
413 lines
12 KiB

from hashlib import md5
import os
import platform
import signal
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import math
import time
import uuid
import tempfile
import re
# Tornado
from tornado import ioloop, version_info as tornado_version
except ImportError:
pass # We are likely running the agent without the forwarder and tornado is not installed
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NumericTypes = (float, int, long)
def plural(count):
if count == 1:
return ""
return "s"
def get_tornado_ioloop():
if tornado_version[0] == 3:
return ioloop.IOLoop.current()
return ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
def get_uuid():
# Generate a unique name that will stay constant between
# invocations, such as platform.node() + uuid.getnode()
# Use uuid5, which does not depend on the clock and is
# recommended over uuid3.
# This is important to be able to identify a server even if
# its drives have been wiped clean.
# Note that this is not foolproof but we can reconcile servers
# on the back-end if need be, based on mac addresses.
return uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, platform.node() + str(uuid.getnode())).hex
def get_os():
"Human-friendly OS name"
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
return 'mac'
elif sys.platform.find('freebsd') != -1:
return 'freebsd'
elif sys.platform.find('linux') != -1:
return 'linux'
elif sys.platform.find('win32') != -1:
return 'windows'
elif sys.platform.find('sunos') != -1:
return 'solaris'
return sys.platform
def headers(agentConfig):
# Build the request headers
return {
'User-Agent': 'Mon Agent/%s' % agentConfig['version'],
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept': 'text/html, */*',
def getTopIndex():
macV = None
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
macV = platform.mac_ver()
# Output from top is slightly modified on OS X 10.6 (case #28239)
if macV and macV[0].startswith('10.6.'):
return 6
return 5
def isnan(val):
if hasattr(math, 'isnan'):
return math.isnan(val)
# for py < 2.6, use a different check
return str(val) == str(1e400 * 0)
def cast_metric_val(val):
# ensure that the metric value is a numeric type
if not isinstance(val, NumericTypes):
# Try the int conversion first because want to preserve
# whether the value is an int or a float. If neither work,
# raise a ValueError to be handled elsewhere
for cast in [int, float]:
val = cast(val)
return val
except ValueError:
raise ValueError
return val
def is_valid_hostname(hostname):
if hostname.lower() in {'localhost', 'localhost.localdomain',
'localhost6.localdomain6', 'ip6-localhost'}:
log.warning("Hostname: %s is local" % hostname)
return False
if len(hostname) > MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN:
log.warning("Hostname: %s is too long (max length is %s characters)" %
(hostname, MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN))
return False
if VALID_HOSTNAME_RFC_1123_PATTERN.match(hostname) is None:
log.warning("Hostname: %s is not complying with RFC 1123" % hostname)
return False
return True
def get_hostname(config=None):
Get the canonical host name this agent should identify as. This is
the authoritative source of the host name for the agent.
Tries, in order:
* agent config (agent.conf, "hostname:")
* 'hostname -f' (on unix)
* socket.gethostname()
hostname = None
# first, try the config
if config is None:
from monagent.common.config import get_config
config = get_config(parse_args=True)
config_hostname = config.get('hostname')
if config_hostname and is_valid_hostname(config_hostname):
return config_hostname
# then move on to os-specific detection
if hostname is None:
def _get_hostname_unix():
# try fqdn
p = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/hostname', '-f'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
if p.returncode == 0:
return out.strip()
except Exception:
return None
os_name = get_os()
if os_name in ['mac', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'solaris']:
unix_hostname = _get_hostname_unix()
if unix_hostname and is_valid_hostname(unix_hostname):
hostname = unix_hostname
# fall back on socket.gethostname(), socket.getfqdn() is too unreliable
if hostname is None:
socket_hostname = socket.gethostname()
except socket.error:
socket_hostname = None
if socket_hostname and is_valid_hostname(socket_hostname):
hostname = socket_hostname
if hostname is None:
'Unable to reliably determine host name. You can define one in agent.conf or in your hosts file')
raise Exception(
'Unable to reliably determine host name. You can define one in agent.conf or in your hosts file')
return hostname
class Watchdog(object):
"""Simple signal-based watchdog that will scuttle the current process
if it has not been reset every N seconds, or if the processes exceeds
a specified memory threshold.
Can only be invoked once per process, so don't use with multiple threads.
