# Copyright 2013 - Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Magnum base exception handling. Includes decorator for re-raising Magnum-type exceptions. """ import functools import json import sys from keystoneclient import exceptions as keystone_exceptions from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import six from magnum.i18n import _ from magnum.i18n import _LE LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF try: CONF.import_opt('fatal_exception_format_errors', 'oslo_versionedobjects.exception') except cfg.NoSuchOptError as e: # Note:work around for magnum run against master branch # in devstack gate job, as magnum not branched yet # verisonobjects kilo/master different version can # cause issue here. As it changed import group. So # add here before branch to prevent gate failure. # Bug: #1447873 CONF.import_opt('fatal_exception_format_errors', 'oslo_versionedobjects.exception', group='oslo_versionedobjects') def wrap_keystone_exception(func): """Wrap keystone exceptions and throw Magnum specific exceptions.""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kw): try: return func(*args, **kw) except keystone_exceptions.AuthorizationFailure: raise AuthorizationFailure( client=func.__name__, message="reason: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) except keystone_exceptions.ClientException: raise AuthorizationFailure( client=func.__name__, message="unexpected keystone client error occurred: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) return wrapped class MagnumException(Exception): """Base Magnum Exception To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor. """ message = _("An unknown exception occurred.") code = 500 def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs if 'code' not in self.kwargs and hasattr(self, 'code'): self.kwargs['code'] = self.code if message: self.message = message try: self.message = self.message % kwargs except Exception: # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message # log the issue and the kwargs LOG.exception(_LE('Exception in string format operation, ' 'kwargs: %s') % kwargs) try: if CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors: raise except cfg.NoSuchOptError: # Note: work around for Bug: #1447873 if CONF.oslo_versionedobjects.fatal_exception_format_errors: raise super(MagnumException, self).__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): if six.PY3: return self.message return self.message.encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return self.message def format_message(self): if self.__class__.__name__.endswith('_Remote'): return self.args[0] else: return six.text_type(self) class ObjectNotFound(MagnumException): message = _("The %(name)s %(id)s could not be found.") class ResourceNotFound(ObjectNotFound): message = _("The %(name)s resource %(id)s could not be found.") code = 404 class AuthorizationFailure(MagnumException): message = _("%(client)s connection failed. %(message)s") class Invalid(MagnumException): message = _("Unacceptable parameters.") code = 400 class InvalidUUID(Invalid): message = _("Expected a uuid but received %(uuid)s.") class InvalidName(Invalid): message = _("Expected a name but received %(name)s.") class InvalidDiscoveryURL(Invalid): message = _("Received invalid discovery URL '%(discovery_url)s' for " "discovery endpoint '%(discovery_endpoint)s'.") class GetDiscoveryUrlFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to get discovery url from '%(discovery_endpoint)s'.") class InvalidBayDiscoveryURL(Invalid): message = _("Invalid discovery URL '%(discovery_url)s'.") class InvalidClusterSize(Invalid): message = _("Expected cluster size %(expect_size)d but get cluster " "size %(size)d from '%(discovery_url)s'.") class GetClusterSizeFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to get the size of cluster from '%(discovery_url)s'.") class InvalidIdentity(Invalid): message = _("Expected an uuid or int but received %(identity)s.") class InvalidCsr(Invalid): message = _("Received invalid csr %(csr)s.") class InvalidSubnet(Invalid): message = _("Received invalid subnet %(subnet)s.") class HTTPNotFound(ResourceNotFound): pass class Conflict(MagnumException): message = _('Conflict.') code = 409 class ApiVersionsIntersect(MagnumException): message = _("Version of %(name)s %(min_ver)s %(max_ver)s intersects " "with another versions.") # Cannot be templated as the error syntax varies. # msg needs to be constructed when raised. class InvalidParameterValue(Invalid): message = _("%(err)s") class PatchError(Invalid): message = _("Couldn't apply patch '%(patch)s'. Reason: %(reason)s") class NotAuthorized(MagnumException): message = _("Not authorized.") code = 403 class PolicyNotAuthorized(NotAuthorized): message = _("Policy doesn't allow %(action)s to be performed.") class InvalidMAC(Invalid): message = _("Expected a MAC address but received %(mac)s.") class ConfigInvalid(MagnumException): message = _("Invalid configuration file. %(error_msg)s") class SSHConnectFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to establish SSH connection to host %(host)s.") class FileSystemNotSupported(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to create a file system. " "File system %(fs)s is not supported.") class BayModelNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Baymodel %(baymodel)s could not be found.") class BayModelAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A baymodel with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class BayModelReferenced(Invalid): message = _("Baymodel %(baymodel)s is referenced by one or multiple bays.") class BaymodelPublishDenied(NotAuthorized): message = _("Not authorized to set public flag for baymodel.") class BayNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Bay %(bay)s could not be found.") class BayAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A bay with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class ContainerNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Container %(container)s could not be found.") class ContainerAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A container with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class PodNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Pod %(pod)s could not be found.") class PodAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A pod with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class PodListNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Pod list could not be found for Bay %(bay_uuid)s.") class PodCreationFailed(Invalid): message = _("Pod creation failed in Bay %(bay_uuid)s.") class ReplicationControllerNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("ReplicationController %(rc)s could not be found.") class ReplicationControllerAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A ReplicationController with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class ReplicationControllerListNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("ReplicationController list could not be found" " for Bay %(bay_uuid)s.") class ReplicationControllerCreationFailed(Invalid): message = _("ReplicationController creation failed" " for Bay %(bay_uuid)s.") class ServiceNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Service %(service)s could not be found.") class ServiceAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A service with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class ServiceListNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Service list could not be found for Bay %(bay_uuid)s.") class ServiceCreationFailed(Invalid): message = _("Service creation failed for Bay %(bay_uuid)s.") class ContainerException(Exception): pass class NotSupported(MagnumException): message = _("%(operation)s is not supported.") code = 400 class BayTypeNotSupported(MagnumException): message = _("Bay type (%(server_type)s, %(os)s, %(coe)s)" " not supported.") class BayTypeNotEnabled(MagnumException): message = _("Bay type (%(server_type)s, %(os)s, %(coe)s)" " not enabled.") class RequiredParameterNotProvided(MagnumException): message = _("Required parameter %(heat_param)s not provided.") class Urllib2InvalidScheme(MagnumException): message = _("The urllib2 URL %(url)s has an invalid scheme.") class OperationInProgress(Invalid): message = _("Bay %(bay_name)s already has an operation in progress.") class ImageNotFound(ResourceNotFound): """The code here changed to 400 according to the latest document.""" message = _("Image %(image_id)s could not be found.") code = 400 class ImageNotAuthorized(MagnumException): message = _("Not authorized for image %(image_id)s.") class OSDistroFieldNotFound(ResourceNotFound): """The code here changed to 400 according to the latest document.""" message = _("Image %(image_id)s doesn't contain os_distro field.") code = 400 class KubernetesAPIFailed(MagnumException): def __init__(self, message=None, err=None, **kwargs): if err: if err.body: message = json.loads(err.body)['message'] else: message = err.reason self.__class__.code = err.status else: self.__class__.code = kwargs.get('code') super(KubernetesAPIFailed, self).__init__(message, **kwargs) class X509KeyPairNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("A key pair %(x509keypair)s could not be found.") class X509KeyPairAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A key pair with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.") class CertificateStorageException(MagnumException): message = _("Could not store certificate: %(msg)s") class CertificateValidationError(Invalid): message = _("Extension '%(extension)s' not allowed") class KeyPairNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Unable to find keypair %(keypair)s.") class MagnumServiceNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("A magnum service %(magnum_service_id)s could not be found.") class MagnumServiceAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A magnum service with ID %(id)s already exists.") class UnsupportedK8sQuantityFormat(MagnumException): message = _("Unsupported quantity format for k8s bay.") class UnsupportedDockerQuantityFormat(MagnumException): message = _("Unsupported quantity format for Swarm bay.") class FlavorNotFound(ResourceNotFound): """The code here changed to 400 according to the latest document.""" message = _("Unable to find flavor %(flavor)s.") code = 400 class ExternalNetworkNotFound(ResourceNotFound): """The code here changed to 400 according to the latest document.""" """"Ensure the network is not private.""" message = _("Unable to find external network %(network)s.") code = 400 class TrustCreateFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to create trust for trustee %(trustee_user_id)s.") class TrustDeleteFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to delete trust %(trust_id)s.") class TrusteeCreateFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to create trustee %(username)s " "in domain %(domain_id)s") class TrusteeDeleteFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to delete trustee %(trustee_id)s") class QuotaAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("Quota for project %(project_id)s already exists " "for resource %(resource)s.") class RegionsListFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to list regions.") class TrusteeOrTrustToBayFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to create trustee or trust for Bay: %(bay_uuid)s") class CertificatesToBayFailed(MagnumException): message = _("Failed to create certificates for Bay: %(bay_uuid)s")