
546 lines
19 KiB

/* Namespace for core functionality related to Forms. */
horizon.forms = {
handle_snapshot_source: function() {
$("div.table_wrapper, #modal_wrapper").on("change", "select#id_snapshot_source", function() {
var $option = $(this).find("option:selected");
var $form = $(this).closest('form');
var $volName = $form.find('input#id_name');
if ($volName.val() === "") {
var $volSize = $form.find('input#id_size');
var volSize = parseInt($volSize.val(), 10) || -1;
var dataSize = parseInt($option.data("size"), 10) || -1;
if (volSize < dataSize) {
handle_volume_source: function() {
$("div.table_wrapper, #modal_wrapper").on("change", "select#id_volume_source", function() {
var $option = $(this).find("option:selected");
var $form = $(this).closest('form');
var $volName = $form.find('input#id_name');
if ($volName.val() === "") {
var $volSize = $form.find('input#id_size');
var volSize = parseInt($volSize.val(), 10) || -1;
var dataSize = parseInt($option.data("size"), 10) || -1;
if (volSize < dataSize) {
handle_image_source: function() {
$("div.table_wrapper, #modal_wrapper").on("change", "select#id_image_source", function() {
var $option = $(this).find("option:selected");
var $form = $(this).closest('form');
var $volName = $form.find('input#id_name');
if ($volName.val() === "") {
var $volSize = $form.find('input#id_size');
var volSize = parseInt($volSize.val(), 10) || -1;
var dataSize = parseInt($option.data("size"), 10) || -1;
var minDiskSize = parseInt($option.data("min_disk"), 10) || -1;
var defaultVolSize = dataSize;
if (minDiskSize > defaultVolSize) {
defaultVolSize = minDiskSize;
if (volSize < defaultVolSize) {
handle_subnet_address_source: function() {
$("div.table_wrapper, #modal_wrapper").on("change", "select#id_address_source", function() {
var $option = $(this).find("option:selected");
var $form = $(this).closest("form");
var $ipVersion = $form.find("select#id_ip_version");
if ($option.val() == "subnetpool") {
$ipVersion.attr("disabled", "disabled");
} else {
handle_subnet_subnetpool: function() {
$("div.table_wrapper, #modal_wrapper").on("change", "select#id_subnetpool", function() {
var $option = $(this).find("option:selected");
var $form = $(this).closest("form");
var $ipVersion = $form.find("select#id_ip_version");
var $prefixLength = $form.find("select#id_prefixlen");
var subnetpoolIpVersion = parseInt($option.data("ip_version"), 10) || 4;
var minPrefixLen = parseInt($option.data("min_prefixlen"), 10) || 1;
var maxPrefixLen = parseInt($option.data("max_prefixlen"), 10);
var defaultPrefixLen = parseInt($option.data("default_prefixlen"), 10) ||
var optionsAsString = "";
if (!maxPrefixLen) {
if (subnetpoolIpVersion == 4) {
maxPrefixLen = 32;
} else {
maxPrefixLen = 128;
for (i = minPrefixLen; i <= maxPrefixLen; i++) {
optionsAsString += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + i;
if (i == defaultPrefixLen) {
optionsAsString += " (" + gettext("pool default") + ")";
optionsAsString += "</option>";
if (defaultPrefixLen >= 0) {
} else {
* In the container's upload object form, copy the selected file name in the
* object name field if the field is empty. The filename string is stored in
* the input as an attribute "filename". The value is used as comparison to
* compare with the value of the new filename string.
handle_object_upload_source: function() {
$("div.table_wrapper, #modal_wrapper").on("change", "input#id_object_file", function() {
if (typeof($(this).attr("filename")) === 'undefined') {
$(this).attr("filename", "");
var $form = $(this).closest("form");
var $obj_name = $form.find("input#id_name");
var $fullPath = $(this).val();
var $startIndex = ($fullPath.indexOf('\\') >= 0 ? $fullPath.lastIndexOf('\\') : $fullPath.lastIndexOf('/'));
var $filename = $fullPath.substring($startIndex);
if ($filename.indexOf('\\') === 0 || $filename.indexOf('/') === 0) {
$filename = $filename.substring(1);
if (typeof($obj_name.val()) === 'undefined' || $obj_name.val().length < 1 || $(this).attr("filename").localeCompare($obj_name.val()) === 0) {
$(this).attr("filename", $filename);
datepicker: function() {
var startDate = $('input#id_start').datepicker({ language: horizon.datepickerLocale })
.on('changeDate', function(ev) {
if (ev.dates[0].valueOf() > endDate.dates[0].valueOf()) {
var newDate = new Date(ev.dates[0]);
newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + 1);
var endDate = $('input#id_end').datepicker({
language: horizon.datepickerLocale,
startDate: startDate ? startDate.dates[0] : null
}).on('changeDate', function() {
horizon.forms.handle_submit = function (el) {
var $form = $(el).find("form");
$form.submit(function () {
var $this = $(this);
// Disable multiple submissions when launching a form.
