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(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc overview
* @name hz.widget.form
* # hz.widget.form
* The `hz.widget.form` provides form directives and services.
* | Components |
* |----------------------------------------------------------|
* | {@link hz.widget.form.hzPasswordMatch `hzPasswordMatch`} |
var app = angular.module('hz.widget.form', []);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name hzPasswordMatch
* @description
* A directive to ensure that password matches.
* Changing the password or confirmation password triggers a validation check.
* However, only the confirmation password will show an error if match is false.
* The goal is to check that confirmation password matches the password,
* not whether the password matches the confirmation password.
* The behavior here is NOT bi-directional.
* @requires
* ng-model - model for confirmation password
* @scope
* hzPasswordMatch - form model to validate against
* @example:
* <form name="form">
* <input type='password' id="psw" ng-model="user.psw" name="psw">
* <input type='password' ng-model="user.cnf" hz-password-match="form.psw">
* </form>
* Note that id and name are required for the password input.
* This directive uses the form model and id for validation check.
app.directive('hzPasswordMatch', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
scope: { pw: '=hzPasswordMatch' },
link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrl){
// helper function to check that password matches
function passwordCheck(){
var match = (ctrl.$modelValue === scope.pw.$modelValue);
ctrl.$setValidity('match', match);
// this ensures that typing in either input
// will trigger the password match
var pwElement = $('#'+scope.pw.$name);
pwElement.on('keyup change', passwordCheck);
element.on('keyup change', passwordCheck);
} // end of link
}; // end of return
}); // end of directive