=========================== Community-wide Goal Tools =========================== To use the tools, run ``tox -e venv --notest`` to create a virtualenv with all of the dependencies. The tools will then be installed into ``.tox/venv/bin`` and can be run directly from there or via ``tox -e venv -- COMMAND_NAME``. who-helped ========== ``who-helped`` is a tool for looking at the contributor statistics for a set of patches. python3-first ============= ``python3-first`` is the parent command for a set of tools for implementing the `python3-first goal `_. The ``jobs extract`` sub-command reads the Zuul configuration from the ``openstack/project-config`` repository and then for a given repository and branch prints the set of job definitions that should be copied into that branch of that project. .. code-block:: console $ git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/project-config $ git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/goal-tools $ cd goal-tools $ tox -e venv -- python3-first jobs extract --project-config ../project-config \ openstack-dev/devstack stable/queens The ``jobs retain`` sub-command reads the same Zuul configuration data and prints the settings that need to stay in ``openstack/project-config``. .. code-block:: console $ tox -e venv -- python3-first jobs retain --project-config ../project-config \ openstack-dev/devstack Use the ``-v`` option to python3-first to see debug information on stderr (allowing stdout to be redirected to a file safely).