var button = $this.find('[type="submit"]');
if (button.hasClass('btn-primary') && !button.hasClass('always-enabled')){
$this.submit(function () {
return false;
button.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// Remove disabled attribute on select fields before submit to get value
// included in POST request.
$this.find('select[disabled="disabled"]').each(function (i, field) {
return true;
horizon.forms.add_password_fields_reveal_buttons = function (el) {
var _change_input_type = function ($input, type) {
* In a perfect world, this function would just do:
* $input.attr('type', type);
* however, Microsoft Internet Explorer exists and we have to support it.
var $new_input = $input.clone();
$new_input.attr('type', type);
return $new_input;
$(el).find('input[type="password"]').each(function (i, input) {
var $input = $(input);
"form-control-feedback fa fa-eye password-icon"
).insertAfter($input).click(function () {
var $icon = $(this);
if ($input.attr('type') === 'password') {
$input = _change_input_type($input, 'text');
} else {
$input = _change_input_type($input, 'password');
horizon.forms.init_themable_select = function ($elem) {
"use strict";
// If not specified, find them all
$elem = $elem || $('body');
// If a jQuery object isn't passed in ... make it one
$elem = $elem instanceof jQuery ? $elem : $($elem);
// Pass in a container OR the themable select itself
$elem = $elem.hasClass('themable-select') ? $elem : $elem.find('.themable-select');
// Update the select value if dropdown value changes
$elem.on('click', 'li a', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $container = $this.closest('.themable-select');
var value = $this.data('selectValue');
// Find select ... if we've searched for it before, then its cached on 'data-select'
var $select = $container.data('mySelect');
if (!$select) {
$select = $container.find('select');
$container.data('mySelect', $select);
// Set the select if necessary
if($select.val() !== value) {
$elem.find('li a[title]').tooltip();
// We need to rebuild the dropdown if the Select html ever
// changes via javascript. Mutation Observers are DOM change
// listeners. http://stackoverflow.com/a/11546242
MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; // eslint-disable-line no-native-reassign
var $targets = $elem.find('select');
for (var ii = 0; ii < $targets.length; ii++) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func
// Will return many mutations for a select box changing,
// we just need the target of one.
var $select = $(mutations[0].target).closest('select');
var $options = $select.find('option');
var list = [];
for (var jj = 0; jj < $options.length; jj++) {
// Cache the jQuery Object
var $thisOption = $($options[jj]);
// Build new list item and anchor tag.
var $list_item = $(document.createElement('li'))
.attr('data-original-index', jj);
var $anchor = $(document.createElement('a'))
.attr('data-select-value', $thisOption.attr('value'));
// Append option text to anchor, then to list item.
list[jj] = $list_item;
// Add the new list to the dropdown.
var config = {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributes: false,
characterData: true
observer.observe($targets[ii], config);
// Update the dropdown if select value changes
$elem.children('select').on('change', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var thisVal = $this.val();
var thisLabel = $this.find('option[value="' + thisVal + '"]').text();
// Go find the title element
var $title = $this.parents('.themable-select').find('.dropdown-title');
// Set dropdown title to first option if the select menu is unset
if (thisLabel === null || thisLabel.length === 0) {
thisLabel = $this.find('option').first().text();
// Update the dropdown-title if necessary.
if (thisLabel !== $title.text()) {
horizon.addInitFunction(horizon.forms.init = function () {
var $body = $('body');
if (!horizon.conf.disable_password_reveal) {
// Bind event handlers to confirm dangerous actions.
// Stops angular form buttons from triggering this event
$body.on("click", "form button:not([ng-click]).btn-danger", function (evt) {
/* Switchable Fields (See Horizon's Forms docs for more information) */
// Single reference
var $document = $(document);
// Bind handler for swapping labels on "switchable" select fields.
