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# Copyright(c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from kolla_cli.tests.functional.common import KollaCliTest
import json
import os
import unittest
from kolla_cli.common.utils import get_group_vars_dir
from kolla_cli.common.utils import get_host_vars_dir
from kolla_cli.common.utils import get_kolla_ansible_home
from kolla_cli.common.inventory import Inventory
class TestFunctional(KollaCliTest):
def test_properties(self):
# test global properties
# test single group vars
group = 'prop_test_group1'
self.run_cli_cmd('group add %s' % group)
# test single host vars
host = 'prop_test_host1'
self.run_cli_cmd('host add %s' % host)
# test multiple group vars
groups = [group]
group = 'prop_test_group2'
self.run_cli_cmd('group add %s' % group)
# test multiple host vars
hosts = [host]
host = 'prop_test_host2'
self.run_cli_cmd('host add %s' % host)
# test all group vars
# test all host vars
# test property override output
ovr_key = 'enable_haproxy'
ovr_value = 'no'
# clear property values before test
self.run_cli_cmd('property clear %s' % ovr_key)
self.run_cli_cmd('property clear %s --host=all' % ovr_key)
self.run_cli_cmd('property clear %s --group=all' % ovr_key)
# global property override test
self.run_cli_cmd('property set %s %s' % (ovr_key, ovr_value))
json_str = self.run_cli_cmd('property list -f json')
msg = self._override_test(json_str, ovr_key, ovr_value, '*--')
self.assertEqual(msg, '', 'override check failed: %s' % msg)
# host property override test
self.run_cli_cmd('property set %s %s --host=%s' %
(ovr_key, ovr_value, host))
json_str = self.run_cli_cmd('property list -f json --host=%s' % host)
msg = self._override_test(json_str, ovr_key,
ovr_value, '*-H', host=host)
self.assertEqual(msg, '', 'host override check failed: %s' % msg)
# group property override test
self.run_cli_cmd('property set %s %s --group=%s' %
(ovr_key, ovr_value, group))
json_str = self.run_cli_cmd('property list -f json --group=%s' % group)
msg = self._override_test(json_str, ovr_key,
ovr_value, '*GH', group=group)
self.assertEqual(msg, '', 'group override check failed: %s' % msg)
# check that group_var files are deleted
# when groups are deleted
for group in groups:
path = os.path.join(get_group_vars_dir(), group)
self.run_cli_cmd('group remove %s' % group)
# check that host_var files are deleted
# when hosts are deleted
for host in hosts:
path = os.path.join(get_host_vars_dir(), host)
self.run_cli_cmd('host remove %s' % host)
def _properties_test(self, groups=[], hosts=[]):
switch = ''
if groups:
switch = '--groups'
dir_name = 'group_vars'
elif hosts:
switch = '--hosts'
dir_name = 'host_vars'
key = 'TeStKeY'
value = 'TeStVaLuE:123:abc'
# initialize keys
targets_csv = ''
targets = groups + hosts
if 'all' in groups:
inv = Inventory.load()
targets = inv.get_groupnames()
targets_csv = 'all'
elif 'all' in hosts:
inv = Inventory.load()
targets = inv.get_hostnames()
targets_csv = 'all'
comma = ''
sizes = {} # key = path, value = [size1, size2, etc]
for target in targets:
self.run_cli_cmd('property clear %s %s %s'
% (switch, target, key))
if targets_csv != 'all':
targets_csv += comma + target
comma = ','
path = os.path.join(get_kolla_ansible_home(),
'ansible', dir_name, target)
sizes[path] = [os.path.getsize(path)]
if not switch:
self.run_cli_cmd('property clear %s' % key)
path = os.path.join(get_kolla_ansible_home(),
sizes[path] = [os.path.getsize(path)]
# test append
self.run_cli_cmd('property set %s %s %s %s'
% (switch, targets_csv, key, value))
if switch:
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('property list -f json %s all'
% (switch))
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('property list -f json')
err_msg = self._check_property_values(key, value, msg, targets)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, '',
'set failed property not in output: %s, %s (%s %s)'
% (key, value, switch, targets_csv))
