
341 lines
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(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc overview
* @name hz.widget.table
* @description
* # hz.widget.table
* The `hz.widget.table` provides support for user interactions and checkbox
* selection in tables.
* Requires {@link https://github.com/lorenzofox3/Smart-Table `Smart-Table`}
* module and jQuery (for table drawer slide animation in IE9) to be installed.
* | Directives |
* |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
* | {@link hz.widget.table.directive:hzTable `hzTable`} |
* | {@link hz.widget.table.directive:hzSelect `hzSelect`} |
* | {@link hz.widget.table.directive:hzSelectAll `hzSelectAll`} |
* | {@link hz.widget.table.directive:hzExpandDetail `hzExpandDetail`} |
var app = angular.module('hz.widget.table', [ 'smart-table', 'lrDragNDrop' ]);
* @ngdoc parameters
* @name hz.widget.table.constant:expandSettings
* @param {string} expandIconClasses Icon classes to be used for expand icon
* @param {number} duration The slide down animation duration/speed
app.constant('expandSettings', {
expandIconClasses: 'fa-chevron-right fa-chevron-down',
duration: 100
* @ngdoc directive
* @name hz.widget.table.directive:hzTable
* @element table st-table='rowCollection'
* @description
* The `hzTable` directive extends the Smart-Table module to provide
* support for saving the checkbox selection state of each row in the
* table. A default sort key can be specified to sort the table
* initially by this key. To reverse, add default-sort-reverse='true'
* as well.
* Required: Use `st-table` attribute to pass in the displayed
* row collection and `st-safe-src` attribute to pass in the
* safe row collection.
* @restrict A
* @scope true
* @example
* ```
* <table st-table='displayedCollection' st-safe-src='rowCollection'
* hz-table default-sort="email">
* <thead>
* <tr>
* <th>
* <input type='checkbox' hz-select-all='displayedCollection'/>
* </th>
* <th>Name</th>
* </tr>
* </thead>
* <tbody>
* <tr ng-repeat="row in displayedCollection">
* <td>
* <input type='checkbox' hz-select='row'
* ng-model='selected[row.id].checked'/>
* </td>
* <td>Foo</td>
* </tr>
* </tbody>
* </table>
* ```
app.directive('hzTable', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'stTable',
scope: true,
controller: function($scope) {
$scope.selected = {};
$scope.numSelected = 0;
// return true if the row is selected
this.isSelected = function(row) {
var rowState = $scope.selected[row.id];
return angular.isDefined(rowState) && rowState.checked;
// set the row selection state
this.select = function(row, checkedState, broadcast) {
$scope.selected[row.id] = {
checked: checkedState,
item: row
if (checkedState) {
} else {
if (broadcast) {
// should only walk down scope tree that has
// matching event bindings
var rowObj = { row: row, checkedState: checkedState };
$scope.$broadcast('hzTable:rowSelected', rowObj);
link: function(scope, element, attrs, stTableCtrl) {
if (attrs.defaultSort) {
var reverse = attrs.defaultSortReverse === 'true';
stTableCtrl.sortBy(attrs.defaultSort, reverse);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name hz.widget.table.directive:hzSelect
* @element input type='checkbox'
* @description
* The `hzSelect` directive updates the checkbox selection state of
* the specified row in the table. Assign this as an attribute to a
* checkbox input element, passing in the row.
* @restrict A
* @scope
* @example
* ```
* <tr ng-repeat="row in displayedCollection">
* <td>
* <input type='checkbox' hz-select='row'/>
* </td>
* </tr>
* ```
app.directive('hzSelect', [ function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^hzTable',
scope: {
row: '=hzSelect'
link: function (scope, element, attrs, hzTableCtrl) {
// select or unselect row
function clickHandler() {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.$evalAsync(function() {
var checkedState = element.prop('checked');
hzTableCtrl.select(scope.row, checkedState, true);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name hz.widget.table.directive:hzSelectAll
* @element input type='checkbox'
* @description
* The `hzSelectAll` directive updates the checkbox selection state of
* every row in the table. Assign this as an attribute to a checkbox
* input element, passing in the displayed row collection data.
