# # Copyright 2022 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import tempfile from ironic.common import dhcp_factory from ironic.common import utils as common_utils from ironic.conductor import task_manager from ironic.tests.unit.db import base as db_base from ironic.tests.unit.objects import utils as object_utils class TestDnsmasqDHCPApi(db_base.DbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestDnsmasqDHCPApi, self).setUp() self.config(dhcp_provider='dnsmasq', group='dhcp') self.node = object_utils.create_test_node(self.context) self.ports = [ object_utils.create_test_port( self.context, node_id=self.node.id, id=2, uuid='1be26c0b-03f2-4d2e-ae87-c02d7f33c782', address='52:54:00:cf:2d:32', pxe_enabled=True)] self.optsdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.addCleanup(lambda: common_utils.rmtree_without_raise( self.optsdir)) self.config(dhcp_optsdir=self.optsdir, group='dnsmasq') self.hostsdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.addCleanup(lambda: common_utils.rmtree_without_raise( self.hostsdir)) self.config(dhcp_hostsdir=self.hostsdir, group='dnsmasq') dhcp_factory.DHCPFactory._dhcp_provider = None self.api = dhcp_factory.DHCPFactory() self.opts = [ { 'ip_version': 4, 'opt_name': '67', 'opt_value': 'bootx64.efi' }, { 'ip_version': 4, 'opt_name': '210', 'opt_value': '/tftpboot/' }, { 'ip_version': 4, 'opt_name': '66', 'opt_value': '', }, { 'ip_version': 4, 'opt_name': '150', 'opt_value': '' }, { 'ip_version': 4, 'opt_name': '255', 'opt_value': '' } ] def test_update_dhcp(self): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid) as task: self.api.update_dhcp(task, self.opts) dnsmasq_tag = task.node.driver_internal_info.get('dnsmasq_tag') self.assertEqual(36, len(dnsmasq_tag)) hostfile = os.path.join(self.hostsdir, 'ironic-52:54:00:cf:2d:32.conf') with open(hostfile, 'r') as f: self.assertEqual( '52:54:00:cf:2d:32,set:%s,set:ironic\n' % dnsmasq_tag, f.readline()) optsfile = os.path.join(self.optsdir, 'ironic-%s.conf' % self.node.uuid) with open(optsfile, 'r') as f: self.assertEqual([ 'tag:%s,67,bootx64.efi\n' % dnsmasq_tag, 'tag:%s,210,/tftpboot/\n' % dnsmasq_tag, 'tag:%s,66,\n' % dnsmasq_tag, 'tag:%s,150,\n' % dnsmasq_tag, 'tag:%s,255,\n' % dnsmasq_tag], f.readlines()) def test_get_ip_addresses(self): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid) as task: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fp: self.config(dhcp_leasefile=fp.name, group='dnsmasq') fp.write(b"1659975057 52:54:00:cf:2d:32 * *\n") fp.flush() self.assertEqual( [''], self.api.provider.get_ip_addresses(task)) def test_clean_dhcp_opts(self): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid) as task: self.api.update_dhcp(task, self.opts) hostfile = os.path.join(self.hostsdir, 'ironic-52:54:00:cf:2d:32.conf') optsfile = os.path.join(self.optsdir, 'ironic-%s.conf' % self.node.uuid) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(hostfile)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(optsfile)) with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid) as task: self.api.clean_dhcp(task) # assert the host file remains with the ignore directive, and the opts # file is deleted with open(hostfile, 'r') as f: self.assertEqual( '52:54:00:cf:2d:32,ignore\n', f.readline()) self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(optsfile))