
125 lines
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enable_plugin kuryr-kubernetes \
# If you do not want stacking to clone new versions of the enabled services,
# like for example when you did local modifications and need to ./unstack.sh
# and ./stack.sh again, uncomment the following
# RECLONE="no"
# Log settings for better readability
# If you want the screen tabs logged in a specific location, you can use:
# SCREEN_LOGDIR="${HOME}/devstack_logs"
# Credentials
# Enable Keystone v3
# In pro of speed and being lightweight, we will be explicit in regards to
# which services we enable
# Neutron services
enable_service neutron
enable_service q-agt
enable_service q-dhcp
enable_service q-l3
enable_service q-svc
# Keystone
enable_service key
# dependencies
enable_service mysql
enable_service rabbit
# By default use all the services from the kuryr-kubernetes plugin
# Docker
# ======
# If you already have docker configured, running and with its socket writable
# by the stack user, you can omit the following line.
enable_service docker
# Etcd
# ====
# The default is for devstack to run etcd for you. You can select the image and
# version of it by uncommenting and modifying the following defaults.
# KURYR_ETCD_IMAGE="quay.io/coreos/etcd"
# You can select the listening and advertising client and peering Etcd
# addresses by uncommenting and changing from the following defaults:
# KURYR_ETCD_ADVERTISE_CLIENT_URL=http://my_host_ip:2379}
# KURYR_ETCD_ADVERTISE_PEER_URL=http://my_host_ip:2380}
# If you already have etcd configured and running, you can just comment out
enable_service etcd
# then uncomment and set the following line:
# KURYR_ETCD_CLIENT_URL="http://etcd_ip:etcd_client_port"
# Kubernetes
# ==========
# Kubernetes is run from the hyperkube docker image
# If you already have a Kubernetes deployment, you can use it instead and omit
# enabling the Kubernetes service (except Kubelet, which must be run by
# devstack so that it uses our development CNI driver.
# The default is, again, for devstack to run the Kubernetes services:
enable_service kubernetes-api
enable_service kubernetes-controller-manager
enable_service kubernetes-scheduler
# We use hyperkube to run the services. You can select the hyperkube image and/
# or version by uncommenting and setting the following ENV vars different
# to the following defaults:
# KURYR_HYPERKUBE_IMAGE="gcr.io/google_containers/hyperkube-amd64"
# If you have the 8080 port already bound to another service, you will need to
# have kubernetes API server bind to another port. In order to do that,
# uncomment and set a different port number in:
# If you want to test with a different range for the Cluster IPs uncomment and
# set the following ENV var to a different CIDR
# If, however, you are reusing an existing deployment, you should uncomment and
# set an ENV var so that the Kubelet devstack runs can find the API server:
# KURYR_K8S_API_URL="http://k8s_api_ip:k8s_api_port"
# Kubelet
# =======
# Kubelet should almost invariably be run by devstack
enable_service kubelet
# You can specify a different location for the hyperkube binary that will be
# extracted from the hyperkube container into the Host filesystem:
# KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY=/usr/local/bin/hyperkube
# the selected binary for the Kubelet.
# Kuryr watcher
# =============
# Just like the Kubelet, you'll want to have the watcher enabled. It is the
# part of the codebase that connects to the Kubernetes API server to read the
# resource events and convert them to Neutron actions
enable_service kuryr-kubernetes