* Required: Use `st-table` attribute to pass in the displayed
* row collection and `st-safe-src` attribute to pass in the
* safe row collection.
* Define a `ng-model` attribute on the individual row checkboxes
* so that they will be updated when the select all checkbox is
* clicked. The `hzTable` controller provides a `selected` object
* which stores the checked state of the row.
* @restrict A
* @scope
* @example
* ```
* <thead>
* <th>
* <input type='checkbox' hz-select-all='displayedCollection'/>
* </th>
* </thead>
* <tbody>
* <tr ng-repeat="row in displayedCollection">
* <td>
* <input type='checkbox' hz-select='row'
* ng-model='selected[row.id].checked'/>
* </td>
* </tr>
* </tbody>
* ```
app.directive('hzSelectAll', [ function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: [ '^hzTable', '^stTable' ],
scope: {
rows: '=hzSelectAll'
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls) {
var hzTableCtrl = ctrls[0];
var stTableCtrl = ctrls[1];
// select or unselect all
function clickHandler() {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.$evalAsync(function() {
var checkedState = element.prop('checked');
angular.forEach(scope.rows, function(row) {
var selected = hzTableCtrl.isSelected(row);
if (selected !== checkedState) {
hzTableCtrl.select(row, checkedState);
// update the select all checkbox when table
// state changes (sort, filter, paginate)
function updateSelectAll() {
var visibleRows = scope.rows;
var numVisibleRows = visibleRows.length;
var checkedCnt = visibleRows.filter(hzTableCtrl.isSelected).length;
element.prop('checked', numVisibleRows > 0 && numVisibleRows === checkedCnt);
// watch the table state for changes
// on sort, filter and pagination
scope.$watch(function() {
return stTableCtrl.tableState();
// watch the row length for add/removed rows
scope.$watch('rows.length', updateSelectAll);
// watch for row selection
scope.$on('hzTable:rowSelected', updateSelectAll);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name hz.widget.table.directive:hzExpandDetail
* @element i class='fa fa-chevron-right'
* @param {number} duration The duration for drawer slide animation
* @description
* The `hzExpandDetail` directive toggles the detailed drawer of the row.
* The animation is implemented using jQuery's slideDown() and slideUp().
* Assign this as an attribute to an icon that should trigger the toggle,
* passing in the two class names of the icon. If no class names are
* specified, the default 'fa-chevron-right fa-chevron-down' is used. A
* duration for the slide animation can be specified as well (default: 400).
* The detail drawer row and cell also needs to be implemented and include
* the classes 'detail-row' and 'detail', respectively.
* @restrict A
* @scope icons: '@hzExpandDetail', duration: '@'
* @example
* ```
* <tr>
* <td>
* <i class='fa fa-chevron-right'
* hz-expand-detail='fa-chevron-right fa-chevron-down'
* duration='200'></i>
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr class='detail-row'>
* <td class='detail'></td>
* </tr>
* ```
app.directive('hzExpandDetail', [ 'expandSettings', function(settings) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
icons: '@hzExpandDetail',
duration: '@'
link: function(scope, element) {
element.on('click', function() {
var iconClasses = scope.icons || settings.expandIconClasses;
var summaryRow = element.closest('tr');
var detailCell = summaryRow.next('tr').find('.detail');
var duration = scope.duration ? parseInt(scope.duration) : settings.duration;
if (summaryRow.hasClass('expanded')) {
var options = {
duration: duration,
complete: function() {
// Hide the row after the slide animation finishes
} else {
if (detailCell.find('.detail-expanded').length === 0) {
// Slide down animation doesn't work on table cells
// so a <div> wrapper needs to be added
detailCell.wrapInner('<div class="detail-expanded"></div>');