
313 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright 2016 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
function digestMarkup(scope, compile, markup) {
var element = angular.element(markup);
return element;
describe('hzDynamicTable directive', function () {
var $scope, $compile, $qExtensions, markup;
beforeEach(function() {
horizon.cookies = {
get: function() {
spyOn(horizon.cookies, 'get').and.callThrough();
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector) {
$compile = $injector.get('$compile');
$scope = $injector.get('$rootScope').$new();
$qExtensions = $injector.get('horizon.framework.util.q.extensions');
$scope.config = {
selectAll: true,
expand: true,
trackId: 'id',
columns: [
{id: 'animal', title: 'Animal', priority: 1},
{id: 'type', title: 'Type', priority: 2},
{id: 'diet', title: 'Diet', priority: 1, sortDefault: true}
needsFilterFirst: false
$scope.safeTableData = [
{ id: '1', animal: 'cat', type: 'mammal', diet: 'fish', domestic: true },
{ id: '2', animal: 'snake', type: 'reptile', diet: 'mice', domestic: false },
{ id: '3', animal: 'sparrow', type: 'bird', diet: 'worms', domestic: false }
markup =
'<hz-dynamic-table config="config" items="safeTableData">' +
it('has the correct number of column headers', function() {
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('thead tr:nth-child(2) th').length).toBe(5);
it('displays selectAll checkbox when config selectAll set to True', function() {
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('thead tr:nth-child(2) th:first input').attr(
it('does not display selectAll checkbox when config selectAll set to False', function() {
$scope.config = {
selectAll: false,
expand: true,
trackId: 'id',
columns: [
{id: 'animal', title: 'Animal', priority: 1},
{id: 'type', title: 'Type', priority: 2},
{id: 'diet', title: 'Diet', priority: 1, sortDefault: true}
needsFilterFirst: false
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('thead tr:nth-child(2) th:first').hasClass('ng-hide')).toBe(true);
it('displays expander when config expand set to True', function() {
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('thead tr:nth-child(2) th:eq(1)').hasClass('expander')).toBe(true);
it('does not display expander when config expand set to False', function() {
$scope.config = {
selectAll: true,
expand: false,
trackId: 'id',
columns: [
{id: 'animal', title: 'Animal', priority: 1},
{id: 'type', title: 'Type', priority: 2},
{id: 'diet', title: 'Diet', priority: 1, sortDefault: true}
needsFilterFirst: false
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('thead tr:nth-child(2) th:eq(1)').hasClass('ng-hide')).toBe(true);
it('has the correct responsive priority classes', function() {
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody tr').length).toBe(8);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td').length).toBe(5);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(2)').hasClass('rsp-p1')).toBe(true);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(3)').hasClass('rsp-p2')).toBe(true);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(4)').hasClass('rsp-p1')).toBe(true);
it('has the correct number of rows (including detail rows and no items row)', function() {
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody tr').length).toBe(8);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td').length).toBe(5);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(2)').text()).toContain('snake');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(3)').text()).toContain('reptile');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(4)').text()).toContain('mice');
it('displays the default no items message if noItemsMessage is not set', function() {
$scope.safeTableData = [];
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody td.no-rows-help').text()).toBe('No items to display.');
it('displays a custom no items message if noItemsMessage is provided', function() {
$scope.safeTableData = [];
$scope.config.noItemsMessage = 'A sample message';
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody td.no-rows-help').text()).toBe('A sample message');
it('has no search or action buttons if none configured', function() {
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
it('displays the default needsFilterFirstMessage', function() {
$scope.safeTableData = [];
$scope.config.needsFilterFirst = true;
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody td.no-rows-help').text())
.toBe('Please provide a search criteria first.');
describe('search & action button preamble', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
$scope.filterFacets = [{label: 'Name', name: 'name'}];
$scope.batchActions = [
id: 'action',
service: {
allowed: function () {
return $qExtensions.booleanAsPromise(false);
template: {type: 'create'}
markup =
'<hz-dynamic-table config="config" items="safeTableData" ' +
'filter-facets="filterFacets" batch-actions="batchActions">' +
describe('hzDetailRow directive', function() {
it('compiles default detail row template', function() {
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(3) dt').text()).toContain('Animal');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(3) dd').text()).toContain('snake');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(3) dt').text()).toContain('Type');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(3) dd').text()).toContain('reptile');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(3) dt').text()).toContain('Diet');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(3) dd').text()).toContain('mice');
describe('hzCell directive', function() {
it('compiles template passed in from column configuration', function() {
$scope.config = {
selectAll: true,
expand: false,
trackId: 'id',
columns: [
{id: 'animal', title: 'Animal', classes: 'rsp-p1'},
{id: 'type', title: 'Type', classes: 'rsp-p2',
template: '<span class="fa fa-bolt">{$ item.type $}</span>'},
{id: 'diet', title: 'Diet', classes: 'rsp-p1', sortDefault: true}
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(3) span').hasClass('fa fa-bolt')).toBe(true);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(3) span').text()).toBe('bird');
it('properly filters the cell content given the filter name', function() {
$scope.config = {
selectAll: true,
expand: false,
trackId: 'id',
columns: [
{id: 'animal', title: 'Animal', priority: 1},
{id: 'type', title: 'Type', priority: 2,
template: '<span class="fa fa-bolt">{$ item.type $}</span>'},
{id: 'diet', title: 'Diet', priority: 1, sortDefault: true},
{id: 'domestic', title: 'Domestic', priority: 2, filters: ['yesno']}
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(5)').text()).toContain('Yes');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(5)').text()).toContain('No');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(5)').text()).toContain('No');
it('properly filters the cell content given a filter function', function() {
function ishFunc(input) {
return input.concat('-ish');
$scope.config = {
selectAll: true,
expand: false,
trackId: 'id',
columns: [
{id: 'animal', title: 'Animal', priority: 1},
{id: 'type', title: 'Type', priority: 2, filters: [ishFunc]},
{id: 'diet', title: 'Diet', priority: 1, sortDefault: true},
{id: 'domestic', title: 'Domestic', priority: 2}
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(3)').text()).toContain('mammal-ish');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(3)').text()).toContain('reptile-ish');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(3)').text()).toContain('bird-ish');
it('properly maps the cell content given a mapping', function() {
$scope.config = {
selectAll: true,
expand: false,
trackId: 'id',
columns: [
{id: 'animal', title: 'Animal', priority: 1,
values: {
cat: "Catamount",
snake: "Serpent",
sparrow: "CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow"
{id: 'type', title: 'Type', priority: 2},
{id: 'diet', title: 'Diet', priority: 1, sortDefault: true},
{id: 'domestic', title: 'Domestic', priority: 2}
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)').text()).toContain('Catamount');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(2)').text()).toContain('Serpent');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(2)').text()).toContain('CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow');
it('properly adds a link with urlFunction', function() {
$scope.config = {
selectAll: true,
expand: false,
trackId: 'id',
columns: [
{id: 'animal', title: 'Animal', priority: 1,
urlFunction: myFunction
{id: 'type', title: 'Type', priority: 2},
{id: 'diet', title: 'Diet', priority: 1, sortDefault: true},
{id: 'domestic', title: 'Domestic', priority: 2}
var $element = digestMarkup($scope, $compile, markup);
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2) a').attr('href')).toBe('/here/cat');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(2) a').attr('href')).toBe('/here/snake');
expect($element.find('tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(2) a').attr('href')).toBe('/here/sparrow');
function myFunction(item) {
return '/here/' + item.animal;