.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode =============================================== Extend user API to support federated attributes =============================================== `bug #1816076 `_ Extend the user API to support federated attributes so that we treat federated users like any other Keystone user. Problem Description =================== With the addition of shadow users [1], federated users are no longer ephemeral and are like any other Keystone user. Thus, federated users have a record in the user table and can receive concrete role assignments. However, in order to assign a federated user a role, you would need the local user ID. Likewise, you would need the user ID to do delegation and create a trust. However, we don't have an API method that supports querying federated users in order to get the local user ID. Another question we have been dealing with, is how to provision authorization to federated users, since a federated user does not exist in Keystone until they authenticate for the first time. In addition, at the Barcelona Summit, we discussed a need for operators to be able to easily change and rollback provisioning. Proposed Change =============== To solve this problem, we could simply extend the user API to support federated attributes. For example, creating a federated user: .. code:: javascript POST /v3/users { "user": { "default_project_id": "263fd9", "domain_id": "1789d1", "enabled": true, "name": "James Doe", "federated": [ { "idp_id": "1789d1", "protocols": [ { "protocol_id": "saml2", "unique_id": "jdoe" } ] } ] } } Response example: .. code:: javascript { "user": { "domain_id": "1789d1", "id": "9fe1d3", "name": "James Doe", "enabled": true, "links": { "self": "https://example.com/identity/v3/users/9fe1d3" } "federated": [ { "idp_id": "1789d1", "protocols": [ { "protocol_id": "saml2", "unique_id": "jdoe" } ] } ] } } Creating a federated object for an existing user: .. code:: javascript PUT /v3/users/{id} { "federated": { "idp_id": "1789d1", "protocols": [ { "protocol_id": "saml2", "unique_id": "jdoe" } ] } } Response example: .. code:: javascript { "federated": { "idp_id": "1789d1", "protocols": [ { "protocol_id": "saml2", "unique_id": "jdoe" } ] "links": { "self": "http://.../v3/users/{id}/federated/{id}" } } } Likewise, you could query for a specific federated user by querying the federated unique_id: .. code:: javascript GET /v3/users/?unique_id={unique_id} If the unique_id was not unique across the organization, the request would need to include additional parameters in order to return the specific user. Extending the API gives operators a way to get the local user ID for federated users in order to do provisioning. And the user API is a natural place for these operations, as a federated user is in fact a user. The federated attributes live within the user data model in the sql backend. This could also go hand in hand with shadow mapping [2], allowing operators to provision in mass, as well as having the flexibility to fully utilize the API for managing federated identity. The bottom line, lets treat federated users like any other Keystone user. Alternatives ------------ Continue with shadow mapping [3] as the only option for providing federated user provisioning. We could extend OS-FEDERATION to support federated user operations. Security Impact --------------- None Notifications Impact -------------------- None Other End User Impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other Deployer Impact --------------------- None Developer Impact ---------------- None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: - Kristi Nikolla Other contributors: - Ron De Rose Work Items ---------- 1. Extend user create API to support federated attributes. 2. Extend other user API methods as needed. 3. Update docs Dependencies ============ None Documentation Impact ==================== We would need to update the user API docs, as well as the federation docs. References ========== 1. `Shadow users `_ 2. `Shadow mapping `_