# The region for which all metrics passing through this server will be persisted region: region-a # Whether this server is running on a secure port accessedViaHttps: false # Topic for publishing metrics to metricsTopic: metrics # Topic for publishing domain events to eventsTopic: events kafka: brokerUris: - zookeeperUris: - healthCheckTopic: healthcheck mysql: driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver url: jdbc:mysql:// user: monapi password: password maxWaitForConnection: 1s validationQuery: "/* MyService Health Check */ SELECT 1" minSize: 4 maxSize: 32 checkConnectionWhileIdle: false checkConnectionOnBorrow: true vertica: driverClass: com.vertica.jdbc.Driver url: jdbc:vertica:// user: dbadmin password: password maxWaitForConnection: 1s validationQuery: "/* MyService Health Check */ SELECT 1" minSize: 4 maxSize: 32 checkConnectionWhileIdle: false middleware: enabled: false serviceIds: 100 endpointIds: 160 serverVIP: identity.example.com serverPort: 9543 connTimeout: 500 connSSLClientAuth: true keystore: etc/monasca/keystore.jks keystorePass: changeit truststore: etc/monasca/truststore.jks truststorePass: changeit connPoolMaxActive: 3 connPoolMaxIdle: 3 connPoolEvictPeriod: 600000 connPoolMinIdleTime: 600000 connRetryTimes: 2 connRetryInterval: 50 rolesToMatch: [user, domainuser, domainadmin] # Logging settings. logging: # The default level of all loggers. Can be OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, or ALL. level: INFO # Logger-specific levels. loggers: # Sets the level for 'com.example.app' to DEBUG. com.example.app: DEBUG appenders: - type: console threshold: ALL timeZone: UTC target: stdout logFormat: # TODO - type: file currentLogFilename: ./log/monasca-api.log threshold: ALL archive: true archivedLogFilenamePattern: ./log/monasca-api-%d.log archivedFileCount: 5 timeZone: UTC logFormat: # TODO - type: syslog host: localhost port: 514 facility: local0 threshold: ALL logFormat: # TODO