
666 lines
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# Copyright 2013 Metacloud, Inc.
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Workflow Logic the Assignment service."""
import functools
from oslo_log import log
from keystone.common import controller
from keystone.common import provider_api
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs
class ProjectAssignmentV3(controller.V3Controller):
"""The V3 Project APIs that are processing assignments."""
collection_name = 'projects'
member_name = 'project'
def __init__(self):
super(ProjectAssignmentV3, self).__init__()
self.get_member_from_driver = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_project
@controller.filterprotected('domain_id', 'enabled', 'name')
def list_user_projects(self, request, filters, user_id):
hints = ProjectAssignmentV3.build_driver_hints(request, filters)
refs = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_projects_for_user(user_id)
return ProjectAssignmentV3.wrap_collection(request.context_dict,
class ImpliedRolesV3(controller.V3Controller):
"""The V3 ImpliedRoles CRD APIs. There is no Update."""
def _check_implies_role(self, request, prep_info,
prior_role_id, implied_role_id=None):
ref = {}
ref['prior_role'] = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(prior_role_id)
if implied_role_id:
ref['implied_role'] = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(implied_role_id)
self.check_protection(request, prep_info, ref)
def _prior_role_stanza(self, endpoint, prior_role_id, prior_role_name):
return {
"id": prior_role_id,
"links": {
"self": endpoint + "/v3/roles/" + prior_role_id
"name": prior_role_name
def _implied_role_stanza(self, endpoint, implied_role):
implied_id = implied_role['id']
implied_response = {
"id": implied_id,
"links": {
"self": endpoint + "/v3/roles/" + implied_id
"name": implied_role['name']
return implied_response
def list_role_inference_rules(self, request):
refs = PROVIDERS.role_api.list_role_inference_rules()
role_dict = {role_ref['id']: role_ref
for role_ref in PROVIDERS.role_api.list_roles()}
rules = dict()
endpoint = super(controller.V3Controller, ImpliedRolesV3).base_url(
request.context_dict, 'public')
for ref in refs:
implied_role_id = ref['implied_role_id']
prior_role_id = ref['prior_role_id']
implied = rules.get(prior_role_id, [])
endpoint, role_dict[implied_role_id]))
rules[prior_role_id] = implied
inferences = []
for prior_id, implied in rules.items():
prior_response = self._prior_role_stanza(
endpoint, prior_id, role_dict[prior_id]['name'])
inferences.append({'prior_role': prior_response,
'implies': implied})
results = {'role_inferences': inferences}
return results
class GrantAssignmentV3(controller.V3Controller):
"""The V3 Grant Assignment APIs."""
collection_name = 'roles'
member_name = 'role'
def __init__(self):
super(GrantAssignmentV3, self).__init__()
self.get_member_from_driver = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role
def _require_domain_xor_project(self, domain_id, project_id):
if domain_id and project_id:
msg = _('Specify a domain or project, not both')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
if not domain_id and not project_id:
msg = _('Specify one of domain or project')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
def _require_user_xor_group(self, user_id, group_id):
if user_id and group_id:
msg = _('Specify a user or group, not both')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
if not user_id and not group_id:
msg = _('Specify one of user or group')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
def _check_if_inherited(self, context):
return (context['path'].startswith('/OS-INHERIT') and
def _check_grant_protection(self, request, protection, role_id=None,
user_id=None, group_id=None,
domain_id=None, project_id=None,
"""Check protection for role grant APIs.
The policy rule might want to inspect attributes of any of the entities
involved in the grant. So we get these and pass them to the
check_protection() handler in the controller.
ref = {}
if role_id:
ref['role'] = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(role_id)
if user_id:
ref['user'] = PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_user(user_id)
except exception.UserNotFound:
if not allow_non_existing:
ref['group'] = PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_group(group_id)
except exception.GroupNotFound:
if not allow_non_existing:
# NOTE(lbragstad): This if/else check will need to be expanded in the
# future to handle system hierarchies if that is implemented.
if domain_id:
ref['domain'] = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_domain(domain_id)
elif project_id:
ref['project'] = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_project(project_id)
self.check_protection(request, protection, ref)
def create_grant(self, request, role_id, user_id=None,
group_id=None, domain_id=None, project_id=None):
"""Grant a role to a user or group on either a domain or project."""
