.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ======================= Implement Zun resources ======================= https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/heat-plugin-zun This Blueprint proposes to add support for Zun resources. Problem description =================== Zun is a container management service that is currently not supported by Heat. Resources will be added to Heat to support: * Container, an application container Proposed change =============== Zun resources will be added to zun directory in heat/engine/resources/openstack/zun/** Zun client plugin will be added for communication with Zun, which has his own requirements. Following resources will be added: * Add the following resource plugin: * OS::Zun::Container resource * name -type: string -required: false -update_allowed * image -type: string -required: true * command -type: string -required: false * cpu -type: int -required: false -update_allowed * memory -type: string -required: false -update_allowed * environment -type: map -required: false -default: {} * workdir -type: string -required: false * labels -type: map -required: false -default: {} * image_pull_policy -type: string -required: false -choices: [never, always, ifnotpresent] * restart_policy -type: string -required: false * interactive -type: boolean -required: false -default: false Alternatives ------------ None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: Milestones ---------- Pike Work Items ---------- * Implement Zun client plugin for Heat * Add Container to resources Dependencies ============ None