FROM {{ namespace }}/{{ image_prefix }}openstack-base:{{ tag }} LABEL maintainer="{{ maintainer }}" name="{{ image_name }}" build-date="{{ build_date }}" {% block neutron_base_header %}{% endblock %} {% import "macros.j2" as macros with context %} {{ macros.configure_user(name='neutron') }} {% if base_distro in ['debian', 'ubuntu'] %} {{ macros.debian_haproxy_existing_user_fix() }} {% endif %} {% if install_type == 'binary' %} {% if base_distro in ['centos', 'oraclelinux', 'rhel'] %} {% set neutron_base_packages = [ 'keepalived', 'net-tools', 'radvd', 'openstack-neutron', 'openstack-neutron-fwaas', 'openstack-neutron-lbaas', 'openstack-neutron-ml2', 'openvswitch', 'python-networking-sfc', 'python-networking-vmware-nsx', 'python2-networking-baremetal', 'python2-openvswitch', 'python2-oslo-vmware' ] %} {% elif base_distro in ['debian'] %} {% set neutron_base_packages = [ 'iproute2', 'iputils-ping', 'keepalived', 'net-tools', 'radvd', 'neutron-plugin-ml2', 'neutron-server', 'openvswitch-switch', 'python-networking-sfc', 'python-networking-vmware-nsx', 'python-openvswitch', 'python-oslo.vmware' ] %} {% elif base_distro in ['ubuntu'] %} # FIXED(jeffrey4l): UCA rocky release is not include python-vmware-nsx # 13.0.0 package now. add 'python-vmware-nsx' into # neutron_base_packages list after UCA fixed the issue. {% set neutron_base_packages = [ 'iproute2', 'iputils-ping', 'keepalived', 'net-tools', 'radvd', 'neutron-lbaas-common', 'neutron-plugin-ml2', 'neutron-server', 'openvswitch-switch', 'python-networking-sfc', 'python-neutron-fwaas', 'python-openvswitch', 'python-oslo.vmware' ] %} {% endif %} {{ macros.install_packages(neutron_base_packages | customizable("packages")) }} {% if base_distro in ['debian', 'ubuntu'] %} RUN mkdir -p /usr/share/neutron \ && ln -s /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini /usr/share/neutron/api-paste.ini {% endif %} {% elif install_type == 'source' %} {% if base_distro in ['centos', 'oraclelinux', 'rhel'] %} {% set neutron_base_packages = [ 'conntrack-tools', 'dnsmasq', 'dnsmasq-utils', 'haproxy', 'ipset', 'keepalived', 'net-tools', 'openvswitch', 'python2-openvswitch', 'radvd', 'uuid' ] %} {% elif base_distro in ['debian', 'ubuntu'] %} {% set neutron_base_packages = [ 'conntrack', 'dnsmasq', 'dnsmasq-utils', 'haproxy', 'iproute2', 'ipset', 'iptables', 'iputils-arping', 'iputils-ping', 'keepalived', 'net-tools', 'openvswitch-switch', 'python-openvswitch', 'radvd', 'uuid-runtime' ] %} {% endif %} {{ macros.install_packages(neutron_base_packages | customizable("packages")) }} ADD neutron-base-archive /neutron-base-source ADD plugins-archive / {% set neutron_base_pip_packages = [ '/neutron', 'oslo-vmware' ] %} {% set neutron_base_plugins_pip_packages = [ '/plugins/*' ] %} RUN ln -s neutron-base-source/* neutron \ && {{ macros.install_pip(neutron_base_pip_packages | customizable("pip_packages")) }} \ && mkdir -p /etc/neutron /usr/share/neutron \ && cp -r /neutron/etc/* /etc/neutron/ \ && cp -r /neutron/etc/neutron/* /etc/neutron/ \ && cp /neutron/etc/api-paste.ini /usr/share/neutron \ && mv /etc/neutron/neutron/ /etc/neutron/plugins/ \ && chown -R neutron: /etc/neutron /usr/share/neutron \ && sed -i 's|^exec_dirs.*|exec_dirs=/var/lib/kolla/venv/bin,/sbin,/usr/sbin,/bin,/usr/bin,/usr/local/bin,/usr/local/sbin|g' /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf \ && if [ "$(ls /plugins)" ]; then \ {{ macros.install_pip(neutron_base_plugins_pip_packages) }} \ && for neutron_plugins in $(ls /plugins); do \ if [ -d "/plugins/$neutron_plugins/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d" ]; then \ cp /plugins/$neutron_plugins/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/* /etc/neutron/rootwrap.d; \ fi; \ done; \ fi {% endif %} COPY neutron_sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/kolla_neutron_sudoers COPY /usr/local/bin/kolla_extend_start RUN chmod 750 /etc/sudoers.d \ && chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/kolla_neutron_sudoers \ && touch /usr/local/bin/kolla_neutron_extend_start \ && chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/kolla_extend_start /usr/local/bin/kolla_neutron_extend_start {% block neutron_base_footer %}{% endblock %}