bad_path = self._is_size_ok(sizes, 0, '<', 1)
self.assertIsNone(bad_path, 'Size of file %s did not ' % bad_path +
'increase after append (%s %s)'
% (switch, targets_csv))
# test modify existing
value += '2'
self.run_cli_cmd('property set %s %s %s %s'
% (switch, targets_csv, key, value))
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('property list --all -f json %s %s'
% (switch, targets_csv))
err_msg = self._check_property_values(key, value, msg, targets)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, '',
'set failed property not in output: %s, %s (%s %s)'
% (key, value, switch, targets_csv))
bad_path = self._is_size_ok(sizes, 1, '<', 2)
self.assertIsNone(bad_path, 'Size of file %s did not ' % bad_path +
'increase after modify (%s %s)'
% (switch, targets_csv))
# test clear
self.run_cli_cmd('property clear %s %s %s'
% (switch, targets_csv, key))
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('property list --long -f json %s %s'
% (switch, targets_csv))
err_msg = self._check_property_values(key, value, msg, targets)
self.assertTrue('missing' in err_msg,
'clear failed, property still in output: ' +
'%s, %s (%s %s)'
% (key, value, switch, targets_csv))
bad_path = self._is_size_ok(sizes, 0, '=', 3)
self.assertIsNone(bad_path, 'Size of file %s is ' % bad_path +
'different from initial size '
'(%s %s %s)'
% (switch, targets_csv, str(sizes)))
# test setting empty string
value = '""'
self.run_cli_cmd('property set %s %s %s %s'
% (switch, targets_csv, key, value))
msg = self.run_cli_cmd('property list --all -f json %s %s'
% (switch, targets_csv))
err_msg = self._check_property_values(key, value, msg, targets)
self.assertTrue('missing' in err_msg,
'clear failed, property still in output: ' +
'%s, %s (%s %s)'
% (key, value, switch, targets_csv))
self.run_cli_cmd('property clear %s %s %s'
% (switch, targets_csv, key))
def _check_property_values(self, key, value, json_str,
"""Verify cli data against model data"""
error_msg = ''
props = json.loads(json_str.strip())
if not targets:
# simple property check
ok = False
for prop in props:
if (prop['Property Name'] == key and
prop['Property Value'] == value):
ok = True
if not ok:
error_msg = '%s:%s is missing in __GLOBAL__'
target_map = {}
for target in targets:
target_map[target] = 'missing'
for prop in props:
if 'Group' in prop and prop['Group'] == target:
if (prop['Property Name'] == key and
prop['Property Value'] == value):
target_map[target] = 'ok'
elif 'Host' in prop and prop['Host'] == target:
if (prop['Property Name'] == key and
prop['Property Value'] == value):
target_map[target] = 'ok'
for target, state in target_map.items():
if state == 'missing':
error_msg += ('%s:%s is missing in %s\n output:%s\n'
% (key, value, target, json_str))
return error_msg
def _is_size_ok(self, sizes, idx0, comparator, idx1):
bad_path = None
for path, path_sizes in sizes.items():
if idx1 > len(path_sizes) - 1:
# get new sizes
if comparator == '=':
if sizes[path][idx0] != sizes[path][idx1]:
bad_path = path
elif comparator == '<':
if sizes[path][idx0] >= sizes[path][idx1]:
bad_path = path
return bad_path
def _override_test(self, json_str, key, value, ovr_string,
host=None, group=None):
error_msg = ''
props = json.loads(json_str.strip())
for prop in props:
if group is not None:
if prop['Group'] == group:
error_msg = self._check_override_value(prop, key,
value, ovr_string)
elif host is not None:
if prop['Host'] == host:
error_msg = self._check_override_value(prop, key,
value, ovr_string)
error_msg = self._check_override_value(prop, key,
value, ovr_string)
return error_msg
def _check_override_value(self, prop, key, value, ovr_string):
error_msg = ''
if(prop['Property Name'] == key and
prop['Property Value'] == value and
prop['OVR'] != ovr_string):
error_msg = ('override value mismatch for '
'key:%s value:%s ovr:%s target:%s' %
(key, value, prop['OVR'], ovr_string))
return error_msg
if __name__ == '__main__':