OpenStack Identity API v3 OS-TRUST Extension ============================================ Trusts provide project-specific role delegation between users, with optional impersonation. API Resources ------------- Trusts ~~~~~~ A trust represents a user's (the *trustor*) authorization to delegate roles to another user (the *trustee*), and optionally allow the trustee to impersonate the trustor. After the trustor has created a trust, the trustee can specify the trust's ``id`` attribute as part of an authentication request to then create a token representing the delegated authority. The trust contains constraints on the delegated attributes. A token created based on a trust will convey a subset of the trustor's roles on the specified project. Optionally, the trust may only be valid for a specified time period, as defined by ``expires_at``. If no ``expires_at`` is specified, then the trust is valid until it is explicitly revoked. The ``impersonation`` flag allows the trustor to optionally delegate impersonation abilities to the trustee. To services validating the token, the trustee will appear as the trustor, although the token will also contain the ``impersonation`` flag to indicate that this behavior is in effect. A ``project_id`` may not be specified without at least one role, and vice versa. In other words, there is no way of implicitly delegating all roles to a trustee, in order to prevent users accidentally creating trust that are much more broad in scope than intended. A trust without a ``project_id`` or any delegated roles is unscoped, and therefore does not represent authorization on a specific resource. Trusts are immutable. If the trustee wishes to modify the attributes of the trust, they should create a new trust and delete the old trust. If a trust is deleted, any tokens generated based on the trust are immediately revoked. If the trustor loses access to any delegated attributes, the trust becomes immediately invalid and any tokens generated based on the trust are immediately revoked. Additional required attributes: - ``trustor_user_id`` (string) Represents the user who created the trust, and who's authorization is being delegated. - ``trustee_user_id`` (string) Represents the user who is capable of consuming the trust. - ``impersonation``: (boolean) If ``impersonation`` is set to ``true``, then the ``user`` attribute of tokens token's generated based on the trust will represent that of the trustor rather than the trustee, thus allowing the trustee to impersonate the trustor. If ``impersonation`` is set to ``false``, then the token's ``user`` attribute will represent that of the trustee. Optional attributes: - ``project_id`` (string) Identifies the project upon which the trustor is delegating authorization. - ``roles``: (list of objects) Specifies the subset of the trustor's roles on the ``project_id`` to be granted to the trustee when the token in consumed. The trustor must already be granted these roles in the project referenced by the ``project_id`` attribute. Roles are only provided when the trust is created, and are subsequently available as a separate read-only collection. Each role can be specified by either ``id`` or ``name``. - ``expires_at`` (string, ISO 8601 extended format date time with microseconds) Specifies the expiration time of the trust. A trust may be revoked ahead of expiration. If the value represents a time in the past, the trust is deactivated. - ``remaining_uses`` (integer or null) Specifies how many times the trust can be used to obtain a token. This value is decreased each time a token is issued through the trust. Once it reaches 0, no further tokens will be issued through the trust. The default value is null, meaning there is no limit on the number of tokens issued through the trust. Example entity: :: { "trust": { "id": "987fe7", "impersonation": true, "project_id": "0f1233", "remaining_uses": null, "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/trusts/987fe7" }, "trustee_user_id": "fea342", "trustor_user_id": "56aed3" } } Tokens ~~~~~~ Additional attributes: - ``trust`` (object) If present, indicates that the token was created based on a trust. This attribute identifies both the trustor and trustee, and indicates whether the token represents the trustee impersonating the trustor. API --- Consuming a trust ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: POST /auth/tokens Consuming a trust effectively assumes the scope as delegated in the trust. No other scope attributes may be specified. The user specified by ``authentication`` must match the trust's ``trustee_user_id`` attribute. If the trust has the ``impersonation`` attribute set to ``true``, then the resulting token's ``user`` attribute will also represent the trustor, rather than the authenticating user (the trustee). :: { "auth": { "identity": { "methods": [ "token" ], "token": { "id": "e80b74" } }, "scope": { "OS-TRUST:trust": { "id": "de0945a" } } } } A token created from a trust will have a ``trust`` section containing the ``id`` of the trust, the ``impersonation`` flag, the ``trustee_user_id`` and the ``trustor_user_id``. Example