Fix typos in resource-quotas.rst

Change-Id: I9b405676b3c6c21c0372feca1b352455d965f25b
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Chandra Ganguly 2016-06-29 10:08:59 -07:00
parent 3e43fbd5b4
commit 316089d2b3
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ a. Ability to know current resource consumption.
b. Ability to prohibit overuse by a project.
c. Prevent situation where users in the project get starved because users in
other project consume all the resource. Alice feels something like
"Quota Management" would help to gurantee "fairness".
"Quota Management" would help to guarantee "fairness".
d. Prevent DOS kind of attack, abuse or error by users where an excessive
amount of resources are created.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Mitaka.
When a project is created and if the Magnum service is running, the default
quota for Magnum resources will be set by the values configured in magnum.conf.
Other Openstack projects like Nova [2]_, Cinder [3]_ follow a similar pattern
and we will also do so and hence won't have a seperate CLI for quota-create.
and we will also do so and hence won't have a separate CLI for quota-create.
Later if the user wants to change the Quota of the resource option will be
provided to do so using magnum quota-update. In situation where all of the
quota for a specific Magnum resource (Bay) have been consumed and is
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ computing the available quota. For example, 'in-progress' field in the Quota
usages table will be updated when the resource(Bay) creation is initiated and
is in progress. Lets say the quota hardlimit is 5 and 3 Bay's have already been
created and two new requests come in to create new Bays. Since we have 3 Bays
already created the 'used' field will be set to 3. Now the 'in-progres'
already created the 'used' field will be set to 3. Now the 'in-progress'
field will be set to 2 till the time the Bay creation is successful. Once
the Bay creation is done this field will be reset to 0, and the 'used'
count will be updated from 3 to 5. So at this moment, hardlimit is 5, used