#!/usr/bin/env bash # ``upgrade-swift`` echo "*********************************************************************" echo "Begin $0" echo "*********************************************************************" # Clean up any resources that may be in use cleanup() { set +o errexit echo "*********************************************************************" echo "ERROR: Abort $0" echo "*********************************************************************" # Kill ourselves to signal any calling process trap 2; kill -2 $$ } trap cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM # Keep track of the grenade directory RUN_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Source params source $GRENADE_DIR/grenaderc # Import common functions source $GRENADE_DIR/functions # This script exits on an error so that errors don't compound and you see # only the first error that occurred. set -o errexit # Upgrade Swift # ============= source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/stackrc FILES=$TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/files source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/apache source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/tls source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/keystone source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/swift #Set OS_AUTH_URL as it is needed during start_swift when tempurls are enabled source $BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR/userrc_early # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following allowing as the install occurs. set -o xtrace # Save current config files for posterity [[ -d $SAVE_DIR/etc.swift ]] || cp -pr $SWIFT_CONF_DIR $SAVE_DIR/etc.swift cp -pr /etc/rsyncd.conf $SAVE_DIR # install_swift() stack_install_service swift # calls upgrade-swift for specific release upgrade_project swift $RUN_DIR $BASE_DEVSTACK_BRANCH $TARGET_DEVSTACK_BRANCH # Simulate swift_init() # Create cache dir USER_GROUP=$(id -g) sudo mkdir -p ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/{drives,cache,run,logs} sudo chown -R $USER:${USER_GROUP} ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR} # Mount backing disk if ! egrep -q ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/sdb1 /proc/mounts; then sudo mount -t xfs -o nouuid,loop,noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 \ ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/images/swift.img ${SWIFT_DATA_DIR}/drives/sdb1 fi # Start Swift start_swift # Don't succeed unless the services come up ensure_services_started s-object s-proxy # If we're in python3 for the overall grenade, swift itself is still # using python2 and installed the openstackclient, clobbering the # python3 version. We need to put it back before moving on. Because # openstackclient is explicitly listed as python3 supported, this # does "the right thing". # TODO(cdent): Remove this when swift is part of ENABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES. pip_install python-openstackclient set +o xtrace echo "*********************************************************************" echo "SUCCESS: End $0" echo "*********************************************************************"