
282 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import monasca_analytics.ingestor.base as ingestor
import monasca_analytics.ldp.base as ldp
import monasca_analytics.sink.base as sink
import monasca_analytics.sml.base as sml
import monasca_analytics.source.base as source
import monasca_analytics.voter.base as voter
import monasca_analytics.banana.grammar.ast as ast
import monasca_analytics.banana.typeck.connections as conn
import monasca_analytics.banana.typeck.type_table as typetbl
import monasca_analytics.banana.typeck.type_util as u
import monasca_analytics.exception.banana as exception
import monasca_analytics.exception.monanas as exception_monanas
import monasca_analytics.util.common_util as introspect
def typeck(banana_file):
Type-check the provided BananaFile instance.
If it type check, it returns the associated TypeTable.
:type banana_file: ast.BananaFile
:param banana_file: The file to typecheck.
:rtype: typetbl.TypeTable
:return: Returns the TypeTable for this BananaFile
type_table = typetbl.TypeTable()
statement_index = 0
for stmt in banana_file.statements:
lhs, rhs = stmt
type_computed = typeck_rhs(rhs, type_table)
type_table.set_type(lhs, type_computed, statement_index)
statement_index += 1
conn.typeck_connections(banana_file.connections, type_table)
return type_table
def typeck_rhs(ast_value, type_table):
Type-check the provided ast value. And returns its type.
This function does not support assignment,
:type ast_value: ast.ASTNode
:param ast_value: The ast_value to type check.
:type type_table: typetbl.TypeTable
:param type_table: The type table. Used for type lookup.
:rtype: u.Component | u.Object | u.Number | u.String
:return: Returns the computed type.
if isinstance(ast_value, ast.Number):
return u.Number()
if isinstance(ast_value, ast.StringLit):
return u.String()
if isinstance(ast_value, ast.Ident):
return type_table.get_type(ast_value)
if isinstance(ast_value, ast.DotPath):
return type_table.get_type(ast_value)
if isinstance(ast_value, ast.Expr):
return typeck_expr(ast_value, type_table)
if isinstance(ast_value, ast.JsonObj):
return typeck_jsonobj(ast_value, type_table)
if isinstance(ast_value, ast.Component):
return typeck_component(ast_value, type_table)
raise Exception("Unhandled ast value type {}!!".format(ast_value))
def typeck_jsonobj(json_obj, type_table):
Type-check a json-like object. If it succeeds
it return the appropriate type describing this
json like object. Raise an exception otherwise.
:type json_obj: ast.JsonObj
:param json_obj: The JsonObj ast node.
:type type_table: typetbl.TypeTable
:param type_table: The type table.
:rtype: u.Object
:return: Returns an instance of util.Object describing
the full type of this json object.
root_type = u.Object(strict_checking=False)
for k, v in json_obj.props.iteritems():
sub_type = u.create_object_tree(k, typeck_rhs(v, type_table))
u.attach_to_root(root_type, sub_type, json_obj.span)
return root_type
def typeck_expr(expr, type_table):
Type-check the given expression. If the typecheck
pass, the resulting type will be used for the strategy
to use when evaluating this expression.
:type expr: ast.Expr
:param expr: The expression to typecheck.