response: :: Headers: X-Subject-Token X-Subject-Token: e80b74 { "token": { "expires_at": "2013-02-27T18:30:59.999999Z", "issued_at": "2013-02-27T16:30:59.999999Z", "methods": [ "password" ], "OS-TRUST:trust": { "id": "fe0aef", "impersonation": false, "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/trusts/fe0aef" }, "trustee_user": { "id": "0ca8f6", "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/users/0ca8f6" } }, "trustor_user": { "id": "bd263c", "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/users/bd263c" } } }, "user": { "domain": { "id": "1789d1", "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/domains/1789d1" }, "name": "" }, "email": "", "id": "0ca8f6", "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/users/0ca8f6" }, "name": "Joe" } } } Create trust ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: POST /OS-TRUST/trusts Relationship: ```` Request: :: { "trust": { "expires_at": "2013-02-27T18:30:59.999999Z", "impersonation": true, "project_id": "ddef321", "roles": [ { "name": "member" } ], "trustee_user_id": "86c0d5", "trustor_user_id": "a0fdfd" } } Response: :: Status: 201 Created { "trust": { "expires_at": "2013-02-27T18:30:59.999999Z", "id": "1ff900", "impersonation": true, "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/1ff900" }, "project_id": "ddef321", "remaining_uses": null, "roles": [ { "id": "ed7b78", "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/roles/ed7b78" }, "name": "member" } ], "roles_links": { "next": null, "previous": null, "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/1ff900/roles" }, "trustee_user_id": "86c0d5", "trustor_user_id": "a0fdfd" } } List trusts ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: GET /OS-TRUST/trusts Relationship: ```` Optional query strings: - ``page`` - ``per_page`` (default 30) - ``trustee_user_id`` - ``trustor_user_id`` Response: :: Status: 200 OK { "trusts": [ { "id": "1ff900", "expires_at": "2013-02-27T18:30:59.999999Z", "impersonation": true, "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/1ff900" }, "project_id": "0f1233", "trustee_user_id": "86c0d5", "trustor_user_id": "a0fdfd" }, { "id": "f4513a", "impersonation": true, "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/f4513a" }, "project_id": "0f1233", "trustee_user_id": "86c0d5", "trustor_user_id": "3cd2ce" } ] } In order to list trusts for a given trustor, filter the collection using a query string (e.g., ``?trustor_user_id={user_id}``). Request: :: GET /OS-TRUST/trusts?trustor_user_id=a0fdfd Response: :: Status: 200 OK { "trusts": [ { "id": "1ff900", "expires_at": "2013-02-27T18:30:59.999999Z", "impersonation": false, "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/1ff900" }, "project_id": "0f1233", "trustee_user_id": "86c0d5", "trustor_user_id": "a0fdfd" } ] } In order to list trusts for a given trustee, filter the collection using a query string (e.g., ``?trustee_user_id={user_id}``). Request: :: GET /OS-TRUST/trusts?trustee_user_id=86c0d5 Response: :: Status: 200 OK { "trusts": [ { "id": "1ff900", "expires_at": "2013-02-27T18:30:59.999999Z", "impersonation": true, "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/1ff900" }, "project_id": "0f1233", "trustee_user_id": "86c0d5", "trustor_user_id": "a0fdfd" }, { "id": "f4513a", "impersonation": false, "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/f45513a" }, "project_id": "0f1233", "trustee_user_id": "86c0d5", "trustor_user_id": "3cd2ce" } ] } Get trust ~~~~~~~~~ :: GET /OS-TRUST/trusts/{trust_id} Relationship: ```` Response: :: Status: 200 OK { "trust": { "id": "987fe8", "expires_at": "2013-02-27T18:30:59.999999Z", "impersonation": true, "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/987fe8" }, "roles": [ { "id": "ed7b78", "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/roles/ed7b78" }, "name": "member" } ], "roles_links": { "next": null, "previous": null, "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts/1ff900/roles" }, "project_id": "0f1233", "trustee_user_id": "be34d1", "trustor_user_id": "56ae32" } } Delete trust ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: DELETE /OS-TRUST/trusts/{trust_id} Relationship: ```` Response: :: Status: 204 No Content List roles delegated by a trust ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: GET /OS-TRUST/trusts/{trust_id}/roles Relationship: ```` Response: :: Status: 200 OK { "roles": [ { "id": "c1648e", "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/roles/c1648e" }, "name": "manager" }, { "id": "ed7b78", "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/roles/ed7b78" }, "name": "member" } ] } Check if role is delegated by a trust ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: HEAD /OS-TRUST/trusts/{trust_id}/roles/{role_id} Relationship: ```` Response: :: Status: 200 OK Get role delegated by a trust ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: GET /OS-TRUST/trusts/{trust_id}/roles/{role_id} Relationship: ```` Response: :: Status: 200 OK { "role": { "id": "c1648e", "links": { "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/roles/c1648e" }, "name": "manager" } }