#!/bin/bash # # Bootstrap script to configure all nodes. # VM=$1 MODE=$2 KOLLA_PATH=$3 export http_proxy= export https_proxy= if [ "$MODE" = 'aio' ]; then # Run registry on port 4000 since it may collide with keystone when doing AIO REGISTRY_PORT=4000 SUPPORT_NODE=operator else REGISTRY_PORT=5000 SUPPORT_NODE=support01 fi REGISTRY=operator.local:${REGISTRY_PORT} ADMIN_PROTOCOL="http" # Install common packages and do some prepwork. function prep_work { apt-get update apt-get install -y python-mysqldb python-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev apt-get clean easy_install pip pip install --upgrade docker-py } # Install and configure a quick&dirty docker daemon. function install_docker { # Allow for an externally supplied docker binary. if [[ -f "/data/docker" ]]; then cp /vagrant/docker /usr/bin/docker chmod +x /usr/bin/docker else apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu:80 --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D echo "deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-wily main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list apt-get update apt-get install -y docker-engine sed -i -r "s,(ExecStart)=(.+),\1=/usr/bin/docker daemon --insecure-registry ${REGISTRY} --registry-mirror=http://${REGISTRY}|" /lib/systemd/system/docker.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable docker systemctl restart docker fi } function configure_kolla { # Use local docker registry sed -i -r "s,^[# ]*namespace *=.+$,namespace = ${REGISTRY}/lokolla," /etc/kolla/kolla-build.conf sed -i -r "s,^[# ]*push *=.+$,push = True," /etc/kolla/kolla-build.conf sed -i -r "s,^[# ]*docker_registry:.+$,docker_registry: \"${REGISTRY}\"," /etc/kolla/globals.yml sed -i -r "s,^[# ]*docker_namespace:.+$,docker_namespace: \"lokolla\"," /etc/kolla/globals.yml sed -i -r "s,^[# ]*docker_insecure_registry:.+$,docker_insecure_registry: \"True\"," /etc/kolla/globals.yml # Set network interfaces sed -i -r "s,^[# ]*network_interface:.+$,network_interface: \"eth1\"," /etc/kolla/globals.yml sed -i -r "s,^[# ]*neutron_external_interface:.+$,neutron_external_interface: \"eth2\"," /etc/kolla/globals.yml } # Configure the operator node and install some additional packages. function configure_operator { apt-get install -y git mariadb-client selinux-utils && apt-get clean pip install --upgrade "ansible<2" python-openstackclient python-neutronclient tox pip install ~vagrant/kolla # Note: this trickery requires a patched docker binary. if [[ "$http_proxy" = "" ]]; then su - vagrant sh -c "echo BUILDFLAGS=\\\"--build-env=http_proxy=$http_proxy --build-env=https_proxy=$https_proxy\\\" > ~/kolla/.buildconf" fi cp -r ~vagrant/kolla/etc/kolla/ /etc/kolla oslo-config-generator --config-file \ ~vagrant/kolla/etc/oslo-config-generator/kolla-build.conf \ --output-file /etc/kolla/kolla-build.conf mkdir -p /usr/share/kolla chown -R vagrant: /etc/kolla /usr/share/kolla configure_kolla # Make sure Ansible uses scp. cat > ~vagrant/.ansible.cfg < ~vagrant/openrc < /etc/kolla/config/nova/nova-compute.conf <