# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import eventlet eventlet.monkey_patch() import functools import json import ssl import sys import flask from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import uuidutils from ironic_inspector import db from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _, _LC, _LE, _LI, _LW from ironic_inspector import conf # noqa from ironic_inspector import firewall from ironic_inspector import introspect from ironic_inspector import node_cache from ironic_inspector.plugins import base as plugins_base from ironic_inspector import process from ironic_inspector import utils CONF = cfg.CONF app = flask.Flask(__name__) LOG = log.getLogger('ironic_inspector.main') MINIMUM_API_VERSION = (1, 0) CURRENT_API_VERSION = (1, 0) _MIN_VERSION_HEADER = 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-Inspector-API-Minimum-Version' _MAX_VERSION_HEADER = 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-Inspector-API-Maximum-Version' _VERSION_HEADER = 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-Inspector-API-Version' def _format_version(ver): return '%d.%d' % ver _DEFAULT_API_VERSION = _format_version(MINIMUM_API_VERSION) def error_response(exc, code=500): res = flask.jsonify(error={'message': str(exc)}) res.status_code = code LOG.debug('Returning error to client: %s', exc) return res def convert_exceptions(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except utils.Error as exc: return error_response(exc, exc.http_code) except Exception as exc: msg = _('Internal server error') if CONF.debug: msg += ' (%s): %s' % (exc.__class__.__name__, exc) return error_response(msg) return wrapper @app.before_request def check_api_version(): requested = flask.request.headers.get(_VERSION_HEADER, _DEFAULT_API_VERSION) try: requested = tuple(int(x) for x in requested.split('.')) except (ValueError, TypeError): return error_response(_('Malformed API version: expected string ' 'in form of X.Y'), code=400) if requested < MINIMUM_API_VERSION or requested > CURRENT_API_VERSION: return error_response(_('Unsupported API version %(requested)s, ' 'supported range is %(min)s to %(max)s') % {'requested': _format_version(requested), 'min': _format_version(MINIMUM_API_VERSION), 'max': _format_version(CURRENT_API_VERSION)}, code=406) @app.after_request def add_version_headers(res): res.headers[_MIN_VERSION_HEADER] = '%s.%s' % MINIMUM_API_VERSION res.headers[_MAX_VERSION_HEADER] = '%s.%s' % CURRENT_API_VERSION return res @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) @app.route('/v1', methods=['GET']) @convert_exceptions def api_root(): # TODO(dtantsur): this endpoint only returns API version now, it's possible # we'll return something meaningful in addition later return '{}', 200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} @app.route('/v1/continue', methods=['POST']) @convert_exceptions def api_continue(): data = flask.request.get_json(force=True) LOG.debug("/v1/continue got JSON %s", data) res = process.process(data) return json.dumps(res), 200, {'Content-Type': 'applications/json'} @app.route('/v1/introspection/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @convert_exceptions def api_introspection(uuid): utils.check_auth(flask.request) if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(uuid): raise utils.Error(_('Invalid UUID value'), code=400) if flask.request.method == 'POST': new_ipmi_password = flask.request.args.get('new_ipmi_password', type=str, default=None) if new_ipmi_password: new_ipmi_username = flask.request.args.get('new_ipmi_username', type=str, default=None) new_ipmi_credentials = (new_ipmi_username, new_ipmi_password) else: new_ipmi_credentials = None introspect.introspect(uuid, new_ipmi_credentials=new_ipmi_credentials, token=flask.request.headers.get('X-Auth-Token')) return '', 202 else: node_info = node_cache.get_node(uuid) return flask.json.jsonify(finished=bool(node_info.finished_at), error=node_info.error or None) @app.errorhandler(404) def handle_404(error): return error_response(error, code=404) def periodic_update(period): # pragma: no cover while True: LOG.debug('Running periodic update of filters') try: firewall.update_filters() except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('Periodic update failed')) eventlet.greenthread.sleep(period) def periodic_clean_up(period): # pragma: no cover while True: LOG.debug('Running periodic clean up of node cache') try: if node_cache.clean_up(): firewall.update_filters() sync_with_ironic() except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('Periodic clean up of node cache failed')) eventlet.greenthread.sleep(period) def sync_with_ironic(): ironic = utils.get_client() # TODO(yuikotakada): pagination ironic_nodes = ironic.node.list(limit=0) ironic_node_uuids = {node.uuid for node in ironic_nodes} node_cache.delete_nodes_not_in_list(ironic_node_uuids) def init(): if utils.get_auth_strategy() != 'noauth': utils.add_auth_middleware(app) else: LOG.warning(_LW('Starting unauthenticated, please check' ' configuration')) db.init() try: hooks = [ext.name for ext in plugins_base.processing_hooks_manager()] except KeyError as exc: # stevedore raises KeyError on missing hook LOG.critical(_LC('Hook %s failed to load or was not found'), str(exc)) sys.exit(1) LOG.info(_LI('Enabled processing hooks: %s'), hooks) if CONF.firewall.manage_firewall: firewall.init() period = CONF.firewall.firewall_update_period utils.spawn_n(periodic_update, period) if CONF.timeout > 0: period = CONF.clean_up_period utils.spawn_n(periodic_clean_up, period) else: LOG.warning(_LW('Timeout is disabled in configuration')) def create_ssl_context(): if not CONF.use_ssl: return MIN_VERSION = (2, 7, 9) if sys.version_info < MIN_VERSION: LOG.warning(_LW('Unable to use SSL in this version of Python: ' '%{current}, please ensure your version of Python is ' 'greater than %{min} to enable this feature.'), {'current': '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])), 'min': '.'.join(map(str, MIN_VERSION))}) return context = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) if CONF.ssl_cert_path and CONF.ssl_key_path: try: context.load_cert_chain(CONF.ssl_cert_path, CONF.ssl_key_path) except IOError as exc: LOG.warning(_LW('Failed to load certificate or key from defined ' 'locations: %{cert} and %{key}, will continue to ' 'run with the default settings: %{exc}'), {'cert': CONF.ssl_cert_path, 'key': CONF.ssl_key_path, 'exc': exc}) except ssl.SSLError as exc: LOG.warning(_LW('There was a problem with the loaded certificate ' 'and key, will continue to run with the default ' 'settings: %s'), exc) return context def main(args=sys.argv[1:], in_functional_test=False): # pragma: no cover log.register_options(CONF) CONF(args, project='ironic-inspector') debug = CONF.debug log.set_defaults(default_log_levels=[ 'urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', 'keystonemiddleware.auth_token=WARN', 'requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', ('ironicclient.common.http=INFO' if debug else 'ironicclient.common.http=ERROR')]) log.setup(CONF, 'ironic_inspector') app_kwargs = {'debug': debug and not in_functional_test, 'host': CONF.listen_address, 'port': CONF.listen_port} context = create_ssl_context() if context: app_kwargs['ssl_context'] = context init() try: app.run(**app_kwargs) finally: firewall.clean_up()