Move Metadata Spec from Wallaby to Yoga

Also updates spec details and assignee

Change-Id: I0f6cd9bbc912e8cc139d5fbde9279c6ea96bc2f0
This commit is contained in:
Ashley Rodriguez 2021-10-19 22:20:40 +00:00
parent 816a17b924
commit 833cb6c3e0
1 changed files with 86 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -29,15 +29,19 @@ Problem description
End users interact with manila API to manage their shared file system storage
resources. These resources include:
- Shares
- Snapshots
- Export Locations
- Share Replicas
- Share Groups
- Share Group Snapshots
- Security Services
- Share Networks
- Share Network Subnets
- Shares
- Share Export Locations
- Share Access Rules
- Share Instances
- Share Instance Export Locations
- Share Replicas
- Share Replica Export Locations
- Share Snapshots
- Share Groups
- Share Group Snapshots
- Security Services
- Share Networks
- Share Network Subnets
All of these resources are identifiable by ID. Some of them even allow setting
free form text as Name and/or Description. Free form text is usually hard to
@ -86,10 +90,9 @@ implement API handler code to:
- set a single resource metadata item (update a specific key=value pair)
- unset resource metadata item (delete a specific key=value pair)
To distinguish and protect service owned metadata, all metadata tables will
include an attribute named ``user_modifiable``. This attribute will
determine if users have the ability to manipulate (or delete)
the specific metadatum.
To distinguish and protect service owned or admin only metadata,
there will be an ignore_keys parameter and ignored keys dictionary
to prevent these metadata items from being manipulated by the end user.
@ -125,32 +128,30 @@ necessary. These tables will be created during a database upgrade, and
nullified and destroyed during a database downgrade.
Existing metadata tables for Shares ("share_metadata"), Export Locations
("share_instance_export_locations_metadata") and Share Access
Rules ("share_access_rules_metadata") will be modified to include a boolean
attribute called ``user_modifiable``. The default value for this attribute is
set to True. All existing export location metadata will have this attribute
set to False during the database upgrade step. This is because we expect no
end user created metadata on export locations yet.
("share_instance_export_locations_metadata") will be modified to include
a string attribute called ``deleted``. The default value for this attribute is
set to False.
Existing metadata tables will also be modified to replace the datatype of
the "id" field to uuids. This will be done to avoid integer overflows and
provide scalability.
the "id" field to a string of length 36 for UUIDs. This will be done to
avoid integer overflows and provide scalability.
A general ORM schema for a metadata table will be as follows::
A general ORM schema for a metadata table will be as follows
(where 'Resource' is a stand-in for the real resource name)::
class ResourceMetadata(BASE, ManilaBase):
"""Represents a metadata key/value pair for a resource."""
"""Represents a metadata key/value pair for a Resource."""
__tablename__ = 'resource_metadata'
id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True)
key = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
value = Column(String(1023), nullable=False)
resource_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)
user_modifiable = Column(Boolean, default=True)
deleted = Column(String(36), default='False')
resource = orm.relationship(Resource, backref="resource_metadata",
'ResourceMetadata.resource_id ==,'
'ResourceMetadata.deleted == 0)')
'ResourceMetadata.deleted == "False)')
Metadata items are not soft deleted when they are unset by the service or by
@ -161,12 +162,13 @@ resource has been requested.
REST API impact
New API endpoints will be created to get metadata, set metadata, unset a
metadata item, delete all metadata for each resource. The general structure of
these APIs is as follows:
New API endpoints will be created to index metadata, show metadata item,
create metadata, update metadata item, update_all metadata (delete
all existing metadata and update with requested metadata), and delete metadata
item for each resource. The general structure of these APIs is as follows:
Get all Metadata
Index Metadata
Retrieve all metadata key=value pairs as JSON::
@ -186,8 +188,28 @@ Retrieve all metadata key=value pairs as JSON::
Set/Unset all metadata
Show specific metadata item
Retrieve a single metadata key=value pair::
GET /v2/{resource}/metadata/{key}
- *Sample request body*: null
- *Success Codes*: 200
- *Default API policy role*: Project Reader
- *Error Codes*: 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Policy Not Authorized), 404
(Invalid resource)
- *Sample response body*::
"metadata": {
"project": "my_app",
Update all metadata
Replace all metadata with the updated set, can also be used to delete all
@ -217,10 +239,14 @@ metadata::
Set specific metadata item/s
*Note:* Metadata keys that are part of the admin-only dictionary will
not be deleted and updated if the user requesting this is not an
system or project admin.
Update one or more specific metadata items, leaving the rest unmodified::
Update specific metadata item
Update a specific metadata item, leaving the rest unmodified::
POST /v2/{resource}/metadata/{key}
@ -251,8 +277,7 @@ Update one or more specific metadata items, leaving the rest unmodified::
Currently, the ``POST /v2/{share}/metadata`` API currently expects a
``meta`` object. However, the other metadata APIs expect a ``metadata``
object. For the sake of consistency, this error will be fixed in a new
API microversion. However, use of ``meta`` will be honored for this API even
after the new microversion.
API microversion.
Delete specific metadata item
@ -302,12 +327,12 @@ Other end user impact
Python-manilaclient SDK will include support for the new APIs and we'll
ensure that there are corresponding CLI commands in manilaclient shell as
well as the new OSC plugin shell. Manila UI's support for share, export
location and access rule metadata is limited. This specification doesn't
seek to address all the UI gaps; but all effort will be made to close the
feature parity between the CLI utilities and the UI. Eventually users will
be able to perform all metadata interactions via the UI as well.
ensure that there are corresponding CLI commands in the new OSC plugin
shell. Manila UI's support for share, export location and access rule
metadata is limited. This specification doesn't seek to address all the
UI gaps; but all effort will be made to close the feature parity between
the CLI utilities and the UI. Eventually users will be able to perform
all metadata interactions via the UI as well.
Performance Impact
@ -341,10 +366,10 @@ Assignee(s)
Primary assignee:
ashrod98 <>
Other contributors:
Work Items
@ -352,20 +377,33 @@ Work Items
- Add database migration to convert the ``id`` field of share, export
location and access rule metadata to a string from integer and populate
the field with UUIDs
- Add database migrations to introduce the "user_modifiable" field to share,
- Add database migrations to introduce the "deleted" field to share,
export location and access rule metadata tables.
- Add database migrations to create new metadata tables for all other resources
- Add ``MetadataControllerMixin``, inherit and extend in all resources and
bump up the API microversion.
- Add unit and integration tests
- Add support for metadata APIs in manilaclient SDK, manilaclient shell and OSC
- Add support for metadata APIs in manilaclient SDK, and OSC CLI and SDK
- Add support for metadata interactions in the UI
- Add documentation
A further enhancement to this API would be to provide an interface
for administrators to create admin-only metadata values. Currently,
admin-only metadata values are delinated in a dictionary in
manila/manila/common/ Such a fixated list is sufficient for
the implementation of backend filtering for scheduling according to share
affinities. To implement this customization, we could revisit adjusting
the data-model to include an admin-only boolean value identifying
which keys are adjustable by admins or non-admins. Or we could provide
some configuration option in manila/manila/data/. Such an enhancement
requires further thought, and can be implemented at a later point.
Not a direct dependency, but this API change incorporates the metadata
changes necessary to implement this spec: `Affinity and anti-affinity
scheduler filter <>`_