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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import ldap.dn
from keystone.common import ldap as ks_ldap
from keystone import tests
class DnCompareTest(tests.BaseTestCase):
"""Tests for the DN comparison functions in keystone.common.ldap.core."""
def test_prep(self):
# prep_case_insensitive returns the string with spaces at the front and
# end if it's already lowercase and no insignificant characters.
value = 'lowercase value'
self.assertEqual(value, ks_ldap.prep_case_insensitive(value))
def test_prep_lowercase(self):
# prep_case_insensitive returns the string with spaces at the front and
# end and lowercases the value.
exp_value = value.lower()
self.assertEqual(exp_value, ks_ldap.prep_case_insensitive(value))
def test_prep_insignificant(self):
# prep_case_insensitive remove insignificant spaces.
value = 'before after'
exp_value = 'before after'
self.assertEqual(exp_value, ks_ldap.prep_case_insensitive(value))
def test_prep_insignificant_pre_post(self):
# prep_case_insensitive remove insignificant spaces.
value = ' value '
exp_value = 'value'
self.assertEqual(exp_value, ks_ldap.prep_case_insensitive(value))
def test_ava_equal_same(self):
# is_ava_value_equal returns True if the two values are the same.
value = 'val1'
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.is_ava_value_equal('cn', value, value))
def test_ava_equal_complex(self):
# is_ava_value_equal returns True if the two values are the same using
# a value that's got different capitalization and insignificant chars.
val1 = 'before after'
val2 = ' BEFORE afTer '
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.is_ava_value_equal('cn', val1, val2))
def test_ava_different(self):
# is_ava_value_equal returns False if the values aren't the same.
self.assertFalse(ks_ldap.is_ava_value_equal('cn', 'val1', 'val2'))
def test_rdn_same(self):
# is_rdn_equal returns True if the two values are the same.
rdn = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=val1')[0]
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.is_rdn_equal(rdn, rdn))
def test_rdn_diff_length(self):
# is_rdn_equal returns False if the RDNs have a different number of
# AVAs.
rdn1 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=cn1')[0]
rdn2 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=cn1+ou=ou1')[0]
self.assertFalse(ks_ldap.is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2))
def test_rdn_multi_ava_same_order(self):
# is_rdn_equal returns True if the RDNs have the same number of AVAs
# and the values are the same.
rdn1 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=cn1+ou=ou1')[0]
rdn2 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=CN1+ou=OU1')[0]
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2))
def test_rdn_multi_ava_diff_order(self):
# is_rdn_equal returns True if the RDNs have the same number of AVAs
# and the values are the same, even if in a different order
rdn1 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=cn1+ou=ou1')[0]
rdn2 = ldap.dn.str2dn('ou=OU1+cn=CN1')[0]
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2))
def test_rdn_multi_ava_diff_type(self):
# is_rdn_equal returns False if the RDNs have the same number of AVAs
# and the attribute types are different.
rdn1 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=cn1+ou=ou1')[0]
rdn2 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=cn1+sn=sn1')[0]
self.assertFalse(ks_ldap.is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2))
def test_rdn_attr_type_case_diff(self):
# is_rdn_equal returns True for same RDNs even when attr type case is
# different.
rdn1 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=cn1')[0]
rdn2 = ldap.dn.str2dn('CN=cn1')[0]
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2))
def test_rdn_attr_type_alias(self):
# is_rdn_equal returns False for same RDNs even when attr type alias is
# used. Note that this is a limitation since an LDAP server should
# consider them equal.
rdn1 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=cn1')[0]
rdn2 = ldap.dn.str2dn('')[0]
self.assertFalse(ks_ldap.is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2))
def test_dn_same(self):
# is_dn_equal returns True if the DNs are the same.
dn = 'cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack'
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.is_dn_equal(dn, dn))
def test_dn_diff_length(self):
# is_dn_equal returns False if the DNs don't have the same number of
# RDNs
dn1 = 'cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack'
dn2 = 'cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack,'
self.assertFalse(ks_ldap.is_dn_equal(dn1, dn2))
def test_dn_equal_rdns(self):
# is_dn_equal returns True if the DNs have the same number of RDNs
# and each RDN is the same.
dn1 = 'cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack+cn=OpenSource'
dn2 = 'CN=Babs Jansen,cn=OpenSource+ou=OpenStack'
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.is_dn_equal(dn1, dn2))
def test_dn_parsed_dns(self):
# is_dn_equal can also accept parsed DNs.
dn_str1 = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack+cn=OpenSource')
dn_str2 = ldap.dn.str2dn('CN=Babs Jansen,cn=OpenSource+ou=OpenStack')
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.is_dn_equal(dn_str1, dn_str2))
def test_startswith_under_child(self):
# dn_startswith returns True if descendant_dn is a child of dn.
child = 'cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack'
parent = 'ou=OpenStack'
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.dn_startswith(child, parent))
def test_startswith_parent(self):
# dn_startswith returns False if descendant_dn is a parent of dn.
child = 'cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack'
parent = 'ou=OpenStack'
self.assertFalse(ks_ldap.dn_startswith(parent, child))
def test_startswith_same(self):
# dn_startswith returns False if DNs are the same.
dn = 'cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack'
self.assertFalse(ks_ldap.dn_startswith(dn, dn))
def test_startswith_not_parent(self):
# dn_startswith returns False if descendant_dn is not under the dn
child = 'cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack'
parent = ''
self.assertFalse(ks_ldap.dn_startswith(child, parent))
def test_startswith_descendant(self):
# dn_startswith returns True if descendant_dn is a descendant of dn.
descendant = 'cn=Babs Jansen,ou=Keystone,ou=OpenStack,'
dn = 'ou=OpenStack,'
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.dn_startswith(descendant, dn))
def test_startswith_parsed_dns(self):
# dn_startswith also accepts parsed DNs.
descendant = ldap.dn.str2dn('cn=Babs Jansen,ou=OpenStack')
dn = ldap.dn.str2dn('ou=OpenStack')
self.assertTrue(ks_ldap.dn_startswith(descendant, dn))