Add spec for starting support of OpenAPI

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OpenAPI Schemas
We would like to start documenting our APIs in an industry-standard,
machine-readable manner. Doing so opens up many opportunities for both
OpenStack developer and OpenStack users alike, notably the ability to both
auto-generate and auto-validate both client tooling and documentation alike. Of
the many API description languages available, OpenAPI (fka "Swagger") appears
to be the one with both the largest developer mindshare and the one that would
be the best fit for OpenStack due to the existing tooling used in many
OpenStack services, thus we would opt to use this format.
Problem Description
The history of API description languages has been mainly a history of
half-baked ideas, unnecessary complication, and in general lots of failure.
This history has been reflected in OpenStack's own history of attempting to
document APIs, starting with our early use of WADL through to our experiments
with Swagger 2.0 and RAML, leading to today's use of our custom ``os_api_ref``
project, built on reStructuredText and Sphinx.
It is only in recent years that things have started to stabilise somewhat, with
the development of widely used API description languages like OpenAPI, RAML and
API Blueprint, as well as supporting SaaS tools such as Postman and Apigee.
OpenAPI in particular has seen broad adoption across multiple sectors, with
sites as varied as `CloudFlare`__ and `GitHub`__ providing OpenAPI schemas for
their APIs. OpenAPI has evolved significantly in recent years and now supports
a wide variety of API patterns including things like webhooks. Even more
beneficial for OpenStack, OpenAPI 3.1 is a full superset of JSON Schema meaning
we have the ability to re-use much of the validation we already have.
.. __:
.. __:
Use Cases
As an end user, I would like to have access to machine-readable, fully
validated documentation for the APIs I will be interacting with.
As an end user, I want statically viewable documentation hosted as part of the
existing docs site without requiring a running instance of Nova.
As an SDK/client developer, I would like to be able to auto-generate bindings
and clients, promoting consistency and minimising the amount of manual work
needed to develop and maintain these.
As a Nova developer, I would like to have a verified API specification that I
can use should I need to replace the libraries we use in the event they are no
longer maintained.
Proposed Change
This effort can be broken into a number of distinct steps:
- Add missing request body and query string schemas
These schemas will merely validate what is already allowed, which means
extensive use of ``"additionalProperties": true`` or empty schemas.
Once these are added, tests will be added to ensure all API resource have
appropriate schemas.
- Add response body schemas
These will be imported from OpenAPI codegenerator which already implemented
most of them. Once these are added, tests will be added to ensure all API
resource have appropriate response body schemas. In addition, we will add a
new configuration option that will control how we do verification at the API
layer, ``[api] response_validation``. This will be an enum value with three
Raise a HTTP 500 (Server Error) in the event that an API returns an
"invalid" response.
This will be the default in CI i.e. for our unit, functional and
integration tests. Eventually this could be the default for production
Log a warning about an "invalid" response, prompting operations to file a
bug report against Nova.
This will be initial default in production while we iron out the kinks in
the schema.
Disable API response body validation entirely. This is an escape hatch in
case we mess up.
.. note::
The development of tooling required to gather these JSON Schema schemas and
generate an OpenAPI schema will not be developed inside Keystone and is
therefore not covered by this spec. Keystone will merely consume the
resulting tooling for use in documentation.
- Populate schemas with description
OpenAPI allows every operation, body, parameter and header to have a human
description shown by OpenAPI rendering tools. Keystone can stop taking care
of api-ref as a whole once OpenAPI spec can be rendered from sources and
later rendered into the read HTML.
- Use a different tool
OpenAPI has been chosen because it is the most widely used API description
language available and matches well with our existing use of JSON Schema for
API validation.
- Maintain these specs out-of-tree
This prevents us testing these on each commit to Keystone and means work that
could be spread across multiple teams is instead focused on one small team.
Security Impact
Notifications Impact
Other End User Impact
This should be very beneficial for users who are interested in developing
client and bindings for OpenStack. In particular, this should (after an initial
effort in code generation) reduce the workload of the SDK team as well as teams
outside of OpenStack that work on client tooling such as the Gophercloud team.
Performance Impact
There will be a minimal impact on API performance as we will now verify both
requests and responses for all API resources. Given our existing extensive use
of JSON Schema for API validation, it is expected that this should not be a
significant issue.
Other Deployer Impact
Developer Impact
Developers working on the API microversions will now be encouraged to provide
JSON Schema schemas for both requests and responses.
Primary assignee:
Work Items
- Add missing request body schemas
- Add tests to validate existence of request body schemas
- Add missing query string schemas
- Add tests to validate existence of query string schemas
- Add response body schemas
- Add decorator to validate response body schemas against response
- Add tests to validate existence of response body schemas
- Add description to the API methods and bodies that are used in the OpenAPI
The actual generation of an OpenAPI documentation will be achieved via a
separate tool. It is not yet determined if this tool will live inside an
existing project, such as ``os_api_ref`` or ``openstacksdk``, or inside a
wholly new project. In any case, it is envisaged that this tool will handle
OpenStack-specific nuances like microversions that don't map 1:1 to OpenAPI
concepts in a consistent and documented fashion.
Documentation Impact
Initially there should be no impact as we will continue to use ``os_api_ref``
as-is for our ``api-ref`` docs. Eventually we will replace or extend this
extension to generate documentation from our OpenAPI schema.