
328 lines
12 KiB

# (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
from copy import deepcopy
import errno
import fcntl
import json
import os
import time
from monasca_agent.collector import checks
OK = 0
FAIL = 1
# name used for metrics reported directly by this module
PLUGIN_METRIC_NAME = 'monasca.json_plugin.status'
# Assumes metrics file written every 60 seconds
DEFAULT_STALE_AGE = 60 * 4 # These are too old to report
# Valid attributes of a metric
METRIC_KEYS = ['name', 'metric', 'timestamp', 'value', 'dimensions',
def _now():
"""Makes unit testing easier"""
return time.time()
class JsonPlugin(checks.AgentCheck):
"""Read measurements from JSON-formatted files
This plugin reads measurements from JSON-formatted files.
The format of the file is shown in the following example:
"stale_age": 300,
"replace_timestamps": false,
"measurements: [
"metric": "a_metric",
"dimensions: ["dim1": "val1"],
"value: 30.0,
"timestamp": 1474644040
"metric": "second_metric",
"dimensions: ["dim2": "val2"],
"value: 22.4,
"timestamp": 1474644040
In effect, the file contains a header and a list of measurements. The
header has the following fields:
A time in seconds. If the timestamp of a measurement is
older than this, this plugin reports a json_plugin.check metric
with a value of 1. The value_meta contains the name of
the JSON file that is aged.
This header is optional. It defaults to 4 minutes
A boolean. If set, the next time the plugin is called, it will
send all the measurements with a timestamp equal to the current
time (ignoring the timestamp in the measurements list). The
stale_age value is ignored with this setting.
This header is optional. It defaults to false.
This is a list of the measurements, formatted in the same way
that measurements are presented to the Monasca API. However,
if replace_timestamps is set, the timestamp key can be omitted
(since it is set to current time).
An alternate format for the file is that the header is omitted, i.e.,
if the first item in the file is a list, it is assumed this is the
measurement list and the header values are defaulted.
def __init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config, instances=None,
super(JsonPlugin, self).__init__(name, init_config, agent_config,
self.log = logger or self.log
self.plugin_failures = {} = time.time()
self.posted_metrics = {}
def _plugin_failed(self, file_name, msg):
self.plugin_failures[file_name] = msg
self.log.warn('%s: %s' % (file_name, msg))
def _plugin_check_metric(self):
"""Generate metric to report status of the plugin"""
plugin_metric = dict(metric=PLUGIN_METRIC_NAME,
# If there were any failures, put the path
# and error message into value_meta.
errors = []
for path, err in self.plugin_failures.items():
if err:
errors.append('%s: %s' % (path, err))
msg = ''
if errors:
msg = ', '.join(errors)
if msg:
if len(msg) > 1024: # keep well below length limit
msg = msg[:-1021] + '...'
return plugin_metric
def _take_shared_lock(fd):
"""Take shared lock on a file descriptor
Assuming the writer of the JSON file also takes a lock, this
function locks a file descriptor so that we can read the file
without worrying that the content is changing as we read.
Raises IOError if lock cannot be taken after a number of attempts.
:param fd: the file descriptor of the file being read
max_retries = 5
delay = 0.02
attempts = 0
while True:
attempts += 1
fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_SH | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError as err:
if (err.errno not in [errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EACCES] or
attempts > max_retries):
time.sleep(delay * attempts)
def _load_measurements_from_file(self, file_name):
handling = {}
file_data = {'measurements': []}
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
file_data = json.load(f)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
'failed parsing json: %s' % e)
except Exception as e: # noqa
'loading error: %s' % e)
if isinstance(file_data, list):
metrics = file_data
handling['stale_age'] = DEFAULT_STALE_AGE
handling['replace_timestamps'] = False
metrics = file_data.get('measurements', [])
handling['stale_age'] = file_data.get('stale_age',
handling['replace_timestamps'] = file_data.get(
'replace_timestamps', False)
except Exception as e: # noqa
'unable to process file contents: %s' % e)
metrics = []
metrics = self._filter_metrics(metrics, file_name)
return self._remove_duplicate_metrics(handling, metrics, file_name)
def _filter_metrics(self, metrics, file_name):
"""Remove invalid metrics from the metric list
Validate and clean up so the metric is suitable for passing to
AgentCheck.gauge(). The metric might be invalid (e.g., value_meta too
long), but that's not our concern here.