:type type_table: typetbl.TypeTable
:param type_table: Type of the table
:rtype: u.Number | u.String
:return: Returns the type of the expression if possible
:raise: Raise an exception
# In the case where we are just wrapping around
# only one expression, the logic below
# needs to be skipped.
if len(expr.expr_tree) == 1:
return typeck_rhs(expr.expr_tree[0], type_table)
_type = None
must_be_number = False
def check_type(old_type, new_type):
if new_type == old_type:
return old_type
elif new_type == u.String():
if must_be_number:
raise exception.BananaTypeError(
if old_type is None:
return new_type
elif u.can_to_str(old_type):
return new_type
raise exception.BananaTypeError(
elif new_type == u.Number():
if old_type is None:
return new_type
elif old_type == u.String():
return old_type
elif not old_type == u.Number():
raise exception.BananaTypeError(
raise exception.BananaTypeError(
def allowed_symbol(current_type):
if current_type == u.String():
return ['+']
return ['+', '-', '*', '/']
for el in expr.expr_tree:
if isinstance(el, ast.StringLit):
_type = check_type(_type, u.String())
elif isinstance(el, ast.Number):
_type = check_type(_type, u.Number())
elif isinstance(el, ast.Ident):
ident_type = type_table.get_type(el)
_type = check_type(_type, ident_type)
elif isinstance(el, ast.DotPath):
dotpath_type = type_table.get_type(el)
_type = check_type(_type, dotpath_type)
elif isinstance(el, ast.Expr):
_type = check_type(_type, typeck_expr(el, type_table))
elif isinstance(el, basestring):
if el not in allowed_symbol(_type):
raise exception.BananaUnknownOperator(expr.span, el, _type)
if el in ['-', '*', '/']:
must_be_number = True
raise exception.BananaTypeError(
expected_type=[u.Number.__name__, u.String.__name__,
# The final type if we made until here!
return _type
def typeck_component(component, type_table):
Type-check the provided component. Returns
the appropriate subclass of util.Component if
successful, or raise an exception if there's
an error.
:type component: ast.Component
:param component: The component ast node.
:type type_table: typetbl.TypeTable
:param type_table: the type table.
:rtype: u.Source | u.Sink | u.Voter | u.Ldp | u.Sml | u.Ingestor
:return: Returns the appropriate type for the component.
# TODO(Joan): This wont't work for type that are defined
# TODO(Joan): at the language level. We need a registration service
# TODO(Joan): to manage the Types of component that we can create
# TODO(Joan): instead of this hacky function call.
component_type = introspect.get_class_by_name(component.type_name.val)
comp_params = component_type.get_params()
except exception_monanas.MonanasNoSuchClassError:
raise exception.BananaUnknown(
# Compute the type of the component
if issubclass(component_type, source.BaseSource):
comp_type = u.Source(component_type.__name__, comp_params)
elif issubclass(component_type, sink.BaseSink):
comp_type = u.Sink(component_type.__name__, comp_params)
elif issubclass(component_type, sml.BaseSML):
comp_type = u.Sml(component_type.__name__, comp_params)
elif issubclass(component_type, voter.BaseVoter):
comp_type = u.Voter(component_type.__name__, comp_params)
elif issubclass(component_type, ldp.BaseLDP):
comp_type = u.Ldp(component_type.__name__, comp_params)
elif issubclass(component_type, ingestor.BaseIngestor):
comp_type = u.Ingestor(component_type.__name__, comp_params)
raise exception.BananaTypeCheckerBug("Couldn't find a type for '{}'"
# Type check the parameters
if len(component.args) > len(comp_params):
raise exception.BananaComponentTooManyParams(component.span)
# Does saying that parameter should either all have a name
# or non at all satisfying? -> Yes
# Are parameter all named?
all_named = -1
for arg in component.args:
if arg.arg_name is not None:
if all_named == 0:
raise exception.BananaComponentMixingParams(arg.span, False)
all_named = 1
if all_named == 1:
raise exception.BananaComponentMixingParams(arg.span, True)
all_named = 0
if all_named == 1:
for arg in component.args:
param = filter(lambda x: x.param_name == arg.arg_name.inner_val(),
if len(param) != 1:
raise exception.BananaComponentIncorrectParamName(
param = param[0]
expr_type = typeck_rhs(arg.value, type_table)
if not u.can_be_cast_to(expr_type, param.param_type):
raise exception.BananaArgumentTypeError(
for arg, param in zip(component.args, comp_params):
arg.arg_name = ast.Ident(arg.span, param.param_name)
expr_type = typeck_rhs(arg.value, type_table)
if not u.can_be_cast_to(expr_type, param.param_type):
raise exception.BananaArgumentTypeError(
return comp_type