
114 lines
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
horizon.alert = function (type, message, extra_tags, details) {
var safe = false;
var arr = extractDetail(message);
var message = arr[0];
var details = arr[1];
// Check if the message is tagged as safe.
if (typeof(extra_tags) !== "undefined" && $.inArray('safe', extra_tags.split(' ')) !== -1) {
safe = true;
var type_display = {
'danger': gettext("Danger: "),
'warning': gettext("Warning: "),
'info': gettext("Notice: "),
'success': gettext("Success: "),
'error': gettext("Error: ")
// the "error" type needs to be rewritten as "danger" for correct styling
if (type === 'error') {
type = 'danger';
function extractDetail(str) {
return str.split('\u2026');
var id = horizon.uuid.generate();
var template = horizon.templates.compiled_templates["#alert_message_template"],
params = {
"type": type || 'default',
"id": id,
"type_display": type_display,
"message": message,
"safe": safe,
"details": details
var this_alert = $(template.render(params)).hide().prependTo("#main_content .messages").fadeIn(100);
// NOTE: messages template engine doesn't support conditional rendering yet
// So it's a temporary work-around to hide details link when details is empty.
if (details === undefined || details === "") {
return this_alert;
horizon.clearErrorMessages = function() {
$('#main_content .messages .alert.alert-danger').remove();
horizon.clearSuccessMessages = function() {
$('#main_content .messages .alert.alert-success').remove();
horizon.clearAllMessages = function() {
horizon.autoDismissAlert = function ($alert) {
// If autofade isn't configured, don't do anything
if (typeof(horizon.conf.auto_fade_alerts) === "undefined")
var types = $alert.attr('class').split(' '),
intersection = $.grep(types, function (value) {
return $.inArray(value, horizon.conf.auto_fade_alerts.types) !== -1;
// Check if alert should auto-fade
if (intersection.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, horizon.conf.auto_fade_alerts.delay);
horizon.addInitFunction(function () {
// Bind AJAX message handling.
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, request){
var message_array = JSON.parse(horizon.ajax.get_messages(request));
$(message_array).each(function (index, item) {
horizon.alert(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
// Dismiss alert messages when moving on to a new type of action.
$('a.ajax-modal').on('click', function() {
// Bind dismiss(x) handlers for alert messages.
$('#main_content .messages .alert').each(function() {