# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order # of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration # process, please pay attention to order them correctly. # this is the base monasca-api requirements. To choose a particular # implementation to install, run pip install -r xxx-requirements.txt. # # for example, to install monasca-api and v2 reference implementation, do the # followings: # # pip install -r requirements.txt -r ref-impl-requirements.txt # # The above will install monasca-api base and reference implementation # dependencies. # # To install monasca-api and elasticsearch implementation, do the following: # # pip install -r requirements.txt -r es-impl-requirements.txt # # The above command will install monasca-api base and elasticsearch # implementation while leave other implementation dependencies alone. falcon==0.1.9 gunicorn>=19.1.0 keystonemiddleware oslo.config>=1.2.1 oslo.middleware oslo.serialization oslo.utils pastedeploy>=1.3.3 pbr>=0.6,!=0.7,<1.0 python-dateutil>=1.5 six>=1.7.0 stevedore>=0.14 ujson>=1.33 peewee>=2.4.7 pyparsing>=2.0.3 voluptuous>=0.8.7 MySQL-python>=1.2.3 influxdb>=0.2.0 eventlet