/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development L.P. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import Glance from '../../src/glance.js'; import * as mockData from './helpers/data/glance'; import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock'; describe('Glance', () => { afterEach(fetchMock.restore); it('should export a class', () => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); expect(glance).toBeDefined(); }); it('should throw an error for an empty config', () => { try { const glance = new Glance(); glance.versions(); } catch (e) { expect(e.message).toEqual('An endpoint configuration is required.'); } }); describe("versions()", () => { it("Should return a list of all versions available on this clouds' glance", (done) => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); fetchMock.mock(mockData.root()); glance.versions() .then((versions) => { // Quick sanity check. expect(versions.length).toBe(6); done(); }) .catch((error) => done.fail(error)); }); it("Should NOT cache its results", (done) => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); const mockOptions = mockData.root(); fetchMock.mock(mockOptions); glance.versions() .then(() => { // Validate that the mock has only been invoked once expect(fetchMock.calls(mockOptions.name).length).toEqual(1); return glance.versions(); }) .then(() => { expect(fetchMock.calls(mockOptions.name).length).toEqual(2); done(); }) .catch((error) => done.fail(error)); }); }); describe("version()", () => { it("Should return a supported version of the glance API.", (done) => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); fetchMock.mock(mockData.root()); glance.version() .then((version) => { expect(version.id).toEqual('v2.3'); done(); }) .catch((error) => done.fail(error)); }); it("Should throw an exception if no supported version is found.", (done) => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); // Build an invalid mock object. const mockOptions = mockData.root(); mockOptions.response.versions.shift(); fetchMock.mock(mockOptions); glance.version() .then((response) => done.fail(response)) .catch((error) => { expect(error).not.toBeNull(); done(); }); }); it("Should NOT cache its results", (done) => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); const mockOptions = mockData.root(); fetchMock.mock(mockOptions); glance.version() .then(() => { // Validate that the mock has only been invoked once expect(fetchMock.calls(mockOptions.name).length).toEqual(1); return glance.version(); }) .then(() => { expect(fetchMock.calls(mockOptions.name).length).toEqual(2); done(); }) .catch((error) => done.fail(error)); }); }); describe("serviceEndpoint()", () => { it("Should return a valid endpoint to the glance API.", (done) => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); fetchMock.mock(mockData.root()); glance.serviceEndpoint() .then((endpoint) => { expect(endpoint).toEqual(''); done(); }) .catch((error) => done.fail(error)); }); it("Should throw an exception if no endpoint is provided.", (done) => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); // Build an exception payload. const mockOptions = mockData.root(); mockOptions.response.versions[0].links = []; fetchMock.mock(mockOptions); glance.serviceEndpoint() .then((response) => done.fail(response)) .catch((error) => { expect(error).not.toBeNull(); done(); }); }); it("Should throw an exception if no links array exists.", (done) => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); // Build an exception payload. const mockOptions = mockData.root(); delete mockOptions.response.versions[0].links; fetchMock.mock(mockOptions); glance.serviceEndpoint() .then((response) => done.fail(response)) .catch((error) => { expect(error).not.toBeNull(); done(); }); }); it("Should cache its results", (done) => { const glance = new Glance(mockData.config); const mockOptions = mockData.root(); fetchMock.mock(mockOptions); glance.serviceEndpoint() .then(() => { // Validate that the mock has only been invoked once expect(fetchMock.calls(mockOptions.name).length).toEqual(1); return glance.serviceEndpoint(); }) .then(() => { expect(fetchMock.calls(mockOptions.name).length).toEqual(1); done(); }) .catch((error) => done.fail(error)); }); }); });