Getting Started --------------- We advise new users start by reading the :doc:`Architecture ` documentation first in order to understand Kayobe's various components. For users wishing to learn interactively we recommend starting at either the :doc:`all-in-one overcloud ` deployment or the :ref:`'A Universe From Nothing' ` deployment guide. Once familiar with Kayobe's constituent parts, move on to the :doc:`Installation ` section to prepare a baremetal environment and then :doc:`Deployment ` to deploy to it. * :doc:`Architecture ` - The function of Kayobe's host and networking components * :doc:`Installation ` - The prerequisites and options for installing Kayobe * :doc:`Usage ` - An introduction to the Kayobe CLI * :doc:`Configuration ` - How to configure Kayobe's various components * :doc:`Deployment `- Using Kayobe to deploy OpenStack * :doc:`Upgrading ` - Upgrading from one OpenStack release to another * :doc:`Administration ` - Post-deploy administration tasks * :doc:`Resources ` - External links to Kayobe resources * :doc:`Development ` - Deploying Kayobe development environments