- hosts: all tasks: - name: Run tools/gate/build-images generic command: bash -xe tools/gate/build-images generic args: chdir: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}' - name: create images directory file: path: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/images' state: directory mode: 0755 - name: Collect git tag command: git describe --tags args: chdir: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}' register: tagoutput - name: show directory contents after the build command: ls -lrt args: chdir: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}' - name: get the source directory command: pwd args: chdir: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}' register: src_dir - name: hard link to image from images directory using tag file: src: '{{ src_dir.stdout }}/manila-service-image.qcow2' dest: '{{ src_dir.stdout }}/images/manila-service-image-{{ tagoutput.stdout }}.qcow2' state: hard - name: now symlink using "master" in place of tag file: src: '{{ src_dir.stdout }}/images/manila-service-image-{{ tagoutput.stdout }}.qcow2' dest: '{{ src_dir.stdout }}/images/manila-service-image-master.qcow2' state: link - name: show contents of the image directory command: ls -lrt args: chdir: '{{ src_dir.stdout }}/images'