
226 lines
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"""Redis checks.
import re
import time
from monagent.collector.checks import AgentCheck
class Redis(AgentCheck):
db_key_pattern = re.compile(r'^db\d+')
subkeys = ['keys', 'expires']
# Append-only metrics
'aof_last_rewrite_time_sec': 'redis.aof.last_rewrite_time',
'aof_rewrite_in_progress': 'redis.aof.rewrite',
'aof_current_size': 'redis.aof.size',
'aof_buffer_length': 'redis.aof.buffer_length',
# Network
'connected_clients': '',
'connected_slaves': '',
'rejected_connections': '',
# clients
'blocked_clients': 'redis.clients.blocked',
'client_biggest_input_buf': 'redis.clients.biggest_input_buf',
'client_longest_output_list': 'redis.clients.longest_output_list',
# Keys
'evicted_keys': 'redis.keys.evicted',
'expired_keys': 'redis.keys.expired',
# stats
'keyspace_hits': 'redis.stats.keyspace_hits',
'keyspace_misses': 'redis.stats.keyspace_misses',
'latest_fork_usec': 'redis.perf.latest_fork_usec',
# pubsub
'pubsub_channels': 'redis.pubsub.channels',
'pubsub_patterns': 'redis.pubsub.patterns',
# rdb
'rdb_bgsave_in_progress': 'redis.rdb.bgsave',
'rdb_changes_since_last_save': 'redis.rdb.changes_since_last',
'rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec': 'redis.rdb.last_bgsave_time',
# memory
'mem_fragmentation_ratio': 'redis.mem.fragmentation_ratio',
'used_memory': 'redis.mem.used',
'used_memory_lua': 'redis.mem.lua',
'used_memory_peak': 'redis.mem.peak',
'used_memory_rss': 'redis.mem.rss',
# replication
'master_last_io_seconds_ago': 'redis.replication.last_io_seconds_ago',
'master_sync_in_progress': 'redis.replication.sync',
'master_sync_left_bytes': 'redis.replication.sync_left_bytes',
# cpu
'used_cpu_sys': 'redis.cpu.sys',
'used_cpu_sys_children': 'redis.cpu.sys_children',
'used_cpu_user': 'redis.cpu.user',
'used_cpu_user_children': 'redis.cpu.user_children',
def __init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config):
AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config)
self.connections = {}
def get_library_versions():
import redis
version = redis.__version__
except ImportError:
version = "Not Found"
except AttributeError:
version = "Unknown"
return {"redis": version}
def _parse_dict_string(self, string, key, default):
"""Take from a more recent, parse_info.
for item in string.split(','):
k, v = item.rsplit('=', 1)
if k == key:
return int(v)
except ValueError:
return v
return default
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Cannot parse dictionary string: %s" % string)
return default
def _generate_instance_key(instance):
if 'unix_socket_path' in instance:
return (instance.get('unix_socket_path'), instance.get('db'))
return (instance.get('host'), instance.get('port'), instance.get('db'))
def _get_conn(self, instance):
import redis
key = self._generate_instance_key(instance)
if key not in self.connections:
# Only send useful parameters to the redis client constructor
list_params = ['host', 'port', 'db', 'password', 'socket_timeout',
'connection_pool', 'charset', 'errors', 'unix_socket_path']
connection_params = dict((k, instance[k]) for k in list_params if k in instance)
self.connections[key] = redis.Redis(**connection_params)
except TypeError:
raise Exception(
"You need a redis library that supports authenticated connections. Try sudo easy_install redis.")
return self.connections[key]
def _check_db(self, instance, dimensions=None):
conn = self._get_conn(instance)
if dimensions is None:
dimensions = {}
if 'unix_socket_path' in instance:
dimensions['unix_socket_path'] = instance.get("unix_socket_path")
dimensions['redis_host'] = instance.get('host')
dimensions['redis_port'] = instance.get('port')
if instance.get('db') is not None:
dimensions['db'] = instance.get('db')
# Ping the database for info, and track the latency.
start = time.time()
info =
except ValueError:
# This is likely a know issue with redis library 2.0.0
# See for details
import redis
raise Exception(
"""Unable to run the info command. This is probably an issue with your version of the python-redis library.
Minimum required version: 2.4.11
Your current version: %s
Please upgrade to a newer version by running sudo easy_install redis""" %
latency_ms = round((time.time() - start) * 1000, 2)
self.gauge('', latency_ms, dimensions=dimensions)
# Save the database statistics.
for key in info.keys():
if self.db_key_pattern.match(key):
db_dimensions = dimensions.copy()
db_dimensions['redis_db'] = key
for subkey in self.subkeys:
# Old redis module on ubuntu 10.04 (python-redis 0.6.1) does not
# returns a dict for those key but a string: keys=3,expires=0
# Try to parse it (see lighthouse #46)
val = -1
val = info[key].get(subkey, -1)
except AttributeError:
val = self._parse_dict_string(info[key], subkey, -1)
metric = '.'.join(['redis', subkey])
self.gauge(metric, val, dimensions=db_dimensions)
# Save a subset of db-wide statistics
[self.gauge(self.GAUGE_KEYS[k], info[k], dimensions=dimensions)
for k in self.GAUGE_KEYS if k in info]
[self.rate(self.RATE_KEYS[k], info[k], dimensions=dimensions)
for k in self.RATE_KEYS if k in info]
# Save the number of commands.
self.rate('', info['total_commands_processed'], dimensions=dimensions)
def check(self, instance):
import redis
except ImportError:
raise Exception(
'Python Redis Module can not be imported. Please check the installation instruction on the Datadog Website')
if ("host" not in instance or "port" not in instance) and "unix_socket_path" not in instance:
raise Exception("You must specify a host/port couple or a unix_socket_path")
custom_dimensions = instance.get('dimensions', {})
self._check_db(instance, custom_dimensions)
def parse_agent_config(agentConfig):
if not agentConfig.get('redis_urls'):
return False
urls = agentConfig.get('redis_urls')
instances = []
for url in [u.strip() for u in urls.split(',')]:
password = None
if '@' in url:
password, host_port = url.split('@')
host, port = host_port.split(':')
host, port = url.split(':')
'host': host,
'port': int(port),
'password': password
return {
'instances': instances