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# Copyright (c) 2015 IBM, Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import mock
import six
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.tests import base
class Unserializable(object):
def __str__(self):
raise NotImplementedError('nostr')
class TestException(exception.IronicException):
_msg_fmt = 'Some exception: %(spam)s, %(ham)s'
class TestIronicException(base.TestCase):
def test___init__(self):
expected = b'\xc3\xa9\xe0\xaf\xb2\xe0\xbe\x84'
if six.PY3:
expected = expected.decode('utf-8')
message = six.unichr(233) + six.unichr(0x0bf2) + six.unichr(3972)
exc = exception.IronicException(message)
self.assertEqual(expected, exc.__str__())
@mock.patch.object(exception.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
def test___init___invalid_kwarg(self, log_mock):
e = TestException(spam=Unserializable(), ham='eggs')
message = log_mock.call_args[0][0] % log_mock.call_args[0][1]
self.assertIsNotNone('spam: .*JSON.* ValueError: Circular reference detected;'
'.*string.* NotImplementedError: nostr', message)
self.assertEqual({'ham': '"eggs"', 'code': 500}, e.kwargs)
@mock.patch.object(exception.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
def test___init___invalid_kwarg_reraise(self, log_mock):
self.assertRaises(KeyError, TestException, spam=Unserializable(),
message = log_mock.call_args[0][0] % log_mock.call_args[0][1]
self.assertIsNotNone('spam: .*JSON.* ValueError: Circular reference detected;'
'.*string.* NotImplementedError: nostr', message)
def test___init___json_serializable(self):
exc = TestException(spam=[1, 2, 3], ham='eggs')
self.assertIn('[1, 2, 3]', six.text_type(exc))
self.assertEqual('[1, 2, 3]', exc.kwargs['spam'])
def test___init___string_serializable(self):
exc = TestException(
spam=type('ni', (object,), dict(a=1, b=2))(), ham='eggs'
check_str = 'ni object at'
self.assertIn(check_str, six.text_type(exc))
self.assertIn(check_str, exc.kwargs['spam'])