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(function () {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc service
* @name hz.widget.metadata-tree.metadataTreeService
.factory('metadataTreeService', [function () {
* Parse value into boolean
* @param {(string|boolean)} value
* @returns {boolean}
function parseBool(value) {
var value_type = typeof(value);
if(value_type === 'boolean') {
return value;
else if(value_type === 'string') {
value = value.toLowerCase();
if(value === 'true') {
return true;
else if(value === 'false') {
return false;
return null;
* Construct a new property
* @class Property
* @param {string} name
* @param {Object} [json]
* @property {string} name Property key name
* @property {string} title Property display name
* @property {string} description Property description
* @property {*} value Property value
* @property {string} default Property default value
* @property {string} type Property type
* @property {boolean} readonly Property readonly state
* @property {string[]} operators Property available operators when type='array'
* @property {string} operator Property operator when type='array'
function Property(name, json) {
this.name = name;
this.title = name;
this.description = '';
this.value = null;
this.default = null;
this.type = 'string';
this.readonly = false;
this.operators = ['<in>'];
angular.extend(this, json);
this.operator = this.operators[0];
* Deserialize value and assign it to {@link Property#value}
* @param {string} value
Property.prototype.setValue = function(value) {
if(value === null) {
this.value = this.type !== 'array' ? null : [];
switch (this.type) {
case 'integer': this.value = parseInt(value); break;
case 'number': this.value = parseFloat(value); break;
case 'array':
var data = /^(<.*?>) (.*)$/.exec(value);
if(data) {
this.operator = data[1];
this.value = data[2].split(',');
} break;
case 'boolean': this.value = parseBool(value); break;
default: this.value = value;
* Serialize {@link Property#value} and returns it
* @returns {*}
Property.prototype.getValue = function() {
switch (this.type) {
case 'array': return this.operator + ' ' + this.value.join(',');
default: return this.value;
* Construct a new tree node
* @class Item
* @param {Item} parent
* @property {Item} parent Item parent
* @property {Item[]} children Item children
* @property {boolean} visible Item visibility
function Item(parent) {
// parent as property to prevent infinite recursion in angular filter
Object.defineProperty(this, 'parent', {
value: typeof parent !== 'undefined' ? parent : null
this.children = [];
// Node properties
this.visible = false;
this.expanded = false;
this.label = '';
this.description = '';
this.level = parent ? parent.level + 1 : 0;
this.addedCount = 0;
this.custom = false;
// Leaf properties
this.leaf = null;
this.added = false;
* Load Item values and child Items from namespace definition
* @param {object} namespace Metadata namespace definition
* @returns {Item}
Item.prototype.fromNamespace = function (namespace) {
this.label = namespace.display_name;
this.description = namespace.description;
if(namespace.objects) {
angular.forEach(namespace.objects, function (object) {
this.children.push(new Item(this).fromObject(object));
}, this);
if(namespace.properties) {
angular.forEach(namespace.properties, function (property, key) {
this.children.push(new Item(this).fromProperty(key, property));
}, this);
return this;
* Load Item values and child Items from object definition
* @param {object} object Metadata object definition
* @returns {Item}
Item.prototype.fromObject = function (object) {
this.label = object.name;
this.description = object.description;
if(object.properties) {
angular.forEach(object.properties, function (property, key) {
this.children.push(new Item(this).fromProperty(key, property));
}, this);
return this;
* Load Item values from property definition
* @param {string} name Property name
* @param {object} property Metadata property definition
* @returns {Item}
Item.prototype.fromProperty = function (name, property) {
this.leaf = new Property(name, property);
this.label = this.leaf.title;
this.description = this.leaf.description;
return this;
* Load Item values from property definition and mark as custom
* @param {string} name Property name
* @param {object} property Metadata property definition
* @returns {Item}
Item.prototype.customProperty = function (name, property) {
this.fromProperty(name, property);
this.custom = true;
return this;
* Expand Item by marking all children as visible
* @param {boolean} deep Whether to recursively expand all child Items
Item.prototype.expand = function (deep) {
this.expanded = true;
angular.forEach(this.children, function (child) {
if(deep) {
child.visible = true;
}, this);
* Collapse Item by recursively unmarking all children as visible
