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* Copyright 2016 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('hzDynamicTable', hzDynamicTable);
hzDynamicTable.$inject = [
* @ngdoc directive
* @name horizon.framework.widgets.table.directive:hzDynamicTable
* @restrict E
* @param {object} config column definition used to generate the table (required)
* @param {object} items original collection, passed into 'st-safe-src' attribute (required)
* @param {object=} table is the name of a controller that should be passed
* down to child widgets (e.g hz-cell) for additional attribute access (optional)
* @param {object=} batchActions batch action-list actions for the table (optional)
* @param {object=} itemActions item action-list actions for each item/row (optional)
* @param {object=} filterFacets Facets used by hz-magic-search-context allowed for
* searching. Filter will not be shown if this is not supplied (optional)
* @param {function=} resultHandler function that is called with return value
* from a clicked actions perform function passed into `actions` directive (optional)
* @param {function=} itemInTransitionFunction function that is called with each item in
* the table. If it returns true, the row is given the class "warning" which by
* default highlights the row with a warning color.
* @description
* The `hzDynamicTable` directive generates all the HTML content for a table.
* You will need to pass in two attributes: `config` and `items`.
* This directive is built off the Smart-table module, so `items`
* is passed into `st-table` attribute.
* You can pass the following into `config` object:
* selectAll {boolean} set to true if you want to enable select all checkbox
* expand {boolean} set to true if you want to inline details
* trackId {string} passed into ngRepeat's track by to identify objects
* noItemsMessage {string} message to be displayed when the table is empty. If
* not provided, the default message is used.
* columns {Array} of objects to describe each column. Each object
* requires: 'id', 'title', 'priority' (responsive priority when table resized)
* optional: 'sortDefault',
* 'filters' (to apply to the column cells),
* 'template' (see hz-cell directive for details),
* 'allowed' (a promise that must resolve in order for the column to be viewed),
* This directive provides an extension point for applications to decorate additional declarative
* column level permissions that must be fulfilled in order for the column to be viewed. For
* example, openstack dashboard adds the following optional declarative permissions:
* 'services' (OpenStack services that must be enabled in the current region),
* 'settings' (horizon settings that must be enabled)
* 'policies' (policy rules that must be allowed)
* This is accomplished by decorating the 'horizon.framework.conf.permissions' service.
* See that service for more information.
* @example
* var config = {
* selectAll: true,
* expand: true,
* trackId: 'id',
* columns: [
* {id: 'a', title: 'A', priority: 1},
* {id: 'b', title: 'B', priority: 2},
* {id: 'c', title: 'C', priority: 1, sortDefault: true},
* {id: 'd', title: 'D', priority: 2, filters: [myFilter, 'yesno']}
* {id: 'e', title: 'E', allowed: allowedPromiseFunction}
* ]
* };
* ```
* <hz-dynamic-table
* config='config'
* items='items'>
* </hz-dynamic-table>
* <hz-dynamic-table
* config='config'
* items="items"
* table="table"
* batch-actions="batchActions"
* item-actions="itemActions"
* filter-facets="filterFacets"
* result-handler="resultHandler">
* </hz-dynamic-table>
* ```
function hzDynamicTable(basePath) {
// <r1chardj0n3s>: there are some configuration items which are on the directive,
// and some on the "config" attribute of the directive. Those latter configuration
// items will be effectively "static" for the lifespan of the directive whereas
// angular will watch directive attributes for changes. This should be revisited
// at some point to make sure the split we've actually got here makes sense.
// TODO (tyr) In Ocata, convert to "controller as" syntax.
// This was not done in Mitaka to avoid breaking any hz-detail-row templates that
// assume table attributes are available directly on inherited scope.
var directive = {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
config: '=',
safeSrcItems: '=items',
table: '=',
batchActions: '=?',
itemActions: '=?',
filterFacets: '=?',
resultHandler: '=?',
itemInTransitionFunction: '=?'
controller: 'horizon.framework.widgets.table.HzDynamicTableController',
templateUrl: basePath + 'table/hz-dynamic-table.html'
return directive;