Example usage and Identity features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``openstack`` CLI is used to interact with the Identity service. It is set up to expect commands in the general form of ``openstack command argument``, followed by flag-like keyword arguments to provide additional (often optional) information. For example, the :command:`openstack user list` and :command:`openstack project create` commands can be invoked as follows: .. code-block:: bash # Using token auth env variables export OS_TOKEN=secret export OS_URL= openstack user list openstack project create demo --domain default # Using token auth flags openstack --os-token secret --os-url user list openstack --os-token secret --os-url project create demo # Using user + password + project_name env variables export OS_USERNAME=admin export OS_PASSWORD=secret export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin openstack user list openstack project create demo --domain default # Using user + password + project-name flags openstack --os-username admin --os-password secret --os-project-name admin user list openstack --os-username admin --os-password secret --os-project-name admin project create demo Logging ------- You configure logging externally to the rest of Identity. The name of the file specifying the logging configuration is set using the ``log_config_append`` option in the ``[DEFAULT]`` section of the ``/etc/keystone/keystone.conf`` file. To route logging through syslog, set ``use_syslog=true`` in the ``[DEFAULT]`` section. A sample logging configuration file is available with the project in ``etc/logging.conf.sample``. Like other OpenStack projects, Identity uses the `Python logging module`_, which provides extensive configuration options that let you define the output levels and formats. .. _`Python logging module`: https://docs.python.org/library/logging.html