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* (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('hzMagicSearchContext', hzMagicSearchContext);
hzMagicSearchContext.$inject = [
* @ngdoc directive
* @name hzMagicSearchContext
* @description
* This directive provides a context for Magic Search features.
* It encapsulates both the search element as well as the results
* element to ensure that the results, and only the results that
* are included in the context of this directive, are passed events.
* The context 'relays' events back down to constituent components
* by appending '-ms-context' to them to avoid infinite-loop situations.
* This allows controls to clearly distinguish direct events and those
* coming from the context directive.
* @param {object} filterFacets Facets allowed for searching
* @param {object=} filterStrings Help content shown in search bar
* @param {boolean=} clientFullTextSearch if true, performs full text search
* exclusively on the client
* Facets:
* ```
* var nameFacet = {
* label: gettext('Name'),
* name: 'name',
* singleton: true
* };
* var sizeFacet = {
* label: gettext('Size'),
* name: 'size',
* singleton: false,
* options: [
* { label: gettext('Small'), key: 'small' },
* { label: gettext('Medium'), key: 'medium' },
* { label: gettext('Large'), key: 'large' },
* ]
* };
* ```
* label - this is the text shown in top level facet dropdown menu
* name - this is the column key provided to Smart-Table
* singleton - 'true' if free text can be used as search term
* options - list of options shown in selected facet dropdown menu
* @restrict E
* @scope
* @example
* ```
* <hz-magic-search-context
* filter-strings="filterStrings"
* filter-facets="filterFacets">
* <magic-search></magic-search>
* <table st-magic-search st-table="controller.data">
* </table>
* </hz-magic-search-context>
* ```
function hzMagicSearchContext($parse, magicSearchEvents) {
var directive = {
link: link,
restrict: 'E',
scope: true
return directive;
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
var filterStrings = $parse(attrs.filterStrings)(scope);
var clientFullTextSearch = $parse(attrs.clientFullTextSearch)(scope);
var searchSettingsCallback = $parse(attrs.searchSettingsCallback)(scope);
scope.searchSettingsCallback = searchSettingsCallback;
scope.clientFullTextSearch = angular.isDefined(clientFullTextSearch)
? clientFullTextSearch
: true;
// if filterStrings is not defined, set defaults
var defaultFilterStrings = {
cancel: gettext('Cancel'),
prompt: gettext('Click here for filters.'),
remove: gettext('Remove'),
text: scope.clientFullTextSearch
? gettext('Search in current results')
: gettext('Full Text Search')
scope.filterStrings = filterStrings || defaultFilterStrings;
if (angular.isDefined(searchSettingsCallback)) {
scope.showSettings = true;
} else {
scope.showSettings = false;
scope.$on(magicSearchEvents.SEARCH_UPDATED, resend);
scope.$on(magicSearchEvents.TEXT_SEARCH, resend);
scope.$on(magicSearchEvents.CHECK_FACETS, resend);
scope.$on(magicSearchEvents.FACETS_CHANGED, resend);
scope.$on(magicSearchEvents.SERVER_SEARCH_UPDATED, resend);
// This directive doesn't use an isolate scope because it is used to wrap magic-search which
// doesn't take all data as attributes (yet). Until it does, in order to make changes
// to the 'filter-facets' of this directive visible to a child magic-search, we
// explicitly watch whatever value the parent set as the 'filter-facets' attribute on this
// directive, and set that to 'scope.filterFacets' for any children to use.
// For example, if the parent sets filter-facets='ctrl.myFilters', then this watch
// is equivalent to:
// scope.filterFacets = scope.ctrl.myFilters
if (angular.isUndefined(scope.filterFacets)) {
scope.$watch(attrs.filterFacets, function (newValue) {
scope.filterFacets = newValue;
function resend(event, data) {
scope.$broadcast(event.name + '-ms-context', data);