self._require_domain_xor_project(domain_id, project_id)
self._require_user_xor_group(user_id, group_id)
inherited_to_projects = self._check_if_inherited(request.context_dict)
role_id, user_id=user_id, group_id=group_id, domain_id=domain_id,
project_id=project_id, inherited_to_projects=inherited_to_projects,
def list_grants(self, request, user_id=None,
group_id=None, domain_id=None, project_id=None):
"""List roles granted to user/group on either a domain or project."""
self._require_domain_xor_project(domain_id, project_id)
self._require_user_xor_group(user_id, group_id)
inherited_to_projects = self._check_if_inherited(request.context_dict)
refs = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_grants(
user_id=user_id, group_id=group_id, domain_id=domain_id,
project_id=project_id, inherited_to_projects=inherited_to_projects
return GrantAssignmentV3.wrap_collection(request.context_dict, refs)
def check_grant(self, request, role_id, user_id=None,
group_id=None, domain_id=None, project_id=None):
"""Check if a role has been granted on either a domain or project."""
self._require_domain_xor_project(domain_id, project_id)
self._require_user_xor_group(user_id, group_id)
inherited_to_projects = self._check_if_inherited(request.context_dict)
role_id, user_id=user_id, group_id=group_id, domain_id=domain_id,
project_id=project_id, inherited_to_projects=inherited_to_projects
# NOTE(lbragstad): This will allow users to clean up role assignments
# from the backend in the event the user was removed prior to the role
# assignment being removed.
_check_grant_protection, allow_non_existing=True))
def revoke_grant(self, request, role_id, user_id=None,
group_id=None, domain_id=None, project_id=None):
"""Revoke a role from user/group on either a domain or project."""
self._require_domain_xor_project(domain_id, project_id)
self._require_user_xor_group(user_id, group_id)
inherited_to_projects = self._check_if_inherited(request.context_dict)
role_id, user_id=user_id, group_id=group_id, domain_id=domain_id,
project_id=project_id, inherited_to_projects=inherited_to_projects,
def list_system_grants_for_user(self, request, user_id):
"""List all system grants for a specific user.
:param request: the request object
:param user_id: ID of the user
:returns: a list of grants the user has on the system
refs = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_system_grants_for_user(user_id)
return GrantAssignmentV3.wrap_collection(request.context_dict, refs)
def check_system_grant_for_user(self, request, role_id, user_id):
"""Check if a user has a specific role on the system.
:param request: the request object
:param role_id: the ID of the role to check
:param user_id: the ID of the user to check
PROVIDERS.assignment_api.check_system_grant_for_user(user_id, role_id)
def create_system_grant_for_user(self, request, role_id, user_id):
"""Grant a role to a user on the system.
:param request: the request object
:param role_id: the ID of the role to grant to the user
:param user_id: the ID of the user
PROVIDERS.assignment_api.create_system_grant_for_user(user_id, role_id)
_check_grant_protection, allow_non_existing=True))
def revoke_system_grant_for_user(self, request, role_id, user_id):
"""Revoke a role from user on the system.
:param request: the request object
:param role_id: the ID of the role to remove
:param user_id: the ID of the user
PROVIDERS.assignment_api.delete_system_grant_for_user(user_id, role_id)
def list_system_grants_for_group(self, request, group_id):
"""List all system grants for a specific group.
:param request: the request object
:param group_id: ID of the group
:returns: a list of grants the group has on the system
refs = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_system_grants_for_group(group_id)
return GrantAssignmentV3.wrap_collection(request.context_dict, refs)
def check_system_grant_for_group(self, request, role_id, group_id):
"""Check if a group has a specific role on the system.
:param request: the request object
:param role_id: the ID of the role to check
:param group_id: the ID of the group to check
group_id, role_id
def create_system_grant_for_group(self, request, role_id, group_id):
"""Grant a role to a group on the system.
:param request: the request object
:param role_id: the ID of the role to grant to the group
:param group_id: the ID of the group
group_id, role_id
def revoke_system_grant_for_group(self, request, role_id, group_id):
"""Revoke a role from the group on the system.
:param request: the request object
:param role_id: the ID of the role to remove
:param user_id: the ID of the user
group_id, role_id
class RoleAssignmentV3(controller.V3Controller):
"""The V3 Role Assignment APIs, really just list_role_assignment()."""