invalid_metric = None
valid_metrics = []
for metric in metrics:
if not isinstance(metric, dict):
invalid_metric = metric # not a dict
for key in metric.keys():
if key not in METRIC_KEYS:
invalid_metric = metric # spurious attribute
if 'name' not in metric.keys() and 'metric' not in metric.keys():
invalid_metric = metric # missing name
if 'value' not in metric.keys():
invalid_metric = metric # missing value
if 'name' in metric:
# API use 'name'; AgentCheck uses 'metric'
metric['metric'] = metric.get('name')
del metric['name']
if not metric.get('dimensions', None):
metric['dimensions'] = {}
if invalid_metric:
# Only report one invalid metric per file
self._plugin_failed(file_name, 'invalid metric found: %s' % metric)
return valid_metrics
def _remove_duplicate_metrics(self, handling, metrics, file_name):
"""Remove metrics if we've already reported them
We track the metrics we've posted to the Monasca Agent This allows us
to discard duplicate metrics. The most common cause of duplicates is
that the agent runs more often than the update period of the JSON file.
We also discard metrics that seem stale. This can occur when the
program creating the metrics file has died, so the JSON file
does not update with new metrics.
:param: handling: options for how measurements are handled
:param metrics: The metrics we found in the JSON file
:param file_name: the path of the JSON file
:returns: A list of metrics that should be posted
# Set timestamp if asked
if handling['replace_timestamps']:
for metric in metrics:
metric['timestamp'] =
# Since we've set the timestamp, these are unique (not duplicate)
# so no further processing is required
return metrics
# Remove metrics we've already posted. Also remove stale metrics.
if file_name not in self.posted_metrics:
self.posted_metrics[file_name] = []
stale_metrics = False
for metric in deepcopy(metrics):
if (( - metric.get('timestamp', 0)) >
metrics.remove(metric) # too old
stale_metrics = True
elif metric in self.posted_metrics[file_name]:
metrics.remove(metric) # already sent to Monasca
# New metric; not stale.
# Purge really old metrics from posted
for metric in list(self.posted_metrics[file_name]):
if (( - metric.get('timestamp', 0)) >=
handling.get('stale_age') * 2):
if stale_metrics:
self._plugin_failed(file_name, 'Metrics are older than %s seconds;'
' file not updating?' %
return metrics
def _get_metrics(self):
reported = []
for file_name in self.metrics_files:
metrics = self._load_measurements_from_file(file_name)
for metric in metrics:
return reported
def _load_instance_config(self, instance):
self.metrics_files = []
self.metrics_dir = instance.get('metrics_dir', '')
if self.metrics_dir:
self.plugin_failures[self.metrics_dir] = ''
file_names = os.listdir(self.metrics_dir)
for name in [os.path.join(self.metrics_dir, name) for
name in file_names]:
# .json extension protects from reading .swp and similar
if os.path.isfile(name) and name.lower().endswith('.json'):
except OSError as err:
'Error processing: %s' % err)
metric_file = instance.get('metrics_file', '')
if metric_file:
self.metrics_files = [metric_file]
self.log.debug('Using metrics files %s' % ','.join(self.metrics_files))
for file_name in self.metrics_files:
self.plugin_failures[file_name] = ''
def check(self, instance):
all_metrics = [] = _now()
# Load measurements from files
metrics = self._get_metrics()
# Add this plugin status
for metric in all_metrics:
# apply any instance dimensions that may be configured,
# overriding any dimension with same key that check has set.
metric['dimensions'] = self._set_dimensions(metric['dimensions'],
self.log.debug('Posting metric: %s' % metric)
except Exception as e: # noqa
self.log.exception('Exception while reporting metric: %s' % e)