If you instantiate more than one, you're also asking for trouble.
def __init__(self, duration, max_mem_mb=None):
import resource
# Set the duration
self._duration = int(duration)
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, Watchdog.self_destruct)
# cap memory usage
if max_mem_mb is not None:
self._max_mem_kb = 1024 * max_mem_mb
max_mem_bytes = 1024 * self._max_mem_kb
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (max_mem_bytes, max_mem_bytes))
self.memory_limit_enabled = True
self.memory_limit_enabled = False
def self_destruct(signum, frame):
import traceback
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
def reset(self):
# self destruct if using too much memory, as tornado will swallow MemoryErrors
mem_usage_kb = int(os.popen('ps -p %d -o %s | tail -1' % (os.getpid(), 'rss')).read())
if self.memory_limit_enabled and mem_usage_kb > (0.95 * self._max_mem_kb):
Watchdog.self_destruct(signal.SIGKILL, sys._getframe(0))
log.debug("Resetting watchdog for %d" % self._duration)
class PidFile(object):
""" A small helper class for pidfiles. """
PID_DIR = '/var/run/monasca-agent'
def __init__(self, program, pid_dir=None):
self.pid_file = "" % program
self.pid_dir = pid_dir or self.get_default_pid_dir()
self.pid_path = os.path.join(self.pid_dir, self.pid_file)
def get_default_pid_dir():
if get_os() != 'windows':
return PidFile.PID_DIR
return tempfile.gettempdir()
def get_path(self):
# Can we write to the directory
if os.access(self.pid_dir, os.W_OK):"Pid file is: %s" % self.pid_path)
return self.pid_path
except Exception:
log.warn("Cannot locate pid file, trying to use: %s" % tempfile.gettempdir())
# if all else fails
if os.access(tempfile.gettempdir(), os.W_OK):
tmp_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), self.pid_file)
log.debug("Using temporary pid file: %s" % tmp_path)
return tmp_path
# Can't save pid file, bail out
log.error("Cannot save pid file anywhere")
raise Exception("Cannot save pid file anywhere")
def clean(self):
path = self.get_path()
log.debug("Cleaning up pid file %s" % path)
return True
except Exception:
log.warn("Could not clean up pid file")
return False
def get_pid(self):
"Retrieve the actual pid"
pf = open(self.get_path())
pid_s =
return int(pid_s.strip())
except Exception:
return None
class LaconicFilter(logging.Filter):
Filters messages, only print them once while keeping memory under control
def __init__(self, name=""):
logging.Filter.__init__(self, name)
self.hashed_messages = {}
def hash(msg):
return md5(msg).hexdigest()
def filter(self, record):
h = self.hash(record.getMessage())
if h in self.hashed_messages:
return 0
# Don't blow up our memory
if len(self.hashed_messages) >= LaconicFilter.LACONIC_MEM_LIMIT:
self.hashed_messages[h] = True
return 1
except Exception:
return 1
class Timer(object):
""" Helper class """
def __init__(self):
def _now():
return time.time()
def start(self):
self.started = self._now()
self.last = self.started
return self
def step(self):
now = self._now()
step = now - self.last
self.last = now
return step
def total(self, as_sec=True):
return self._now() - self.started
class Platform(object):
Return information about the given platform.
def is_darwin(name=None):
name = name or sys.platform
return 'darwin' in name
def is_freebsd(name=None):
name = name or sys.platform
return name.startswith("freebsd")
def is_linux(name=None):
name = name or sys.platform
return 'linux' in name
def is_bsd(name=None):
""" Return true if this is a BSD like operating system. """
name = name or sys.platform
return Platform.is_darwin(name) or Platform.is_freebsd(name)
def is_solaris(name=None):
name = name or sys.platform
return name == "sunos5"
def is_unix(name=None):
""" Return true if the platform is a unix, False otherwise. """
name = name or sys.platform
return (Platform.is_darwin()
or Platform.is_linux()
or Platform.is_freebsd()
def is_win32(name=None):
name = name or sys.platform
return name == "win32"
Iterable Recipes
def chunks(iterable, chunk_size):
"""Generate sequences of `chunk_size` elements from `iterable`."""
iterable = iter(iterable)
while True:
chunk = [None] * chunk_size
count = 0
for _ in range(chunk_size):
chunk[count] =
count += 1
yield chunk[:count]
except StopIteration:
if count:
yield chunk[:count]