# TODO(henry-nash): The current implementation does not provide a full
# first class entity for role-assignment. There is no role_assignment_id
# and only the list_role_assignment call is supported. Further, since it
# is not a first class entity, the links for the individual entities
# reference the individual role grant APIs.
collection_name = 'role_assignments'
member_name = 'role_assignment'
def wrap_member(cls, context, ref):
# NOTE(henry-nash): Since we are not yet a true collection, we override
# the wrapper as have already included the links in the entities
def _format_entity(self, context, entity):
"""Format an assignment entity for API response.
The driver layer returns entities as dicts containing the ids of the
actor (e.g. user or group), target (e.g. domain or project) and role.
If it is an inherited role, then this is also indicated. Examples:
For a non-inherited expanded assignment from group membership:
{'user_id': user_id,
'project_id': project_id,
'role_id': role_id,
'indirect': {'group_id': group_id}}
or, for a project inherited role:
{'user_id': user_id,
'project_id': project_id,
'role_id': role_id,
'indirect': {'project_id': parent_id}}
or, for a role that was implied by a prior role:
{'user_id': user_id,
'project_id': project_id,
'role_id': role_id,
'indirect': {'role_id': prior role_id}}
It is possible to deduce if a role assignment came from group
membership if it has both 'user_id' in the main body of the dict and
'group_id' in the 'indirect' subdict, as well as it is possible to
deduce if it has come from inheritance if it contains both a
'project_id' in the main body of the dict and 'parent_id' in the
'indirect' subdict.
This function maps this into the format to be returned via the API,
e.g. for the second example above:
'user': {
{'id': user_id}
'scope': {
'project': {
{'id': project_id}
'OS-INHERIT:inherited_to': 'projects'
'role': {
{'id': role_id}
'links': {
'assignment': '/OS-INHERIT/projects/parent_id/users/user_id/'
formatted_link = ''
formatted_entity = {'links': {}}
inherited_assignment = entity.get('inherited_to_projects')
if 'project_id' in entity:
if 'project_name' in entity:
formatted_entity['scope'] = {'project': {
'id': entity['project_id'],
'name': entity['project_name'],
'domain': {'id': entity['project_domain_id'],
'name': entity['project_domain_name']}}}
formatted_entity['scope'] = {
'project': {'id': entity['project_id']}}
if 'domain_id' in entity.get('indirect', {}):
inherited_assignment = True
formatted_link = ('/domains/%s' %
elif 'project_id' in entity.get('indirect', {}):
inherited_assignment = True
formatted_link = ('/projects/%s' %
formatted_link = '/projects/%s' % entity['project_id']
elif 'domain_id' in entity:
if 'domain_name' in entity:
formatted_entity['scope'] = {
'domain': {'id': entity['domain_id'],
'name': entity['domain_name']}}
formatted_entity['scope'] = {
'domain': {'id': entity['domain_id']}}
formatted_link = '/domains/%s' % entity['domain_id']
elif 'system' in entity:
formatted_link = '/system'
formatted_entity['scope'] = {'system': entity['system']}
if 'user_id' in entity:
if 'user_name' in entity:
formatted_entity['user'] = {
'id': entity['user_id'],
'name': entity['user_name'],
'domain': {'id': entity['user_domain_id'],
'name': entity['user_domain_name']}}
formatted_entity['user'] = {'id': entity['user_id']}
if 'group_id' in entity.get('indirect', {}):
membership_url = (
self.base_url(context, '/groups/%s/users/%s' % (
entity['indirect']['group_id'], entity['user_id'])))
formatted_entity['links']['membership'] = membership_url
formatted_link += '/groups/%s' % entity['indirect']['group_id']
formatted_link += '/users/%s' % entity['user_id']
elif 'group_id' in entity:
if 'group_name' in entity:
formatted_entity['group'] = {
'id': entity['group_id'],
'name': entity['group_name'],
'domain': {'id': entity['group_domain_id'],
'name': entity['group_domain_name']}}
formatted_entity['group'] = {'id': entity['group_id']}
formatted_link += '/groups/%s' % entity['group_id']
if 'role_name' in entity:
formatted_entity['role'] = {'id': entity['role_id'],
'name': entity['role_name']}
if 'role_domain_id' in entity and 'role_domain_name' in entity:
{'domain': {'id': entity['role_domain_id'],
'name': entity['role_domain_name']}})
formatted_entity['role'] = {'id': entity['role_id']}
prior_role_link = ''
if 'role_id' in entity.get('indirect', {}):
formatted_link += '/roles/%s' % entity['indirect']['role_id']
prior_role_link = (
'/prior_role/%(prior)s/implies/%(implied)s' % {
'prior': entity['role_id'],
'implied': entity['indirect']['role_id']
formatted_link += '/roles/%s' % entity['role_id']
if inherited_assignment:
formatted_entity['scope']['OS-INHERIT:inherited_to'] = (
formatted_link = ('/OS-INHERIT%s/inherited_to_projects' %
formatted_entity['links']['assignment'] = self.base_url(context,
if prior_role_link:
formatted_entity['links']['prior_role'] = (
self.base_url(context, prior_role_link))
return formatted_entity
def _assert_effective_filters(self, inherited, group, domain):
"""Assert that useless filter combinations are avoided.
