[buildout] parts = django glance-git openstack-compute openstackx develop = . versions = versions [versions] django = 1.3 # the following are for glance-dependencies eventlet = 0.9.12 greenlet = 0.3.1 pep8 = 0.5.0 sqlalchemy = 0.6.3 sqlalchemy-migrate = 0.6 webob = 1.0.8 [dependencies] # dependencies that are found locally ${buildout:directory}/module # or can be fetched from pypi recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = django-mailer httplib2 python-cloudfiles coverage interpreter = python # glance doesn't have a client, and installing # from bzr doesn't install deps [glance-dependencies] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = PasteDeploy anyjson argparse eventlet greenlet paste pep8 routes sqlalchemy sqlalchemy-migrate webob xattr interpreter = python [django-openstack] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = django-openstack interpreter = python [django] # defines settings for django # any dependencies that cannot be satisifed via the dependencies # recipe above will need to be added to the extra-paths here. # IE, dependencies fetch from a git repo will not auto-populate # like the zc.recipe.egg ones will recipe = djangorecipe project = django_openstack projectegg = django_openstack settings = tests test = django_openstack eggs = ${dependencies:eggs} ${django-openstack:eggs} ${glance-dependencies:eggs} extra-paths = ${buildout:directory}/parts/openstack-compute ${buildout:directory}/parts/openstackx ${buildout:directory}/parts/python-novaclient ## Dependencies fetch from git # git dependencies end up as a subdirectory of ${buildout:directory}/parts/ [openstack-compute] recipe = zerokspot.recipe.git repository = git://github.com/jacobian/openstack.compute.git as_egg = True [openstackx] recipe = zerokspot.recipe.git repository = git://github.com/cloudbuilders/openstackx.git as_egg = True [python-novaclient] recipe = zerokspot.recipe.git repository = git://github.com/rackspace/python-novaclient.git as_egg = True ## Dependencies fetched from git [glance-git] recipe = zerokspot.recipe.git repository = https://review.openstack.org/p/openstack/glance.git branch=stable/diablo as_egg = True ## Dependencies fetch from other bzr locations #[bzrdeps] #recipe = bazaarrecipe #urls = # https://launchpad.net/~hudson-openstack/glance/trunk/ glance