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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from positional import positional
from keystoneauth1 import _utils as utils
from keystoneauth1 import access
from keystoneauth1 import exceptions
from keystoneauth1.identity.v3 import federation
_logger = utils.get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = ('OidcAuthorizationCode',
class _OidcBase(federation.FederationBaseAuth):
"""Base class for different OpenID Connect based flows.
The OpenID Connect specification can be found at::
def __init__(self, auth_url, identity_provider, protocol,
client_id, client_secret, grant_type,
scope="openid profile",
discovery_endpoint=None, **kwargs):
"""The OpenID Connect plugin expects the following.
:param auth_url: URL of the Identity Service
:type auth_url: string
:param identity_provider: Name of the Identity Provider the client
will authenticate against
:type identity_provider: string
:param protocol: Protocol name as configured in keystone
:type protocol: string
:param client_id: OAuth 2.0 Client ID
:type client_id: string
:param client_secret: OAuth 2.0 Client Secret
:type client_secret: string
:param grant_type: OpenID Connect grant type, it represents the flow
that is used to talk to the OP. Valid values are:
"authorization_code", "refresh_token", or
"password". If a discovery document is being used,
this class will check if the provided value is
supported by the provider.
:type grant_type: string
:param access_token_type: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Introspection
token type, it is used to decide which type
of token will be used when processing token
introspection. Valid values are:
"access_token" or "id_token"
:type access_token_type: string
:param access_token_endpoint: OpenID Connect Provider Token Endpoint,
for example:
Note that if a discovery document is
provided this value will override
the discovered one.
:type access_token_endpoint: string
:param discovery_endpoint: OpenID Connect Discovery Document URL,
for example:
:type access_token_endpoint: string
:param scope: OpenID Connect scope that is requested from OP,
for example: "openid profile email", defaults to
"openid profile". Note that OpenID Connect specification
states that "openid" must be always specified.
:type scope: string
super(_OidcBase, self).__init__(auth_url, identity_provider, protocol,
self.client_id = client_id
self.client_secret = client_secret
self.discovery_endpoint = discovery_endpoint
self._discovery_document = {}
self.access_token_endpoint = access_token_endpoint
self.access_token_type = access_token_type
self.scope = scope
self.grant_type = grant_type
def _get_discovery_document(self, session):
"""Get the contents of the OpenID Connect Discovery Document.
This method grabs the contents of the OpenID Connect Discovery Document
if a discovery_endpoint was passed to the constructor and returns it as
a dict, otherwise returns an empty dict. Note that it will fetch the
discovery document only once, so subsequent calls to this method will
return the cached result, if any.
:param session: a session object to send out HTTP requests.
:type session: keystoneauth1.session.Session
:returns: a python dictionary containing the discovery document if any,
otherwise it will return an empty dict.
:rtype: dict
if (self.discovery_endpoint is not None and
not self._discovery_document):
resp = session.get(self.discovery_endpoint,
except exceptions.HttpError:
_logger.error("Cannot fetch discovery document %(discovery)s" %
{"discovery": self.discovery_endpoint})
self._discovery_document = resp.json()
except Exception:
if not self._discovery_document:
raise exceptions.InvalidOidcDiscoveryDocument()
return self._discovery_document
def _check_grant_type(self, session):
"""Check if the grant_type requested is supported by the server.
If a discovery_endpoint is provided and the discoverty document
advertises the supported grant types, this method will check if the
requested grant_type is supported by the server, raising an exception
:param session: a session object to send out HTTP requests.
:type session: keystoneauth1.session.Session
discovery = self._get_discovery_document(session)
grant_types = discovery.get("grant_types_supported")
if (grant_types and
self.grant_type is not None and
self.grant_type not in grant_types):
raise exceptions.OidcPluginNotSupported()
def _get_access_token_endpoint(self, session):
"""Get the "token_endpoint" for the OpenID Connect flow.
This method will return the correct access token endpoint to be used.
If the user has explicitly passed an access_token_endpoint to the
constructor that will be returned. If there is no explicit endpoint and
a discovery url is provided, it will try to get it from the discovery
document. If nothing is found, an exception will be raised.
:param session: a session object to send out HTTP requests.
:type session: keystoneauth1.session.Session
:return: the endpoint to use
:rtype: string or None if no endpoint is found
if self.access_token_endpoint is not None:
return self.access_token_endpoint
discovery = self._get_discovery_document(session)
endpoint = discovery.get("token_endpoint")
if endpoint is None:
raise exceptions.OidcAccessTokenEndpointNotFound()
return endpoint
def _get_access_token(self, session, payload):
"""Exchange a variety of user supplied values for an access token.
:param session: a session object to send out HTTP requests.
:type session: keystoneauth1.session.Session
:param payload: a dict containing various OpenID Connect values, for
{'grant_type': 'password', 'username': self.username,
'password': self.password, 'scope': self.scope}
:type payload: dict
client_auth = (self.client_id, self.client_secret)
access_token_endpoint = self._get_access_token_endpoint(session)
op_response =,
access_token = op_response.json()[self.access_token_type]
return access_token
def _get_keystone_token(self, session, access_token):
r"""Exchange an access token for a keystone token.