Item.prototype.collapse = function () {
this.expanded = false;
angular.forEach(this.children, function (child) {
child.visible = false;
}, this);
* Sort children Items by label
Item.prototype.sortChildren = function () {
this.children.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.label.localeCompare(b.label);
* Recursively mark Item and all children as added
* @param {=} caller Used internally to prevent infinite recursion
Item.prototype.markAsAdded = function (caller) {
if(this.parent && !this.added) {
this.parent.addedCount += 1;
if(this.parent.addedCount === this.parent.children.length) {
this.added = true;
if(!caller) { // prevent infinite recursion
angular.forEach(this.children, function (item) {
}, this);
* Recursively unmark Item and all children as added
* @param {boolean=} expand Whether to expand parent of unmarked Item
* @param {=} caller Used internally to prevent infinite recursion
Item.prototype.unmarkAsAdded = function (expand, caller) {
if(this.parent) {
if(expand) {
if(this.added) {
this.parent.addedCount -= 1;
this.parent.unmarkAsAdded(expand, this);
this.added = false;
if(!caller) { // prevent infinite recursion
angular.forEach(this.children, function (item) {
}, this);
* Returns list of Items from top-most parent to this Item
* @param {[]=} path Used internally
* @returns {Item[]}
Item.prototype.path = function (path) {
path = typeof path !== 'undefined' ? path : [];
if(this.parent) {
return path;
* Returns breadcrumb string for this Item
* @returns {string}
Item.prototype.breadcrumb = function () {
return this.path().map(function (item) {
return item.label;
}).join(' ');
* Parse string parameter into leaf value
* @param {string} value
Item.prototype.setLeafValue = function (value) {
if(this.leaf) {
* Serialize leaf value into string
* @returns {string}
Item.prototype.getLeafValue = function () {
if(this.leaf) {
return this.leaf.getValue();
* Construct a new tree
* @class Tree
* @param {object[]} available List of available namespaces
* @param {object} existing Key-value pairs for existing metadata
* @property {Item[]} tree List available namespaces parsed into Item-s
* @property {Item[]} flatTree List of Item-s flattened from tree structure
* @property {Item} selected Selected Item
function Tree(available, existing) {
this.tree = [];
this.flatTree = this.flatten(this.tree);
this.selected = null;
* Load Item values and child Items from namespace definition
* @param {object[]} namespaces list of Metadata namespace definitions
* @returns {Tree}
Tree.prototype.loadNamespaces = function (namespaces) {
angular.forEach(namespaces, function (namespace) {
var item = new Item().fromNamespace(namespace);
item.visible = true;
}, this);
this.tree.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.label.localeCompare(b.label);
return this;
* Crete flat representation of branch
* @param {Item[]} branch List of Items to flatten
* @param {[]=} items Used internally
* @returns {Item[]}
Tree.prototype.flatten = function (branch, items) {
items = typeof items !== 'undefined' ? items : [];
angular.forEach(branch, function (item) {
this.flatten(item.children, items);
}, this);
return items;
* Load Property.value for each value from existing and mark corresponding
* Items as added. If no corresponding Item is found new Item is added and
* marked as custom.
* @param {object} existing
Tree.prototype.loadExisting = function (existing) {
var itemsMapping = {};
angular.forEach(this.flatTree, function (item) {
if(item.leaf && item.leaf.name in existing) {
itemsMapping[item.leaf.name] = item;
angular.forEach(existing, function (value, key) {
var item = itemsMapping[key];
if(typeof item === 'undefined') {
item = new Item().customProperty(key);
}, this);
* Returns key-value mapping of leaf Items that was marked as added
* @returns {object}
Tree.prototype.getExisting = function () {
var existing = {};
angular.forEach(this.flatTree, function(item) {
if(item.added && item.leaf) {
existing[item.leaf.name] = item.getLeafValue();
return existing;
* Selects item and expands / collapses it
* @param {Item} item
Tree.prototype.select = function (item) {
this.selected = item;
if(!item.expanded) {
} else {
* Selects item and marks it as added
* @param {Item} item
Tree.prototype.markAsAdded = function (item) {
this.selected = item;
* Selects item, unmarks it as added and expands it's parent
* @param {Item} item
Tree.prototype.unmarkAsAdded = function (item) {
if(!item.custom) {
this.selected = item;
} else {
this.selected = null;
var i = this.flatTree.indexOf(item);
if(i > -1) {
this.flatTree.splice(i, 1);
* Adds new Item, selects it and marks it as custom and added
* @param {string} name Name of leaf
Tree.prototype.addCustom = function (name) {
var item = new Item().customProperty(name);
this.selected = item;
return {
Item: Item,
Property: Property,
Tree: Tree