
160 lines
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# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
import uuid
from kuryr_kubernetes.controller.drivers import sriov as sriov_drivers
from kuryr_kubernetes.tests import base as test_base
from kuryr_kubernetes.tests.unit import kuryr_fixtures as k_fix
from kuryr_kubernetes import constants as k_const
from kuryr_kubernetes import os_vif_util as ovu
from kuryr_kubernetes import utils
from oslo_config import cfg as oslo_cfg
class TestSriovVIFDriver(test_base.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestSriovVIFDriver, self).setUp()
self._pod = {
'metadata': {
'resourceVersion': mock.sentinel.pod_version,
'selfLink': mock.sentinel.pod_link,
'name': 'podname'},
'status': {'phase': k_const.K8S_POD_STATUS_PENDING},
'spec': {
'hostNetwork': False,
'nodeName': 'hostname',
'containers': [{
'resources': {
'requests': {
k_const.K8S_NPWG_SRIOV_PREFIX: "2"
def test_activate_vif(self):
cls = sriov_drivers.SriovVIFDriver
m_driver = mock.Mock(spec=cls)
pod = mock.sentinel.pod
vif = mock.Mock()
vif.active = False
cls.activate_vif(m_driver, pod, vif)
self.assertEqual(True, vif.active)
@mock.patch.object(ovu, 'neutron_to_osvif_vif')
def test_request_vif(self, m_to_vif, m_to_fips):
cls = sriov_drivers.SriovVIFDriver
m_driver = mock.Mock(spec=cls)
neutron = self.useFixture(k_fix.MockNeutronClient()).client
project_id = mock.sentinel.project_id
fixed_ips = mock.sentinel.fixed_ips
m_to_fips.return_value = fixed_ips
network = mock.sentinel.Network
subnet_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
subnets = {subnet_id: network}
security_groups = mock.sentinel.security_groups
port_fixed_ips = mock.sentinel.port_fixed_ips
port_id = mock.sentinel.port_id
port = {
'fixed_ips': port_fixed_ips,
'id': port_id
port_request = mock.sentinel.port_request
m_driver._get_port_request.return_value = port_request
vif = mock.sentinel.vif
m_to_vif.return_value = vif
neutron.create_port.return_value = {'port': port}
utils.get_subnet.return_value = subnets
self.assertEqual(vif, cls.request_vif(m_driver, self._pod, project_id,
subnets, security_groups))
@mock.patch.object(ovu, 'neutron_to_osvif_vif')
def test_request_vif_not_enough_vfs(self, m_to_vif, m_to_fips):
cls = sriov_drivers.SriovVIFDriver
m_driver = mock.Mock(spec=cls)
m_driver._get_remaining_sriov_vfs.return_value = 0
neutron = self.useFixture(k_fix.MockNeutronClient()).client
project_id = mock.sentinel.project_id
network = mock.sentinel.Network
subnet_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
subnets = {subnet_id: network}
security_groups = mock.sentinel.security_groups
self.assertIsNone(cls.request_vif(m_driver, self._pod, project_id,
subnets, security_groups))
def test_get_sriov_num_vf(self):
cls = sriov_drivers.SriovVIFDriver
m_driver = mock.Mock(spec=cls)
amount = cls._get_remaining_sriov_vfs(m_driver, self._pod)
self.assertEqual(amount, 2)
def test_reduce_remaining_sriov_vfs(self):
cls = sriov_drivers.SriovVIFDriver
m_driver = mock.Mock(spec=cls)
cls._reduce_remaining_sriov_vfs(m_driver, self._pod)
amount = cls._get_remaining_sriov_vfs(m_driver, self._pod)
self.assertEqual(amount, 1)
def test_get_physnet_mapping(self):
cls = sriov_drivers.SriovVIFDriver
m_driver = mock.Mock(spec=cls)
subnet_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
mapping = cls._get_physnet_mapping(m_driver)
self.assertEqual(mapping, {subnet_id: 'physnet10_4'})
def test_get_physnet_for_subnet_id(self):
cls = sriov_drivers.SriovVIFDriver
m_driver = mock.Mock(spec=cls)
subnet_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
m_driver._physnet_mapping = {subnet_id: 'physnet10_4'}
physnet = cls._get_physnet_for_subnet_id(m_driver, subnet_id)
self.assertEqual(physnet, 'physnet10_4')
def test_get_physnet_for_subnet_id_error(self):
cls = sriov_drivers.SriovVIFDriver
m_driver = mock.Mock(spec=cls)
subnet_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
m_driver._physnet_mapping = {}
self.assertRaises(KeyError, cls._get_physnet_for_subnet_id,
m_driver, subnet_id)