$document.on("change", 'select.switchable', function (evt) {
var $fieldset = $(evt.target).closest('fieldset'),
$switchables = $fieldset.find('select.switchable');
$switchables.each(function (index, switchable) {
var $switchable = $(switchable);
var slug = $switchable.data('slug');
var isThemable = $switchable.parent('.themable-select').length > 0;
var visible = isThemable
? $switchable.siblings('.dropdown-toggle').is(':visible')
: $switchable.is(':visible');
var val = $switchable.val();
function handle_switched_field(index, input){
var $input = $(input),
data = $input.data(slug + "-" + val);
if (typeof data === "undefined" || !visible) {
} else {
//If the input is a checkbox no need to replace html for label since it has another structure
if($input.attr('type') !== "checkbox"){
$('label[for=' + $input.attr('id') + ']').html(data);
$fieldset.find('.switched[data-switch-on*="' + slug + '"]').each(handle_switched_field);
$fieldset.siblings().find('.switched[data-switch-on*="' + slug + '"]').each(handle_switched_field);
// Fire off the change event to trigger the proper initial values.
// Queue up the for new modals, too.
horizon.modals.addModalInitFunction(function (modal) {
// Bind handler for swapping labels on "switchable" checkbox input fields.
$document.on("change", 'input.switchable', function (evt) {
var $fieldset = $(evt.target).closest('fieldset'),
$switchables = $fieldset.find('input.switchable');
$switchables.each(function (index, switchable) {
var $switchable = $(switchable),
visible = $switchable.parent().hasClass('themable-checkbox') ? $switchable.siblings('label').is(':visible') : $switchable.is(':visible'),
slug = $switchable.data('slug'),
checked = $switchable.prop('checked'),
hide_on = $switchable.data('hideOnChecked');
// If checkbox is hidden then do not apply any further logic
if (!visible) return;
// If the checkbox has hide-tab attribute then hide/show the tab
if ($switchable.data('hide-tab')){
var hide_tab = String($switchable.data('hide-tab')).split(',');
for (var i = 0, len = hide_tab.length; i < len; i++) {
var tab = $('*[data-target="#'+ hide_tab[i] +'"]').parent();
if(checked == hide_on) {
// If the checkbox is not checked then hide the tab
} else if (!tab.is(':visible')) {
// If the checkbox is checked and the tab is currently hidden then show the tab again
// hide/show button-next or button-final
var $btnfinal = $('.button-final');
if(checked == hide_on) {
$btnfinal.data('show-on-tab', $fieldset.prop('id'));
} else{
function handle_switched_field(index, input){
var $input = $(input);
if (checked != hide_on) {
// Add the required class to form group to show a (*) next to label
if ($input.data('is-required')) {
} else {
if ($input.data('is-required')) {
$fieldset.find('.switched[data-switch-on*="' + slug + '"]').each(handle_switched_field);
$fieldset.siblings().find('.switched[data-switch-on*="' + slug + '"]').each(handle_switched_field);
// Fire off the change event to trigger the proper initial values.
// Queue up the for new modals, too.
horizon.modals.addModalInitFunction(function (modal) {
$document.on('shown.bs.tab', function() {
var $fieldset = $('fieldset.active');
var $btnfinal = $('.button-final');
if ($btnfinal.data('show-on-tab')) {
if ($fieldset.prop('id') == $btnfinal.data('show-on-tab')) {
} else {
// Handle field toggles for the Create Volume source type field
function update_volume_source_displayed_fields (field) {
var $this = $(field),
base_type = $this.val();
$this.find("option").each(function () {
if (this.value !== base_type) {
$("#id_" + this.value).closest(".form-group").hide();
} else {
$("#id_" + this.value).closest(".form-group").show();
$document.on('change', '#id_volume_source_type', function () {
horizon.modals.addModalInitFunction(function (modal) {
/* Help tooltips */
// Apply standard handler for everything but checkboxes.
selector: "div.form-group .help-icon",
placement: function (tip, input) {
// Position to the right unless this is a "split" for in which case put
// the tooltip below so it doesn't block the next field.
return $(input).closest("form[class*='split']").length ? "bottom" : 'right';
title: function () {
return $(this).closest('div.form-group').children('.help-block').text();
// Hide the tooltip upon interaction with the field for select boxes.
// We use mousedown and keydown since those "open" the select dropdown.
$document.on('mousedown keydown', '.form-group select', function () {
// Hide the tooltip after escape button pressed
$document.on('keydown.esc_btn', function (evt) {
if (evt.keyCode === 27) {
// Hide the help text for js-capable browsers