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(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc directive
* @name hz.widget.charts.directive:pieChart
* @element
* @param {object} chart-data The chart data model
* @param {string} chart-settings The custom chart settings (JSON), optional
* @description
* The `pieChart` directive renders a pie or donut chart using D3. The title
* and legend is shown by default. Each slice is represented by a label, value,
* and color (hex value or CSS class). See below for the data model.
* Data Model:
* ```
* var chartData = {
* title: 'Total Instances',
* label: '25%',
* maxLimit: 10,
* overMax: false,
* data: [
* { label: quotaChartDefaults.usageLabel, value: 1, colorClass: quotaChartDefaults.usageColorClass},
* { label: quotaChartDefaults.addedLabel, value: 1, colorClass: quotaChartDefaults.addedColorClass },
* { label: quotaChartDefaults.remainingLabel, value: 1, colorClass: quotaChartDefaults.remainingColorClass }
* ]
* };
* title - the chart title
* label - the text to show in center of chart
* maxLimit - the max limit for current item (optional)
* - if a maxLimit is specified, (# Max) will get added to the chart title
* - otherwise (# Total) will be added to the chart title
* overMax - used to notify view when max is surpassed so that we can
* dynamically alter UI to warn the user (optional)
* data - the data used to render chart
* Donut chart settings (donutChartSettings) and pie chart settings (pieChartSettings)
* are conveniently defined as angular constants in order to encourage consistency.
* To leverage the constant values, you will need to specify them as dependencies
* in your controller or directive. You can also create a custom styled chart
* by defining a chartSettings object in your controller and passing it in as
* the chart-settings attribute value.
* var chartSettings = {
* innerRadius: 24,
* outerRadius: 30,
* titleClass: 'pie-chart-title-medium',
* showTitle: true,
* showLabel: true,
* showLegend: true,
* tooltipIcon: 'fa-square'
* };
* ```
* @restrict E
* @scope true
* @example
* ```
* Pie Chart using predefined constant:
* <pie-chart chart-data='chartData'
* chart-settings='pieChartSettings'></pie-chart>
* Donut Chart using predefined constant:
* <pie-chart chart-data='chartData'
* chart-settings='donutChartSettings'></pie-chart>
* Custom Chart using custom settings:
* <pie-chart chart-data='chartData'
* chart-settings='chartSettings'></pie-chart>
* ```
.directive('pieChart', [ 'horizon.framework.widgets.basePath', 'donutChartSettings', function (path, donutChartSettings) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
chartData: '=',
chartSettings: '='
replace: true,
templateUrl: path + 'charts/pie-chart.html',
link: function (scope, element) {
var settings = {};
// if chartSettings is defined via the attribute value, use it
if (angular.isObject(scope.chartSettings)) {
settings = scope.chartSettings;
} else {
// else default to a donut chart
settings = angular.extend({}, donutChartSettings, scope.chartSettings);
settings.diameter = settings.outerRadius * 2;
var model = {
settings: settings,
tooltipData: {
enabled: false,
icon: settings.tooltipIcon,
style: angular.extend({}, settings.tooltip)
var d3Elt = d3.select(element[0]);
var arc = d3.svg.arc()
var pie = d3.layout.pie()
.value(function(d) { return d.value; });
var unwatch = scope.$watch('chartData', updateChart);
scope.$on('$destroy', unwatch);
scope.model = model;
function updateChart() {
// set labels depending on whether this is a max or total chart
if (angular.isDefined(scope.chartData.maxLimit)) {
scope.model.total = scope.chartData.maxLimit;
scope.model.totalLabel = gettext('Max');
} else {
scope.model.total = d3.sum(scope.chartData.data, function(d) { return d.value; });
scope.model.totalLabel = gettext('Total');
scope.model.tooltipData.enabled = false;
// Generate or update slices
var chart = d3Elt.select('.slices')
.attr('class', 'slice')
.attr('d', arc);
// Set the color or CSS class for the fill
chart.each(function(d) {
var slice = d3.select(this);
if (d.data.color) {
slice.style('fill', d.data.color);
} else if (d.data.colorClass) {
slice.classed(d.data.colorClass, true);
chart.on('mouseenter', function(d) { showTooltip(d, this); })
.on('mouseleave', clearTooltip);
// Animate the slice rendering
.attrTween('d', function animate(d) {
this.lastAngle = this.lastAngle || { startAngle: 0, endAngle: 0 };
var interpolate = d3.interpolate(this.lastAngle, d);
this.lastAngle = interpolate(0);
return function(t) {
return arc(interpolate(t));
function showTooltip(d, elt) {
scope.$apply(function() {
var eltHeight = element[0].getBoundingClientRect().height;
var titleHeight = element[0].querySelector('div.pie-chart-title')
var point = d3.mouse(elt);
var x = point[0] + scope.model.settings.outerRadius;
var y = eltHeight - point[1] - scope.model.settings.outerRadius - titleHeight;
scope.model.tooltipData.label = d.data.label;
scope.model.tooltipData.value = d.data.value;
scope.model.tooltipData.enabled = true;
scope.model.tooltipData.iconColor = d.data.color;
scope.model.tooltipData.iconClass = d.data.colorClass;
scope.model.tooltipData.style.left = x + 'px';
scope.model.tooltipData.style.bottom = y + 'px';
function clearTooltip() {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.model.tooltipData.enabled = false;