
159 lines
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# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
import collections
import logging
import monasca_agent.collector.checks as checks
import kafka.client as client
import kafka.common as common
import kafka.consumer as consumer
except ImportError:
raise Exception('Missing python dependency: kafka (')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class KafkaConnection(object):
"""A simple context manager for kafka connections """
def __init__(self, connect_str):
self.connect_str = connect_str
def __enter__(self):
self.kafka_conn = client.KafkaClient(self.connect_str)
return self.kafka_conn
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
except Exception:
log.exception('Error cleaning up Kafka connection')
class KafkaCheck(checks.AgentCheck):
"""Checks the configured kafka instance reporting the consumption lag
for each partition per topic in each consumer group. If full_output
is set also reports broker offsets and the current consumer offset.
Works on Kafka version >=
def _parse_consumer_groups(self, raw_val):
"""Parses and validates the config
Expected format is:
myconsumer0: # consumer group name
- mytopic0
- mytopic0
- mytopic1
consumer_groups = dict()
for group, topics in raw_val.iteritems():
assert isinstance(group, basestring)
if isinstance(topics, dict):"Found old config format, discarding partition list")
topics = topics.keys()
assert isinstance(topics, list)
assert isinstance(topics[0], basestring)
consumer_groups[group] = topics
return consumer_groups
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Invalid `consumer_groups` value. Must be a mapping of lists")
def _get_kafka_offsets(self, kafka_conn, consumer_groups):
# Query Kafka for consumer offsets
consumer_offsets = {}
topic_partitions = collections.defaultdict(set)
for consumer_group, topics in consumer_groups.iteritems():
for topic in topics:
kafka_consumer = None
kafka_consumer = consumer.SimpleConsumer(kafka_conn, consumer_group, topic)
partitions = kafka_consumer.offsets.keys()
except Exception:
self.log.error('Error fetching partition list for topic {0}'.format(topic))
if kafka_consumer is not None:
# Remember the topic partitions encountered so that we can look up their broker offsets later
consumer_offsets[(consumer_group, topic)] = {}
for partition in partitions:
consumer_offsets[(consumer_group, topic)][partition] = kafka_consumer.offsets[partition]
except KeyError:
self.log.error('Error fetching consumer offset for {0} partition {1}'.format(topic, partition))
# Query Kafka for the broker offsets, done in a separate loop so only one query is done
# per topic/partition even if multiple consumer groups watch the same topic
broker_offsets = {}
for topic, partitions in topic_partitions.iteritems():
offset_responses = []
for p in partitions:
response = kafka_conn.send_offset_request([common.OffsetRequest(topic, p, -1, 1)])
except common.KafkaError as e:
self.log.error("Error fetching broker offset: {0}".format(e))
for resp in offset_responses:
broker_offsets[(resp.topic, resp.partition)] = resp.offsets[0]
return consumer_offsets, broker_offsets
def check(self, instance):
raw_consumer_groups = self.read_config(instance, 'consumer_groups')
consumer_groups = self._parse_consumer_groups(raw_consumer_groups)
kafka_host_ports = self.read_config(instance, 'kafka_connect_str')
full_output = self.read_config(instance, 'full_output', cast=bool, optional=True)
per_partition = self.read_config(instance, 'per_partition', cast=bool, optional=True)
if not per_partition:
full_output = False
dimensions = {'component': 'kafka', 'service': 'kafka'}
# Connect to Kafka and pull information
with KafkaConnection(kafka_host_ports) as kafka_conn:
consumer_offsets, broker_offsets = self._get_kafka_offsets(kafka_conn, consumer_groups)
# Report the broker data if full output
if full_output:
broker_dimensions = dimensions.copy()
for (topic, partition), broker_offset in broker_offsets.iteritems():
broker_dimensions.update({'topic': topic, 'partition': str(partition)})
broker_offset = broker_offsets.get((topic, partition))
self.gauge('kafka.broker_offset', broker_offset,
dimensions=self._set_dimensions(broker_dimensions, instance))
# Report the consumer data
consumer_dimensions = dimensions.copy()
for (consumer_group, topic), offsets in consumer_offsets.iteritems():
if per_partition:
for partition, consumer_offset in offsets.iteritems():
# Get the broker offset
broker_offset = broker_offsets.get((topic, partition))
# Report the consumer offset and lag
consumer_dimensions.update({'topic': topic, 'partition': str(partition),
'consumer_group': consumer_group})
if full_output:
self.gauge('kafka.consumer_offset', consumer_offset,
dimensions=self._set_dimensions(consumer_dimensions, instance))
self.gauge('kafka.consumer_lag', broker_offset - consumer_offset,
dimensions=self._set_dimensions(consumer_dimensions, instance))
consumer_dimensions.update({'topic': topic, 'consumer_group': consumer_group})
total_lag = 0
for partition, consumer_offset in offsets.iteritems():
broker_offset = broker_offsets.get((topic, partition))
total_lag += broker_offset - consumer_offset
self.gauge('kafka.consumer_lag', total_lag,
dimensions=self._set_dimensions(consumer_dimensions, instance))