In effective mode, the following filter combinations are useless, since
they would always return an empty list of role assignments:
- group id, since no group assignment is returned in effective mode;
- domain id and inherited, since no domain inherited assignment is
returned in effective mode.
if group:
msg = _('Combining effective and group filter will always '
'result in an empty list.')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
if inherited and domain:
msg = _('Combining effective, domain and inherited filters will '
'always result in an empty list.')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
def _assert_domain_nand_project(self, domain_id, project_id):
if domain_id and project_id:
msg = _('Specify a domain or project, not both')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
def _assert_system_nand_domain(self, system, domain_id):
if system and domain_id:
msg = _('Specify system or domain, not both')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
def _assert_system_nand_project(self, system, project_id):
if system and project_id:
msg = _('Specify system or project, not both')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
def _assert_user_nand_group(self, user_id, group_id):
if user_id and group_id:
msg = _('Specify a user or group, not both')
raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
def _list_role_assignments(self, request, filters, include_subtree=False):
"""List role assignments to user and groups on domains and projects.
Return a list of all existing role assignments in the system, filtered
by assignments attributes, if provided.
If effective option is used and OS-INHERIT extension is enabled, the
following functions will be applied:
1) For any group role assignment on a target, replace it by a set of
role assignments containing one for each user of that group on that
2) For any inherited role assignment for an actor on a target, replace
it by a set of role assignments for that actor on every project under
that target.
It means that, if effective mode is used, no group or domain inherited
assignments will be present in the resultant list. Thus, combining
effective with them is invalid.
As a role assignment contains only one actor and one target, providing
both user and group ids or domain and project ids is invalid as well.
params = request.params
effective = 'effective' in params and (
include_names = ('include_names' in params and
if 'scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to' in params:
inherited = (
params['scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to'] == 'projects')
# None means querying both inherited and direct assignments
inherited = None
params.get('scope.system'), params.get('')
params.get('scope.system'), params.get('')
if effective:
refs = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_role_assignments(
inherited=inherited, effective=effective,
formatted_refs = [self._format_entity(request.context_dict, ref)
for ref in refs]
return self.wrap_collection(request.context_dict, formatted_refs)
@controller.filterprotected('', '', 'scope.system',
'', '',
'scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to', '')
def list_role_assignments(self, request, filters):
return self._list_role_assignments(request, filters)
def _check_list_tree_protection(self, request, protection_info):
"""Check protection for list assignment for tree API.
The policy rule might want to inspect the domain of any project filter
so if one is defined, then load the project ref and pass it to the
check protection method.
ref = {}
for filter, value in protection_info.get('filter_attr', {}).items():
if filter == '' and value:
ref['project'] = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_project(value)
self.check_protection(request, protection_info, ref)
@controller.filterprotected('', '',
'', '',
'scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to', '',
def list_role_assignments_for_tree(self, request, filters):
if not request.params.get(''):
msg = _(' must be specified if include_subtree '
'is also specified')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
return self._list_role_assignments(request, filters,
def list_role_assignments_wrapper(self, request):
"""Main entry point from router for list role assignments.
Since we want different policy file rules to be applicable based on
whether there the include_subtree query parameter is part of the API
call, this method checks for this and then calls the appropriate
protected entry point.
params = request.params
if 'include_subtree' in params and (
return self.list_role_assignments_for_tree(request)
return self.list_role_assignments(request)