/* * Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP * Copyright 2016 Cray Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic') .controller('horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController', IronicNodeDetailsController); IronicNodeDetailsController.$inject = [ '$scope', '$location', 'horizon.framework.widgets.toast.service', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.ironic', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.actions', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.basePath', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.edit-node.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.create-port.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.create-portgroup.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.edit-port.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.edit-portgroup.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.maintenance.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.bootdevice.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.raidconfig.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.node-state-transition.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.validUuidPattern' ]; function IronicNodeDetailsController($scope, $location, toastService, ironic, actions, basePath, editNodeService, createPortService, createPortgroupService, editPortService, editPortgroupService, maintenanceService, bootDeviceService, raidConfigService, nodeStateTransitionService, validUuidPattern) { var ctrl = this; var path = basePath + '/node-details/sections/'; ctrl.noPortsText = gettext('No network ports have been defined'); ctrl.noPortgroupsText = gettext('No portgroups have been defined'); ctrl.actions = actions; ctrl.maintenanceService = maintenanceService; ctrl.bootDeviceService = bootDeviceService; ctrl.raidConfigService = raidConfigService; ctrl.sections = [ { heading: gettext('Overview'), templateUrl: path + 'overview.html' }, { heading: gettext('Configuration'), templateUrl: path + 'configuration.html' } ]; ctrl.portDetailsTemplateUrl = path + "port-details.html"; ctrl.portgroupDetailsTemplateUrl = path + "portgroup-details.html"; ctrl.node = null; ctrl.nodeValidation = []; // List of validation results ctrl.nodeValidationMap = {}; // Validation results indexed by interface ctrl.nodeStateTransitions = []; ctrl.nodePowerTransitions = []; ctrl.ports = []; ctrl.portsSrc = []; ctrl.portgroups = []; ctrl.portgroupsSrc = []; ctrl.basePath = basePath; ctrl.re_uuid = new RegExp(validUuidPattern); ctrl.isUuid = isUuid; ctrl.getVifPortId = getVifPortId; ctrl.editNode = editNode; ctrl.createPort = createPort; ctrl.createPortgroup = createPortgroup; ctrl.deletePort = deletePort; ctrl.editPort = editPort; ctrl.editPortgroup = editPortgroup; ctrl.refresh = refresh; ctrl.toggleConsoleMode = toggleConsoleMode; ctrl.deletePortgroups = deletePortgroups; $scope.emptyObject = function(obj) { return angular.isUndefined(obj) || Object.keys(obj).length === 0; }; $scope.isDefined = angular.isDefined; init(); /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.init * @description Initialize the controller instance based on the * current page url. * * @return {void} */ function init() { // Fetch the Node ID from the URL. var pattern = /(.*\/admin\/ironic\/)(.+)\/(detail)?/; var uuid = $location.absUrl().match(pattern)[2]; retrieveNode(uuid).then(function () { ctrl.nodeStateTransitions = nodeStateTransitionService.getTransitions(ctrl.node.provision_state); ctrl.nodePowerTransitions = actions.getPowerTransitions(ctrl.node); retrievePorts(); retrieveBootDevice(); retrievePortgroups(); validateNode(); }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.retrieveNode * @description Retrieve the node instance for a specified node id, * and store it in the controller instance. * * @param {string} uuid – Node name or UUID * @return {promise} promise */ function retrieveNode(uuid) { return ironic.getNode(uuid).then(function (node) { ctrl.node = node; ctrl.node.id = ctrl.node.uuid; ironic.nodeGetConsole(uuid).then(function(consoleData) { ctrl.node.console_enabled = consoleData.console_enabled; ctrl.node.console_info = consoleData.console_info; }); }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.retrievePorts * @description Retrieve the ports associated with the current node, * and store them in the controller instance. * * @return {void} */ function retrievePorts() { ironic.getPortsWithNode(ctrl.node.uuid).then(function (ports) { ctrl.portsSrc = ports; }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.retrieveBootDevice * @description Retrieve the boot device associated with the current node, * and store it in the controller instance. * * @return {void} */ function retrieveBootDevice() { ironic.getBootDevice(ctrl.node.uuid).then(function (bootDevice) { ctrl.node.bootDevice = bootDevice; }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.retrievePortgroups * @description Retrieve the port groups associated with the current node, * and store them in the controller instance. * * @return {void} */ function retrievePortgroups() { ironic.getPortgroups(ctrl.node.uuid).then(function(portgroups) { ctrl.portgroupsSrc = portgroups; angular.forEach(portgroups, function(portgroup) { portgroup.ports = []; ironic.getPortgroupPorts(portgroup.uuid).then(function(ports) { portgroup.ports = ports; }); }); }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.validateNode * @description Retrieve the ports associated with the current node, * and store them in the controller instance. * * @return {void} */ function validateNode() { ironic.validateNode(ctrl.node.uuid).then(function(response) { var nodeValidation = []; ctrl.nodeValidationMap = {}; angular.forEach(response.data, function(interfaceStatus) { interfaceStatus.id = interfaceStatus.interface; ctrl.nodeValidationMap[interfaceStatus.interface] = interfaceStatus; interfaceStatus.hw_interface = ctrl.node[interfaceStatus.interface + '_interface']; nodeValidation.push(interfaceStatus); }); ctrl.nodeValidation = nodeValidation; }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.isUuid * @description Test whether a string is an OpenStack UUID * * @param {string} str – string * @return {boolean} True if the string is an OpenStack UUID, * otherwise false */ function isUuid(str) { return !!str.match(ctrl.re_uuid); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.getVifPortId * @description Get the vif_port_id property of a specified port * * @param {object} port – instance of port * @return {string} Value of vif_port_id property or * "" if the property does not exist */ function getVifPortId(port) { return angular.isDefined(port.extra) && angular.isDefined(port.extra.vif_port_id) ? port.extra.vif_port_id : ""; } /** * @description: Edit the current node * * @return {void} */ function editNode() { editNodeService.editNode(ctrl.node).then(function() { ctrl.refresh(); }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.createPort * @description Initiate creation of a newtwork port for the current * node * * @return {void} */ function createPort() { createPortService.createPort(ctrl.node).then(function() { ctrl.refresh(); }); } /** * @description: Edit a specified port * * @param {port} port - Port to be edited * @return {void} */ function editPort(port) { editPortService.editPort(port, ctrl.node).then(function() { ctrl.refresh(); }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.deletePort * @description Delete a list of ports * * @param {port []} ports – ports to be deleted * @return {void} */ function deletePort(ports) { actions.deletePort(ports).then(function() { ctrl.refresh(); }); } /** * @description: Edit a specified portgroup * * @param {portgroup} portgroup - Portgroup to be edited * @return {void} */ function editPortgroup(portgroup) { editPortgroupService.editPortgroup(portgroup).then(function() { ctrl.refresh(); }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.portgroupDelete * @description Delete a list of portgroups. * * @param {port []} portgroups – portgroups to be deleted. * @return {void} */ function deletePortgroups(portgroups) { actions.deletePortgroups(portgroups).then(function() { ctrl.refresh(); }); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.refresh * @description Update node information * * @return {void} */ function refresh() { init(); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.toggleConsoleMode * @description Toggle the state of the console for the current node * * @return {void} */ function toggleConsoleMode() { ironic.nodeSetConsoleMode(ctrl.node.uuid, !ctrl.node.console_enabled); } /** * @name horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.NodeDetailsController.createPortgroup * @description Initiate creation of a portgroup for the current * node * * @return {void} */ function createPortgroup() { createPortgroupService.createPortgroup(ctrl.node).then(function() { ctrl.refresh(); }); } } })();