
253 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not used this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import json
import logging
from main.config import const as config_const
from main.dsl import const as dsl_const
from main.dsl import dsl
from main.dsl import parser
from main.exception import dsl as err
import main.util.common_util as cu
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DSLInterpreter():
def __init__(self):
self.file_in_use = None
self.dsl = dsl.MonanasDSL()
self.mappings = {}
def execute_string(self, str_program):
"""Parse and execute the command/s in the string passed as parameter
:param str_program: str -- command to be executed
:returns: str -- execution result
info = parser.get_parser().parseString(str_program)
return self.execute(info)
def execute_file(self, file_program):
"""Parse and execute the command/s in the file passed as parameter
:param file_program: str -- path to the file containing the
command to be executed
:returns: str -- execution result
info = parser.get_parser().parseFile(file_program)
return self.execute(info)
def execute(self, info):
"""Execute parsed command/s
:param info: dict -- containing the parsed instructions
:returns: str -- execution result
for cmd in info:
for key in cmd.keys():
if key == dsl_const.CREATE:
return self.create(cmd[key][0], cmd[key][1])
elif key == dsl_const.CONNECT:
return self.connect(cmd[key][0], cmd[key][1])
elif key == dsl_const.DISCONNECT:
return self.disconnect(cmd[key][0], cmd[key][1])
elif key == dsl_const.LOAD:
return self.load(cmd[key][0])
elif key == dsl_const.SAVE_AS:
elif key == dsl_const.SAVE:
elif key == dsl_const.REMOVE:
return self.remove(cmd[key][0])
elif key == dsl_const.MODIFY:
return self.modify(
cmd[key][0], cmd[key][1:-1], cmd[key][-1])
elif key == dsl_const.PRINT:
if len(cmd[key]) > 0:
return self.prnt(cmd[key][0])
return self.prnt_all()
elif key == dsl_const.LIST:
if len(cmd[key]) > 0:
return self.list(cmd[key][0])
return self.list_all()
elif key == dsl_const.HELP:
return logger.warn("Wrong command" + str(cmd))
def create(self, varname, modulename):
"""Add a module defined by modulename in the configuration
:param varname: str -- name of the variable representing
the new component
:returns: str -- new component ID
clz = cu.get_class_by_name(modulename)
conf = copy.deepcopy(clz.get_default_config())
comp_id = self.dsl.add_component(conf)
self.mappings[varname] = comp_id
return comp_id
def connect(self, origin_varname, dest_varname):
"""Connect two components
:param origin_varname: str -- variable name or ID of the source
component of the connection
:param dest_varname: str -- variable name or ID of the destination
component of the connection
:returns: bool -- True if the connection was performed,
false otherwise
origin_id = self._get_id(origin_varname)
dest_id = self._get_id(dest_varname)
return self.dsl.connect_components(origin_id, dest_id)
def _get_id(self, name_or_id):
"""Get the ID from a name or ID
:param name_or_id: str -- variable name or ID
:param dest_varname: variable name or ID of the destination
component of the connection
:returns: str -- ID
if name_or_id in self.mappings.keys():
return self.mappings[name_or_id]
for comp_type in config_const.components_types:
if name_or_id in self.dsl._config[comp_type]:
return name_or_id
raise err.DSLInterpreterException("undefined variable: " + name_or_id)
def disconnect(self, origin_varname, dest_varname):
"""Disconnect two components
:param origin_varname: str -- variable name or ID of the source
component of the connection
:param dest_varname: str -- variable name or ID of the destination
component of the connection
:returns: bool -- True if the components were disconnected,
false otherwise
origin_id = self._get_id(origin_varname)
dest_id = self._get_id(dest_varname)
return self.dsl.disconnect_components(origin_id, dest_id)
def load(self, filepath):
"""Load configuration from a file
:param filepath: str -- path to the file to be loaded
self.file_in_use = filepath
def save(self, filepath=None):
"""Save configuration to a file
:param filepath: str -- (Optional) path to the file where the
configuration will be saved. If the path is not provided, the last file
used for saving or loading will be used.
if not filepath:
filepath = self.file_in_use
saved = self.dsl.save_configuration(filepath, overwrite_file=True)
if saved:
self.file_in_use = filepath
return saved
def remove(self, varname):
"""Remove a variable or ID from the configuration
:param varname: str -- variable name or ID mapped to the component
that will be removed from the configuration
remove_id = self._get_id(varname)
return self.dsl.remove_component(remove_id)
def modify(self, varname, params, value):
"""Override the value of the configuration path of a component
:param varname: str -- variable name or ID mapped to the component
:param params: list -- path to be modified in the configuration
:param value: any -- value to assign
modify_id = self._get_id(varname)
return self.dsl.modify_component(modify_id, params, value)
def prnt(self, varname):
"""Print the configuration of the module/s defined by varname
If varname is a variable or ID associated to a particular component,
the configuration of that component will be printed. If if is a type
of components, the configurations of all components of that type
will be printed.
:param varname: str -- variable, ID or type to be printed
:returns: str -- requested configuration in string format
if varname in self.dsl._config.keys():
return self._json_print(self.dsl._config[varname])
itemId = self._get_id(varname)
for k in config_const.components_types:
if itemId in self.dsl._config[k]:
return self._json_print(self.dsl._config[k][itemId])
def prnt_all(self):
"""Print the the whole configuration
:returns: str -- whole configuration in string format
return self._json_print(self.dsl._config)
def _json_print(self, jstr):
"""Format Json as a clean string"""
return json.dumps(jstr, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
def list(self, key):
"""List the available components of the type passed as parameter"""
ret = ""
if key in config_const.components_types:
for name in cu.get_available_class_names(key):
ret += "- " + name + "\n"
return ret
def list_all(self):
"""List all available components grouped by type"""
ret = ""
for key in config_const.components_types:
ret += "- " + key + "\n"
for name in cu.get_available_class_names(key):
ret += " - " + name + "\n"
return ret
def help(self):
return """
Available commands
- print: prints current configuration
- list: shows available modules
- load: loads a config from a file
- save: saves a config to a file
- <var> = <module>: instantiates module <module>, referenced by <var>
- <var1>-><var2>: connects the module <var1> to the module <var2>
- <var1>!-><var2>: disconnects the module <var1> from the module <var2>
- rm <var>: removes the module corresponding to <var>
- exit: finishes the execution of monanas command line