# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from django.conf import settings from django import template from django.template import defaultfilters as filters from django import urls from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from horizon import tables from horizon.utils import filters as utils_filters from openstack_dashboard import api SERVICE_ENABLED = "enabled" SERVICE_DISABLED = "disabled" SERVICE_STATUS_DISPLAY_CHOICES = ( (SERVICE_ENABLED, _("Enabled")), (SERVICE_DISABLED, _("Disabled")), ) SERVICE_STATE_DISPLAY_CHOICES = ( ('up', _("Up")), ('down', _("Down")), ) class ServiceFilterAction(tables.FilterAction): filter_field = 'type' def filter(self, table, services, filter_string): q = filter_string.lower() def comp(service): attr = getattr(service, self.filter_field, '') if attr is not None and q in attr.lower(): return True return False return filter(comp, services) class SubServiceFilterAction(ServiceFilterAction): filter_field = 'binary' def show_endpoints(datanum): if 'endpoints' in datanum: template_name = 'admin/info/_cell_endpoints_v2.html' context = None if (len(datanum['endpoints']) > 0 and "publicURL" in datanum['endpoints'][0]): context = datanum['endpoints'][0] else: # this is a keystone v3 version of endpoints template_name = 'admin/info/_cell_endpoints_v3.html' context = {'endpoints': datanum['endpoints']} return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context) return None class ServicesTable(tables.DataTable): id = tables.Column('id', hidden=True) name = tables.Column("name", verbose_name=_('Name')) service_type = tables.Column('type', verbose_name=_('Service')) region = tables.Column('region', verbose_name=_('Region')) endpoints = tables.Column(show_endpoints, verbose_name=_('Endpoints')) def get_object_id(self, datum): # this method is need b/c the parent impl does not handle dicts return datum.get('id') class Meta(object): name = "services" verbose_name = _("Services") table_actions = (ServiceFilterAction,) multi_select = False def get_available(zone): return zone.zoneState['available'] def get_agent_status(agent): template_name = 'admin/info/_cell_status.html' context = { 'status': agent.status, 'disabled_reason': agent.disabled_reason } return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context) class NovaServicesTable(tables.DataTable): binary = tables.Column("binary", verbose_name=_('Name')) host = tables.Column('host', verbose_name=_('Host')) zone = tables.Column('zone', verbose_name=_('Zone')) status = tables.Column(get_agent_status, verbose_name=_('Status')) state = tables.Column('state', verbose_name=_('State'), display_choices=SERVICE_STATE_DISPLAY_CHOICES) updated_at = tables.Column('updated_at', verbose_name=pgettext_lazy( 'Time since the last update', u'Last Updated'), filters=(utils_filters.parse_isotime, filters.timesince)) def get_object_id(self, obj): return "%s-%s-%s" % (obj.binary, obj.host, obj.zone) class Meta(object): name = "nova_services" verbose_name = _("Compute Services") table_actions = (SubServiceFilterAction,) multi_select = False class CinderServicesTable(tables.DataTable): binary = tables.Column("binary", verbose_name=_('Name')) host = tables.Column('host', verbose_name=_('Host')) zone = tables.Column('zone', verbose_name=_('Zone')) status = tables.Column(get_agent_status, verbose_name=_('Status')) state = tables.Column('state', verbose_name=_('State'), display_choices=SERVICE_STATE_DISPLAY_CHOICES) updated_at = tables.Column('updated_at', verbose_name=pgettext_lazy( 'Time since the last update', u'Last Updated'), filters=(utils_filters.parse_isotime, filters.timesince)) def get_object_id(self, obj): return "%s-%s-%s" % (obj.binary, obj.host, obj.zone) class Meta(object): name = "cinder_services" verbose_name = _("Block Storage Services") table_actions = (SubServiceFilterAction,) multi_select = False class NetworkAgentsFilterAction(tables.FilterAction): def filter(self, table, agents, filter_string): q = filter_string.lower() def comp(agent): if q in agent.agent_type.lower(): return True return False return filter(comp, agents) def get_network_agent_zone(agent): if agent.availability_zone: return agent.availability_zone return _('-') def get_network_agent_status(agent): if agent.admin_state_up: return _('Enabled') return _('Disabled') def get_network_agent_state(agent): if agent.alive: return _('Up') return _('Down') class NetworkL3AgentRoutersLinkAction(tables.LinkAction): name = "l3_agent_router_link" verbose_name = _("View Routers") def allowed(self, request, datum): network_config = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK', {}) if not network_config.get('enable_router', True): return False # Determine whether this action is allowed for the current request. return datum.agent_type == "L3 agent" def get_link_url(self, datum=None): obj_id = datum.id return urls.reverse("horizon:admin:routers:l3_agent_list", args=(obj_id,)) class NetworkAgentsTable(tables.DataTable): agent_type = tables.Column('agent_type', verbose_name=_('Type')) binary = tables.Column("binary", verbose_name=_('Name')) host = tables.Column('host', verbose_name=_('Host')) zone = tables.Column(get_network_agent_zone, verbose_name=_('Zone')) status = tables.Column(get_network_agent_status, verbose_name=_('Status')) state = tables.Column(get_network_agent_state, verbose_name=_('State')) heartbeat_timestamp = tables.Column('heartbeat_timestamp', verbose_name=pgettext_lazy( 'Time since the last update', u'Last Updated'), filters=(utils_filters.parse_isotime, filters.timesince)) def __init__(self, request, data=None, needs_form_wrapper=None, **kwargs): super(NetworkAgentsTable, self).__init__( request, data=data, needs_form_wrapper=needs_form_wrapper, **kwargs) availability_zone_supported = api.neutron.is_extension_supported( request, "availability_zone") if not availability_zone_supported: del self.columns["zone"] def get_object_id(self, obj): return "%s-%s" % (obj.binary, obj.host) class Meta(object): name = "network_agents" verbose_name = _("Network Agents") table_actions = (NetworkAgentsFilterAction, ) row_actions = (NetworkL3AgentRoutersLinkAction, ) multi_select = False