By Sending the access token in an `Authorization: Bearer` header, to
an OpenID Connect protected endpoint (Federated Token URL). The
OpenID Connect server will use the access token to look up information
about the authenticated user (this technique is called instrospection).
The output of the instrospection will be an OpenID Connect Claim, that
will be used against the mapping engine. Should the mapping engine
succeed, a Keystone token will be presented to the user.
:param session: a session object to send out HTTP requests.
:type session: keystoneauth1.session.Session
:param access_token: The OpenID Connect access token.
:type access_token: str
# use access token against protected URL
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token}
auth_response =,
return auth_response
class OidcPassword(_OidcBase):
"""Implementation for OpenID Connect Resource Owner Password Credential."""
def __init__(self, auth_url, identity_provider, protocol,
client_id, client_secret,
grant_type='password', access_token_type='access_token',
username=None, password=None, **kwargs):
"""The OpenID Password plugin expects the following.
:param username: Username used to authenticate
:type username: string
:param password: Password used to authenticate
:type password: string
super(OidcPassword, self).__init__(
self.username = username
self.password = password
def get_unscoped_auth_ref(self, session):
"""Authenticate with OpenID Connect and get back claims.
This is a multi-step process. First an access token must be retrieved,
to do this, the username and password, the OpenID Connect client ID
and secret, and the access token endpoint must be known.
Secondly, we then exchange the access token upon accessing the
protected Keystone endpoint (federated auth URL). This will trigger
the OpenID Connect Provider to perform a user introspection and
retrieve information (specified in the scope) about the user in
the form of an OpenID Connect Claim. These claims will be sent
to Keystone in the form of environment variables.
:param session: a session object to send out HTTP requests.
:type session: keystoneauth1.session.Session
:returns: a token data representation
:rtype: :py:class:`keystoneauth1.access.AccessInfoV3`
# First of all, check if the grant type is supported
# get an access token
payload = {'grant_type': self.grant_type, 'username': self.username,
'password': self.password, 'scope': self.scope}
access_token = self._get_access_token(session, payload)
response = self._get_keystone_token(session, access_token)
# grab the unscoped token
return access.create(resp=response)
class OidcAuthorizationCode(_OidcBase):
"""Implementation for OpenID Connect Authorization Code."""
def __init__(self, auth_url, identity_provider, protocol,
client_id, client_secret,
redirect_uri=None, code=None, **kwargs):
"""The OpenID Authorization Code plugin expects the following.
:param redirect_uri: OpenID Connect Client Redirect URL
:type redirect_uri: string
:param code: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code
:type code: string
super(OidcAuthorizationCode, self).__init__(
self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri
self.code = code
def get_unscoped_auth_ref(self, session):
"""Authenticate with OpenID Connect and get back claims.
This is a multi-step process. First an access token must be retrieved,
to do this, an authorization code and redirect URL must be given.
Secondly, we then exchange the access token upon accessing the
protected Keystone endpoint (federated auth URL). This will trigger
the OpenID Connect Provider to perform a user introspection and
retrieve information (specified in the scope) about the user in
the form of an OpenID Connect Claim. These claims will be sent
to Keystone in the form of environment variables.
:param session: a session object to send out HTTP requests.
:type session: keystoneauth1.session.Session
:returns: a token data representation
:rtype: :py:class:`keystoneauth1.access.AccessInfoV3`
# First of all, check if the grant type is supported
# get an access token
payload = {'grant_type': self.grant_type,
'redirect_uri': self.redirect_uri,
'code': self.code}
access_token = self._get_access_token(session, payload)
response = self._get_keystone_token(session, access_token)
# grab the unscoped token
return access.create(resp=response)
class OidcAccessToken(_OidcBase):
"""Implementation for OpenID Connect access token reuse."""
def __init__(self, auth_url, identity_provider, protocol,
access_token, **kwargs):
"""The OpenID Connect plugin based on the Access Token.
It expects the following:
:param auth_url: URL of the Identity Service
:type auth_url: string
:param identity_provider: Name of the Identity Provider the client
will authenticate against
:type identity_provider: string
:param protocol: Protocol name as configured in keystone
:type protocol: string
:param access_token: OpenID Connect Access token
:type access_token: string
super(OidcAccessToken, self).__init__(auth_url, identity_provider,
self.access_token = access_token
def get_unscoped_auth_ref(self, session):
"""Authenticate with OpenID Connect and get back claims.
We exchange the access token upon accessing the protected Keystone
endpoint (federated auth URL). This will trigger the OpenID Connect
Provider to perform a user introspection and retrieve information
(specified in the scope) about the user in the form of an OpenID
Connect Claim. These claims will be sent to Keystone in the form of
environment variables.
:param session: a session object to send out HTTP requests.
:type session: keystoneclient.session.Session
:returns: a token data representation
:rtype: :py:class:`keystoneauth1.access.AccessInfoV3`
response = self._get_keystone_token(session, self.access_token)
return access.create(resp=response)