional tests for glance_store

The functional tests verify glance_store against a "live" backend. The tests are isolated so that a development environment doesn't have to all the backends available, just the particular backend whose driver the developer is working on.

To add tests for a driver:

  1. Create a new module in glance_store/tests/functional with the driver name.
  2. Create a submodule test_functional_{driver-name} containing a class that inherits from glance_store.tests.functional.BaseFunctionalTests. The actual tests are in the BaseFunctionalTests class. The test classes for each driver do any extra setup/teardown necessary for that particular driver. (The idea is that all the backends should be able to pass the same tests.)
  3. Add a testenv to tox.ini named functional-{driver-name} so that tox can run the tests for your driver. (Use the other functional testenvs as examples.)
  4. If your driver is well-supported by devstack, it shouldn't be too hard to set up a gate job for the functional tests in .zuul.yaml. (Use the other jobs defined in that file as examples.)


The functional tests have been designed to work well with devstack so that we can run them in the gate. Thus the tests expect to find a yaml file containing valid credentials just like the clouds.yaml file created by devstack in the /etc/openstack directory. The test code knows where to find it, so if you're using devstack, you should be all set.

If you are not using devstack you should create a yaml file with the following format:

      password: example
      project_domain_id: default
      project_name: admin
      user_domain_id: default
      username: admin
    identity_api_version: '3'
    region_name: RegionOne
    volume_api_version: '2'

The clouds.yaml format allows for a set of credentials to be defined for each named cloud. By default, the tests will use the credentials for the cloud named devstack-admin (that's the cloud shown in the example above). You can change which cloud is read from clouds.yaml by exporting the environment variable OS_TEST_GLANCE_STORE_FUNC_TEST_CLOUD set to the name of the cloud you want used.

Where to put clouds.yaml

The tests will look for a file named clouds.yaml in the following locations (in this order, first found wins):

  • current directory
  • ~/.config/openstack
  • /etc/openstack

You may also set the environment variable OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE to the absolute pathname of a file and that location will be inserted at the front of the search list.