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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import logging
import os
import unittest
import numpy as np
from monasca_analytics.ingestor import iptables as ipt_ing
from monasca_analytics.source import iptables_markov_chain as ipt_src
class TestIptablesIngestor(unittest.TestCase):
def setup_logging(self):
current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
logging_config_file = os.path.join(current_dir,
with open(logging_config_file, "rt") as f:
config = json.load(f)
def setUp(self):
self.rdd_entry = {
"ctime": "Mon Apr 11 19:59:12 2016",
"events": [
"msg": "OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT",
"id": "1"},
"msg": "OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT",
"id": "1"}
self.ip_ing = ipt_ing.IptablesIngestor("fake_id",
{"module": "fake_config"})
self.ip_ing.set_feature_list(["ssh", "ip", "http", "ping"])
def tearDown(self):
def test_get_default_config(self):
default_config = ipt_ing.IptablesIngestor.get_default_config()
self.assertEqual("IptablesIngestor", default_config["module"])
def test_process_data(self):
rdd_str = '{"ctime": "Mon Apr 11 19:59:12 2016","events": ['
for iptable in ipt_src.iptables:
rdd_str += '{"msg": "' + iptable + '","id": "1"}, '
rdd_str = rdd_str[:-2] + ']}'
processed = self.ip_ing._process_data(rdd_str, self.ip_ing._features)
processed, np.array([2, 4, 2, 4]))